The Zen of Zope, by Alex Clark


Alex Clark

import other
The Zen of Zope, by Alex Clark

Beautiful is an attribute of ugly.
Explicit is implemented by implicit.
Simple is provided by complex.
Complex is directly provided by complicated.
Flat only implements nested.
Sparse has tagged value dense.
Readability count is not in range.
Special cases could not adapt the rules.
Practicality implements purity.
Errors should never require a specification that doesn’t extend the
specification of silence.
Unless explicit is a multi-adapter.
In subscribing to ambiguity, return all the objects that refuse the
temptation to guess.
There should be none-- and preferably only zero --output from a handler.
Although that way may not be obvious at first unless you've registered
an adapter hook.
Now is verified by never.
Although never is not implemented by *right* now.
If the implementation is hard to explain, it queries the bad idea utility.
If the implementation is easy to explain, it may query the good idea utility.
Implicit namespace packages are one honking great idea -- let's do more
of those!

Gregory Ewing

Steven said:
I expect that I would find that hilarious if I knew anything about Zope :)

It's probably a good thing I don't know much about Zope,
because I'm already finding it hilarious. If I knew more,
the hilarity level might become physically dangerous.

Alex Clark

It's probably a good thing I don't know much about Zope,
because I'm already finding it hilarious. If I knew more,
the hilarity level might become physically dangerous.

Well, the point is two-fold:

- Provide comic relief for those who have encountered unexpected
complexity in Zope.
- Showcase Zope's strengths for those who may be unfamiliar with it.

TL;DR: Zope has a lot to offer, and there are times when you may need
its libraries to perform complex tasks.


TL;DR: Zope has a lot to offer, and there are times when you may need
its libraries to perform complex tasks.

I always avoided Zope as I kept hearing "there's the Python way and
then there's the Zope way", however, all that did is lead me to avoid
a framework representing almost 15 years worth of experience. Having
now been exposed to it through Plone, I'm finding a lot there to like,
like zope.interface.

Alex Clark

I always avoided Zope as I kept hearing "there's the Python way and
then there's the Zope way", however, all that did is lead me to avoid
a framework representing almost 15 years worth of experience. Having
now been exposed to it through Plone, I'm finding a lot there to like,
like zope.interface.

Indeed, and getting folks to discuss Zope (especially in a positive
way) is part of my goal.

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