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Blinky the Shark

Neredbojias said:
To further the education of mankind, Blinky the Shark

Actually, I heard they tried dual-access ones but it gave a bad impression,
especially when Scots were around.

It's a great feature in a girlfriend, though.

Jonathan N. Little

cwdjrxyz said:
dorayme wrote:

Actually there is some obscure menu in some computers that allows you
to invert the image. About 2 years ago a lady asked for help in a help
group because her image was inverted. There was all sorts of discussion
about monitor adjustments, but nothing helped. Then someone asked if
anyone else used her computer. The lady then found that her children
had learned how to invert the image at school and had inverted her
image as a prank.

NVidia video cards have had it for some time. In the 'Advance' settings
the NVidia control panel has a section 'NVRotate' where you can rotate
the image all kinds of ways. Endless entertainment for the geek in the


To further the education of mankind, Blinky the Shark
It's a great feature in a girlfriend, though.

Certainly, but I do wonder whether it's a presentation or layout issue.
There probably isn't much doubt when it comes to accessibility, however.


Adrienne Boswell said:
Gazing into my crystal ball I observed "cwdjrxyz" <[email protected]>

Yes, my two year old did that to me. I disabled that option (don't
remember where it is now), just in case he decides to try his typing
skills again.

On Mac OS X Tiger it is a bit of a secret. Please don't tell
people. It is this:

You have to Option click the displays icon just after opening
System Preferences...

Hey Leo, Sally and the other person on a Mac in this group (oh! I
think that's me...), try it...

Blinky the Shark

Neredbojias said:
To further the education of mankind, Blinky the Shark

Certainly, but I do wonder whether it's a presentation or layout issue.

I think a table is appropriate.
There probably isn't much doubt when it comes to accessibility, however.

Depends on <mood>.


To further the education of mankind, Blinky the Shark
I think a table is appropriate.

The word is they lack stability and can be detrimental when laden with an
excess of amorphous content.
Depends on <mood>.

Whenever I see that word I always think of a cow and the sound it made a
second before...

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