Template Problem


Tassilo J. Klein

Hi there,

I have an XML which is displayed using a XLS file. In order to convert
the line feets (LF) into HTML specific line breaks I use a template I
found on the internet:

<xsl:template name="lf2br">
<xsl:param name="text"/>
<xsl:when test="contains($text,'
<xsl:value-of select="substring-before($text,'
<xsl:call-template name="lf2br">
<xsl:with-param name="text">
<xsl:value-of select="substring-after($text,'
<xsl:value-of select="$text"/>

I call this template using XLS like this:

<xsl:call-template name="lf2br">
<xsl:with-param name="text" select="."/>

Now the text inside the tag is formatted nicely and ready for output.
But the problem is, the text contains some tags like <Omega/> which
translate into special characters but which will not be processed due to
the hack with the lf2br routine.

This one will be omitted since not using <xsl:apply-templates/>:

xsl:template match="Omega">
<font style="font-family: Times">

I am quite new to this but I want to combine those two features - using
the lf2br routine and have those tags inside the text processed. Does
anybody know how to do that?

Thanks in advance,


I am quite new to this but I want to combine those two features - using
the lf2br routine and have those tags inside the text processed. Does
anybody know how to do that?

One solution would be to use apply-templates, and redefine the template
"text()" instead :

<xsl:template match="/|*>
<xsl:apply-templates />

<xsl:template match="text()">
<xsl:call-template name="lf2br">
<xsl:with-param name="text" select="."/>

<xsl:template match="Omega">


Tassilo J. Klein

Rémi Peyronnet wrote:

Merci bien Remi, you helped me a lot...BUT, your solutions also regards
the space between the tags.
For instance, if I have

<Text>First Test</Text>

<Text>Second Test</Text>

it will look like:

First Test

Second Test

because of the space between the tags!


<Text>First Test</Text>
<Text>Second Test</Text>

will look like that:

First Test
Second Test

But I don't want the template to regard the space between the tags. Is
there some way to overcome this - some template that doesn't mind the
sapce between the tags. Then it would just be perfect.

Regards and thanks for your help so far!!!

- Tassilo -


<xsl:template match="/text()">

This may work for your case, but be carefull that it processes only
special text elements (in root element).

Thus something like :
sometext here <Omega /> sometext here
and replace this lf by a br tag
will certainly not behave as expected.

You should try one of these solutions instead :
- use the magic <xsl:strip-space elements="*" />
- if strip-space is not supported by your processor (should not be
frequent I guess), put the call-template into this if statement :
<xsl:if test="string-length(translate(.,'
','')) != 0"> ,
this won't process text nodes with only whitespaces in it.

Tassilo J. Klein

You are perfectly right. Your solution is superb and works brilliantly
in all possible cases. Thanks again!!


Tassilo J. Klein

Well Remi and others, with my perfect considered solution something is
wrong. Slowly all this seems like a Sysiphus' job to me!! At first I had
to manipulate the root template match sequence in order to get the root
element read (otherwise it will be simply ignored..):

<xsl:template match="/">

transformed into

<xsl:template match="/*">

At first I thought, that it works but I am now I am not sure anymore
since of the following. Usually I run Mozilla Firefox to look at the
conversion of my XML document via XSLT. In this case everything is
formatted correctly. But the other day I tried to translate my XML/XSL
into a HTML file using Xalan and XMLSpy and both produced different
(undesired) results than Firefox. Maybe the root element is the source
of all evil?

I have a XML file looking like that:


XSLT is supposed to create a <table > when reading the root element (
<Page>) enshrining all other tags. Then for each other tag found a table
is created.

It is supposed to look like that which it in fact does in Firefox but
not in Xalan and all other systems :'(.

<table Page>

<table Header>
</table Header>

<table Information>

<table Table>
</table Table>

</table Information>

</table Page>

In Xalan the result will be something like that.

<table Page>
</table Page>

<table Header>
</table Header>

<table Information>
</table Information>

<table Table/>
</table Table>

Any idea?

Thanks in advance!



Tassilo J. Klein a écrit :
<xsl:template match="/*">

Well, it begins to be too complicated to discuss it without a real
example. You should post source xml + your current xsl + expected
result, in order to get help.

Tassilo J. Klein

Okay, sorry ! Errare humanum est - I did some mistake :). Thanks to
god I don't have to bother you with my XSLT.


Rémi Peyronnet said:
Tassilo J. Klein a écrit :
<xsl:template match="/*">

Well, it begins to be too complicated to discuss it without a real
example. You should post source xml + your current xsl + expected
result, in order to get help.

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