Standalone Ruby executable with GUI


Ralph Shnelvar

[Note: parts of this message were removed to make it a legal post.]

I have been using Ruby in a Rails environment.

Now I would like to create a (fairly simple) standalone application and I would love to hear suggestions as to the best environment and tools for my problem. Cross platform would be nice but Windows is a must. Development on Windows is a must.

The core problem is fairly simple: Have the user select a file or a directory. If the user selects a directory, spit out a list of all files and subdirectories in the selected directory.

Of course there is more to it ... but that's the core problem.

My Google search shows that there are several solutions to creating a standalone executable.

Exerb, RubyScript2Exe, and AllInOneRuby are the ones that seem to come up the most.

Then there is the added complication of slapping a GUI onto Ruby.

Suggestions as to a simple/powerful GUI that could be used in a standalone environment would, of course, be appreciated by me and, I presume, others in the same boat.

Ralph Shnelvar

David Mullet

Ralph said:
I have been using Ruby in a Rails environment.

Now I would like to create a (fairly simple) standalone application and
I would love to hear suggestions as to the best environment and tools
for my problem. Cross platform would be nice but Windows is a must.
Development on Windows is a must.

The core problem is fairly simple: Have the user select a file or a
directory. If the user selects a directory, spit out a list of all
files and subdirectories in the selected directory.

Of course there is more to it ... but that's the core problem.

My Google search shows that there are several solutions to creating a
standalone executable.

Exerb, RubyScript2Exe, and AllInOneRuby are the ones that seem to come
up the most.

Then there is the added complication of slapping a GUI onto Ruby.

Suggestions as to a simple/powerful GUI that could be used in a
standalone environment would, of course, be appreciated by me and, I
presume, others in the same boat.

Ralph Shnelvar

On Windows, I've had good results using wxRuby as the GUI. I used to use
RubyScript2Exe to create the standalone executables but have more
recently been using Ocra.


Michael Brooks


Roger Pack

Now I would like to create a (fairly simple) standalone application and
I would love to hear suggestions as to the best environment and tools
for my problem. Cross platform would be nice but Windows is a must.
Development on Windows is a must.

Recommend Jruby (some GUI framework or other) + rawr for packaging.
Though it appears that there are several viable options.


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