Syntax for object comprehension?



Not an array comprehension.

let a = [key for each( key in getKeys() )];

An object comprehension...

let o = {key: getValue( key ) for each( key in getKeys() )}; //
invalid syntax
let o = [{key: getValue( key )} for each( key in getKeys() )]; //
valid, but an array of objects instead of an object

Is it possible to do an 'object comprehension' In JavaScript?

Thomas 'PointedEars' Lahn

G said:
Not an array comprehension.

let a = [key for each( key in getKeys() )];

An object comprehension...

let o = {key: getValue( key ) for each( key in getKeys() )}; //
invalid syntax
let o = [{key: getValue( key )} for each( key in getKeys() )]; //
valid, but an array of objects instead of an object

Is it possible to do an 'object comprehension' In JavaScript?

-v please



By "-v please", are you asking which version?





because 'object comprehensions' (if such a thing is possible) are
unlikely to predate array comprehensions.

Lasse Reichstein Nielsen

G said:
By "-v please", are you asking which version?

He probably meant --verbose, as in: Please give more information (or
perhaps: please Write in entire sentences).

Anyway, as far as I know, there is no Object comprehension in JavaScript
1.7 or 1.8. You might want to look at Generator Expressions, for some
kind of shorthand.

P.S. But remember that it works it Mozilla browsers only.

Dmitry A. Soshnikov

Not an array comprehension.

        let a = [key for each( key in getKeys() )];

An object comprehension...

        let o = {key: getValue( key ) for each( key in getKeys() )}; //
invalid syntax
        let o = [{key: getValue( key )} for each( key in getKeys() )]; //
valid, but an array of objects instead of an object

Is it possible to do an 'object comprehension' In JavaScript?

Nope, that's not possible. By the syntax rules {key: ...} will be key
'key' but not dynamic key on each iteration from the getKeys() object.

But using array comprehension, it's possible to make it in actions
(define first object, and then fill):

var o = {};
[o[key] = value for ([key, value] in Iterator({a: 1, b: 2}))];

Which actually isn't so different from simple iteration via:

var o = {};
for ([key, value] in Iterator({a: 1, b: 2})) {
o[key] = value;

Also simple iteration loop is acceptable.


Dmitry A. Soshnikov

On Jan 30, 8:49 pm, "Dmitry A. Soshnikov" <[email protected]>

var o = {};
[o[key] = value for ([key, value] in Iterator({a: 1, b: 2}))];

Which actually isn't so different from simple iteration via:

var o = {};
for ([key, value] in Iterator({a: 1, b: 2})) {
  o[key] = value;


Addition: isn't so different except that in first case additional
"intermediate" array from array comprehension will be created and
deleted after that.

If you put this construction into the round brackets that will be
generator and not array comprehension. This generator, which generates
iteration result lazily should be activated via .next method:

(o[key] = value for ([key, value] in Iterator({a: 1, b: 2}))).next();



D'oh, bitten by {"variablenotallowedhere": "foo"} yet again!

I was hoping to refactor an 'old style' for loop but, as you point
out, simple iteration is OK too (and clearer than the alternative
(s)). Using a generator (with additional tricks, to drive the .next
()) would also clutter the code in question (see below), so I'll stick
with the 'old style' for loop for now (and avoid the intermediate, as
you also pointed out). Thank you for the suggestions!

function getStorageDataKeys() {
let retval = [];
for( let loop = 0; loop < localStorage.length; ++loop ) {
retval.push( localStorage.key( loop ) );
return retval;

function getStorageData() {
let retval = {};
for each( let key in getStorageDataKeys() ) {
retval[key] = localStorage.getItem( key );
[retval[key] = localStorage.getItem( key ) for each( key in
getStorageDataKeys() )];
return retval;

// all that to enable
for( let [key, val] in Iterator( getStorageData() ) ) {
// ...


Ah, wait, __iterator__() to the rescue. No key array needed! Of
course getStorageData() doesn't really return {} items, but it behaves
as if it did in for each loops. :)

function getStorageData() {
return { "__iterator__": function() {
let loop = 0;
while( loop < localStorage.length ) {
let key = localStorage.key( loop );
yield [key, localStorage.getItem( key )];
throw StopIteration;

Thomas 'PointedEars' Lahn

G said:
By "-v please", are you asking which version?

No, I meant to enable your --verbose mode ;-)

IOW, what do you expect the input and output of "Object comprehension" to



Sorry about that, my default is terse (influenced by Postel's
conservative:send::liberal:receive, and Strunk/White, and BNF

I'd like to be able to define 'object comprehensions' like array
comprehensions, in JavaScript, with key:values ({}) instead of values

Maybe it's a Python itch?

As pointed out; because literal keys are required, the object syntax
might be tricky. While thinking about intermediates (like the key
array as well as the entire {} being returned (basically a copy of
localStorage)) and data sizes (localStorage might be 5M or more),
using __iterator__() seemed like a viable approach (much more on
demand, limiting data fluff) and is compatible with [key, value] <-
Iterator( foo ) syntax (behaving like a {} value, on the 'client'
side). In the __iterator__() code mentioned, I've moved the 'key'
declaration outside the loop and wrapped the return value in an
Iterator, which allows for code like for( let [key, val] in
getLocalStorageKeyValues() ) {...} (the function name was also
refactored)) on the 'client' side, and am happy now with the
implementation (and 'client' API). If only localStorage permissions
(in Firefox 3.6) weren't so quirky... ;)

Dmitry A. Soshnikov

Ah, wait, __iterator__() to the rescue.  No key array needed!  Of
course getStorageData() doesn't really return {} items, but it behaves
as if it did in for each loops. :)

function getStorageData() {
        return { "__iterator__": function() {
                        let loop = 0;
                        while( loop < localStorage.length ) {
                                let key = localStorage.key( loop );
                                yield [key, localStorage.getItem( key )];
                        throw StopIteration;


Yeah, __iterator__ (generator-based in your case; also you can you
special iterator object with .next method) - is a good decision in
this case. Although, there's still array on exit and you need to
define first object and then fill it with __iterator__ yielding


Dmitry A. Soshnikov

Maybe it's a Python itch?

Yes, array comprehension was borrowed to JavaScript(trade mark) from
Python, but in Python in difference from JS that's not possible to
fill some object iteration dictionary via array comprehension:

[(v, k) for v, k in {'a': 1, 'b': 2}.items()]

Result: [('a', '1'), ('b', 2)]

[a[v] = k for v, k in {'a': 1, 'b': 2}.items()] # syntax error

for v, k in {'a': 1, 'b': 2}.items(): # OK
a[k] = v

Also, there's no "object comprehension" in Python.



True, there aren't 'object comprehensions' in Python, but they can be
faked. :)

import math
sintable = dict( ([degree, math.sin( degree )] for degree in range( 0,
360 )) )
print sintable

While it would be nice to have something similar in JavaScript; for
loops and __iterator__() definitions seem to suffice (I'm not familiar
with JavaScript internals, so I don't know if comprehensions could be
optimized). Anyway, thanks for the discussion everyone, it was

Meanwhile, back at the creature feep (in case anyone is interested)...

function getLocalStorageKeyValues( criteriafunction ) {
return { "__iterator__": function() {
let key = undefined;
let loop = 0;
while( loop < localStorage.length ) {
key = localStorage.key( loop );
if( key && (typeof criteriafunction != 'function' ||
criteriafunction( key )) ) {
yield [key, localStorage.getItem( key )];
throw StopIteration;

for( let [key, val] in getLocalStorageKeyValues() ) { //...

for( let [key, val] in getLocalStorageKeyValues( function( key )
key.indexOf( 'someprefix' ) === 0 ) ) { //...

Thomas 'PointedEars' Lahn

G said:
Sorry about that,

About *what*? Learn to post.

I'd like to be able to define 'object comprehensions' like array
comprehensions, in JavaScript, with key:values ({}) instead of values

key1: value1,
key2: value2
Maybe it's a Python itch?

Maybe you don't know what you are talking about.
As pointed out

You pointed out nothing. You posted some bogus code without saying what
you expect from it. Hence my asking.


Dmitry A. Soshnikov

True, there aren't 'object comprehensions' in Python, but they can be
faked. :)

import math
sintable = dict( ([degree, math.sin( degree )] for degree in range( 0,
360 )) )
print sintable

Hey, completely true, as I practice Python not so often (more
theoretically) forgot that `dict' callable class can accept array with
arrays (or tuples) for dictionary items. So result which you have from
array comprehension can be easily converted to dict-object:

dict([('a', 1), ('b', 2)]) # {'a': 1, 'b': 2}

You can create absolutely the same object-builder from passed array of
arrays as argument in JavaScript function and reuse it then.

Meanwhile, back at the creature feep (in case anyone is interested)...

function getLocalStorageKeyValues( criteriafunction ) {
        return { "__iterator__": function() {
                        let key = undefined;
                        let loop = 0;
                        while( loop < localStorage.length ) {
                                key = localStorage.key( loop );
                                if( key && (typeof criteriafunction != 'function' ||
criteriafunction( key )) ) {
                                        yield [key, localStorage.getItem( key )];
                        throw StopIteration;


for( let [key, val] in getLocalStorageKeyValues() ) { //...

for( let [key, val] in getLocalStorageKeyValues( function( key )
key.indexOf( 'someprefix' ) === 0 ) ) { //...

Yep, that's interesting implementation, although, all the iterator
object can be cached (as an optimization for do not create object each
time) in `getLocalStorageKeyValues' as a static property and reused

function getLocalStorageKeyValues(criteriafunction) {

// set each time new criteriafunction
getLocalStorageKeyValues.criteriafunction = criteriafunction;

// but return always the same object
return getLocalStorageKeyValues.iteratorObject;

getLocalStorageKeyValues.iteratorObject = {__iterator__: ...};

and inside the getLocalStorageKeyValues.iteratorObject use:

if( key && (typeof getLocalStorageKeyValues.criteriafunction !=
'function' ||
getLocalStorageKeyValues.criteriafunction( key )) ) {

There can be difference in `this' value inside the call of
criteriafunction, but that doesn't heart your case.


Dmitry A. Soshnikov

On Jan 31, 5:21 pm, "Dmitry A. Soshnikov" <[email protected]>

dict([('a', 1), ('b', 2)]) # {'a': 1, 'b': 2}

You can create absolutely the same object-builder from passed array of
arrays as argument in JavaScript function and reuse it then.

Small addition: although it's possible to do it in this way (and also
in JS), there will be additional full iteration inside the `dict'
function (callable class), first to get array from array
comprehension, the second one - to create the dictionary from the
array parameter:

d = dict([(v, k) for v, k in {'a': 1, 'b': 2}.items()])

Meanwhile in JS will be only one iteration for that:

[o[key] = value for ([key, value] in Iterator({a: 1, b: 2}))];



Would caching allow multiple interleaved uses, without conflicts? I
was assuming the present implementation of getLocalStorageKeyValues()
would allow for multiple interleaved clients, with different filtering
criteria. For example, I was hoping to use Worker instances and
localStorage together (assuming Worker instances can access
localStorage, I haven't experimented with Worker yet). Hmmm, maybe
Worker scope is isolated, including any potential
getLocalStorageKeyValues() states...

In that other language; I should have used the example from the Python
docs (thought it wasn't as obvious what was going on, perhaps it is
actually clearer).

dict( (x, sin( x * pi / 180 )) for x in range( 0, 91 ) )

That's a generator expression being passed to dict(), a tuple at a
time. I assume that minimizes the intermediates involved.

I do like the o = {}; [o[k] = v ...] trick (for JavaScript). Without
running some benchmarks, I don't know which would be most performant
(I'd guess for loops, due to the lack of function calls).

Dmitry A. Soshnikov

Would caching allow multiple interleaved uses, without conflicts?  I
was assuming the present implementation of getLocalStorageKeyValues()
would allow for multiple interleaved clients, with different filtering
criteria.  For example, I was hoping to use Worker instances and
localStorage together (assuming Worker instances can access
localStorage, I haven't experimented with Worker yet).  Hmmm, maybe
Worker scope is isolated, including any potential
getLocalStorageKeyValues() states...

Sure if some different objects should use it with own criteria (and
especially with Workers) it's not acceptable. But in this case would
be better to put iterator function into the prototype (which means,
all instances will have their own state, but will share one
__iterator__ function):

function getLocalStorageKeyValues(criteriaFn) {
this.criteriaFn = criteriaFn;

getLocalStorageKeyValues.prototype.__iterator__ = function () {
if (this.criteriaFn(...)) {

var first = new getLocalStorageKeyValues(function () {...});
var second = new getLocalStorageKeyValues(function () {...});

But, that's just a suggestion, do in most comfortable way.


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