threading id generator ?


Andrea Manzini

Hi all,

I'm a python newbie with a little problem; my need is to share an incrementing counter between threads; i.e. every time I create a new thread (which handle a single tcp/ip connection), I must assign an unique numeric ID to it, without reuse old numbers... In example:

thread-1 id: 1
thread-2 id: 2
thread-3 id: 3
thread-100 id: 100
thread-n id: n

which locking semantic I must use to implement a shared generator in a thread ?

thanks in advance :)

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Diez B. Roggisch

which locking semantic I must use to implement a shared generator in a
thread ?

thanks in advance :)

You could try something like this:

class IdGen:
def __init__(_):
_.lock = threading.Lock() = 0

def id_gen(_):
new_id = += 1
return new_id

An instance of IdGen you could store in a global variable. Or you make it a
singleton. Or you pass one instance around for all your threading-objects.
Or you make and _.lock class-variables, and inherit all your
threading-objects from IdGen. Or you make it a module.... and so on :)

Alan Kennedy

[Andrea Manzini]
> I'm a python newbie with a little problem; my need is to share an
> incrementing counter between threads; i.e. every time I create a
> new thread (which handle a single tcp/ip connection), I must assign
> an unique numeric ID to it, without reuse old numbers... In example:
> thread-1 id: 1
> thread-2 id: 2
> thread-3 id: 3
> thread-100 id: 100
> thread-n id: n
> which locking semantic I must use to implement a shared generator
> in a thread ?

This came up about a month ago. Group-Googling for ("shared generator"
and "multiple threads") gives useful results."&meta=group=comp.lang.python.*


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