Sorting on multiple values, some ascending, some descending



I have successfully used the sort lambda construct described in
However, how do I take it one step further such that some values can be
sorted ascending and others descending? Easy enough if the sort values
are numeric (just negate the value), but what about text?

Is the only option to define an external sorting function to loop
through the list and perform the comparisons one value at a time?

Raymond Hettinger

dwelden said:
I have successfully used the sort lambda construct described in
However, how do I take it one step further such that some values can be
sorted ascending and others descending? Easy enough if the sort values
are numeric (just negate the value), but what about text?

Is the only option to define an external sorting function to loop
through the list and perform the comparisons one value at a time?

The simplest way is to take advantage of sort-stability and do
successive sorts. For example, to sort by a primary key ascending and
a secondary key decending:

L.sort(key=lambda r: r.secondary, reverse=True)
L.sort(key=lambda r: r.primary)

A less general technique is to transform fields in a way that reverses
their comparison order:

L.sort(key=lambda r: (-r.age, r.height)) # sorts descending age
and ascending height


Carsten Haese

I have successfully used the sort lambda construct described in
However, how do I take it one step further such that some values can be
sorted ascending and others descending? Easy enough if the sort values
are numeric (just negate the value), but what about text?

Is the only option to define an external sorting function to loop
through the list and perform the comparisons one value at a time?

If by "external sorting function" you mean a custom comparison function
to pass to sort as the cmp argument, then that's one option, but not the
only one.

If you know in advance which columns contain strings, you could write a
function that operates on strings and is strictly monotonically
decreasing, i.e. it behaves such that f(x) < f(y) if and only if x > y.
This function could then be used in the sort key for sorting on a string
column in descending order. The following function does the trick:

def antistring(x):
return [256-ord(c) for c in x]+[257]

(Proof by vigorous handwaving.)

Lastly, if your array is small enough that you can tolerate the
performance hit of multiple passes, you could exploit the fact that
sort() is guaranteed to be stable in sufficiently recent releases of
CPython. Split your sort on n columns into n separate sorts on a single
column each, and use the 'reverse' parameter to specify whether to sort
forward or backwards.

Hope this helps,



Raymond Hettinger:
The simplest way is to take advantage of sort-stability and do
successive sorts. For example, to sort by a primary key ascending and
a secondary key decending:
L.sort(key=lambda r: r.secondary, reverse=True)
L.sort(key=lambda r: r.primary)

That's probably the faster and simpler way.
The following solution is probably slow, memory-hungry, and it's not
tested much so it may be buggy too, but it shows my idea, and bugs can
be fixed:

class Inverter:
def __init__(self, item, reversed=False):
self.item = item
self.reversed = reversed
def __cmp__(self, other):
if self.reversed:
return cmp(other.item, self.item)
return cmp(self.item, other.item)

data = [[1, "a", "b"], [1, "b", "d"], [1, "d", "a"]]
reverses = [True, False, False]

print sorted(data, key=lambda subseq: map(Inverter, subseq, reverses))


Peter Otten

Raymond said:
The simplest way is to take advantage of sort-stability and do
successive sorts. For example, to sort by a primary key ascending and
a secondary key decending:

L.sort(key=lambda r: r.secondary, reverse=True)
L.sort(key=lambda r: r.primary)

A less general technique is to transform fields in a way that reverses
their comparison order:

L.sort(key=lambda r: (-r.age, r.height)) # sorts descending age
and ascending height

You can get generality if you are willing to pay the performance penalty:
items [(3, 1), (2, 2), (1, 1), (1, 3), (2, 1), (2, 3), (1, 2)]
class Reverse:
.... def __cmp__(self, other):
.... return -cmp(self.value, other.value)
.... def __init__(self, value):
.... self.value = value
....[(1, 3), (1, 2), (1, 1), (2, 3), (2, 2), (2, 1), (3, 1)]


George Sakkis

dwelden said:
I have successfully used the sort lambda construct described in
However, how do I take it one step further such that some values can be
sorted ascending and others descending? Easy enough if the sort values
are numeric (just negate the value), but what about text?

You got already some good replies; here's yet another less-than-optimal

class revstr(str):
def __lt__(self, other):
return str.__gt__(self,other)
def __gt__(self, other):
return str.__lt__(self,other)

L.sort(key=lambda i: (i.somestring, revstr(i.someotherstring),



The simplest way is to take advantage of sort-stability and do
successive sorts. For example, to sort by a primary key ascending and
a secondary key decending:

L.sort(key=lambda r: r.secondary, reverse=True)
L.sort(key=lambda r: r.primary)
Excellent! That looks just like what I needed.
A less general technique is to transform fields in a way that reverses
their comparison order:

L.sort(key=lambda r: (-r.age, r.height)) # sorts descending age
and ascending height
This one I had figured out, but could not see how to get it to work for

Much obliged.


dwelden said:
Excellent! That looks just like what I needed.

Note that there is the (probably little used) operator.attrgetter()
too, with that you can avoid the possibly slow lambda:

operator.itemgetter(n) is when you have items that can be be accessed
by index.



(e-mail address removed) a écrit :
Raymond Hettinger:
The simplest way is to take advantage of sort-stability and do
successive sorts. For example, to sort by a primary key ascending and
a secondary key decending:
L.sort(key=lambda r: r.secondary, reverse=True)
L.sort(key=lambda r: r.primary)

That's probably the faster and simpler way.
The following solution is probably slow, memory-hungry, and it's not
tested much so it may be buggy too, but it shows my idea, and bugs can
be fixed:

class Inverter:
def __init__(self, item, reversed=False):
self.item = item
self.reversed = reversed
def __cmp__(self, other):
if self.reversed:
return cmp(other.item, self.item)
return cmp(self.item, other.item)

data = [[1, "a", "b"], [1, "b", "d"], [1, "d", "a"]]
reverses = [True, False, False]

print sorted(data, key=lambda subseq: map(Inverter, subseq, reverses))

Nice trick, but don't get too caught up using classes ;) Try that one
instead for much better performance :

class Inverter:
def __init__(self, item):
self.item = item
def __cmp__(self, other):
return cmp(other, self.item)

def invert_if(item, reversed=False):
if reversed:
return Inverter(item)
return item

data = [[1, "a", "b"], [1, "b", "d"], [1, "d", "a"]]
reverses = [True, False, False]

print sorted(data, key=lambda subseq: map(invert_, subseq, reverses))

Neil Cerutti

I have successfully used the sort lambda construct described in
However, how do I take it one step further such that some
values can be sorted ascending and others descending? Easy
enough if the sort values are numeric (just negate the value),
but what about text?

Is the only option to define an external sorting function to
loop through the list and perform the comparisons one value at
a time?

Another trick is to factor the key application out of the sort.
This may be a good idea if when you want to minimize the number
of times your key function is called.

The idea is to mangle the list temporarily so you can use an
unkeyed sort, and then unmangle the sorted data. Here's a silly
example using a phone directory that's not stored in a format
that's easy to sort.
a = [("Neil Cerutti", "8025552954"), ("Ted Smith", "8025552281"), ("Barny Fife", "8025551105")]
b = [(" ".join(reversed(x.split())), y) for (x, y) in a]
b [('Cerutti Neil', '8025552954'), ('Smith Ted', '8025552281'), ('Fife Barny', '8025551105')]
b [('Cerutti Neil', '8025552954'), ('Fife Barny', '8025551105'), ('Smith Ted', '8025552281')]
a = [(" ".join(reversed(x.split())), y) for (x, y) in b]
[('Neil Cerutti', '8025552954'), ('Barny Fife', '8025551105'), ('Ted Smith', '8025552281')]

Peter Otten

Neil said:
Another trick is to factor the key application out of the sort.
This may be a good idea if when you want to minimize the number
of times your key function is called.

The idea is to mangle the list temporarily so you can use an
unkeyed sort, and then unmangle the sorted data. Here's a silly
example using a phone directory that's not stored in a format
that's easy to sort.

No need to jump through these hoops; list.sort(key=keyfunc) calls keyfunc()
exactly once per list item:
.... global count
.... count += 1
.... return abs(value)


Neil Cerutti

No need to jump through these hoops; list.sort(key=keyfunc)
calls keyfunc() exactly once per list item:

... global count
... count += 1
... return abs(value)

Thanks for the correction! That's very useful information.

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