Spreadsheet::Parse & Write Excel


Justin C

I get the following error when running my script:

Can't locate object method "get_xf_index" via package
"Spreadsheet::parseExcel::Format" at
/usr/local/share/perl/5.8.8/Spreadsheet/WriteExcel/Worksheet.pm line

It looks odd to me. It's saying it can't locate an object method from
one module in the second module. The two modules are un-related (apart
from the fact that they both deal with Excel files), neither is
dependant on the other.

This is probably due to the way I'm using ...::WriteExcel, and stems
from my not understanding the documentation for ...::parseExcel. It
looks like it's written very much for OO coding, I'm not that advanced
and have been, probably, banging my head against it too hard.

Here is some code:


use warnings;
use strict;
use Spreadsheet::parseExcel;
use Spreadsheet::WriteExcel;

my $inFile = "some.xls";
my $outFile = "output.xls";
my $lastCol = 9; # We don't want the data beyond this point
my $firstRow = 4;# counting from 0, 0-3 are the front page for printing
my $lastRow;

my $inBook = Spreadsheet::parseExcel::Workbook->Parse($inFile);
my $outBook = Spreadsheet::WriteExcel->new($outFile);
my $outSheet = $outBook->add_worksheet();

foreach my $inSheet(@{$inBook->{Worksheet}}) { # there's only one
$lastRow = $inSheet->{MaxRow};

foreach my $row ( $firstRow .. $lastRow) {
foreach my $col ( 0 .. $lastCol) {
# get contents of cell
my $cellcontent = $inSheet->{Cells}[$row][$col]->{_Value};
my $cellFormat = $inSheet->{Cells}[$row][$col]->{Format};
# write contents of cell to new worksheet
$outSheet->write_string($row-3, $col-5, $cell, $cellFormat);

*** END ***

$cellFormat contains a hash reference, AFAICT. I was hoping that that
would be accepted by the ...::WriteExcel and generate what I want.

Can anyone spot anything obviously wrong with the above that may help
me? Are there any Spreadsheet::[Parse|Write]Excel experts here who have

I thank you for your help with this.


Justin C

Spreadsheet::parseExcel and Spreadsheet::WriteExcel are separate
modules that have no relationship to each other and were written by
different authors. In particular, they each have their own concepts of
a "Format" object or class, and these are not shared. You cannot fetch
the format of a cell in an existing spreadsheet and transfer it whole
to a new spreadsheet.

That appears to be the crux of it.

You are going to have to play around with
extracting the various pieces of the existing cell format and transfer
each piece to the new spreadsheet using the syntax of

Looks like a fun time is going to be had by all then!!!

Thank you for your reply. It has helped me re-evaluate the problem.


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