

Srinivas Sa

How do i add two time stamps

Time stamps are in the form of HH:MM:DD:SS,nnnn

Used Time.parse to convert to Time and tried add ts1 + ts2 but it failed
saying no method.

tried t1 + t1.to_i i am getting

irb(main):013:0> p t1 + t2.to_i
RangeError: time + 1164507831.000000 out of Time range
from (irb):13:in `+'
from (irb):13

can somebody help me out?


Srinivas Sa said:
My timestamps are HH:MM:SS,nnnn format.. I mentioned wrongly before...

So what do you want to get?
eg,(the year 2006)+((the year 2007),you want to get (the year 4013)?

For some reasons,my EMail had been changed to "kdr2[#]163.com" now...

NO GNUS is Bad News.

------yours Killy Draw

Srinivas Sa

Sorry for not being clear; I am trying to work on merging subtitle files
which holds the subtitles of a movie. They have the HH:MM:SS,nnn and
sentence that need to be flashed at that moment on the screen.

I just need to know how to add up two time stamps so that i can merge
the two files and make it one continuous sequence of subtitles. E.g.

00:24:25,700 + 00:00:03,800 should yield 00:24:29,500

I don't bother what date (YY/MM/DD part) it is gonna be when I add up,
it can be anything. So overflow is a t

Or is there a different class I have to use or should I write my own
logic to do this?

Thanks in advance

Jim Cochrane

Sorry for not being clear; I am trying to work on merging subtitle files
which holds the subtitles of a movie. They have the HH:MM:SS,nnn and
sentence that need to be flashed at that moment on the screen.

I just need to know how to add up two time stamps so that i can merge
the two files and make it one continuous sequence of subtitles. E.g.

00:24:25,700 + 00:00:03,800 should yield 00:24:29,500

Those appear to be durations, not time stamps - you want to add 24 min,
25 sec and change to 3 min and change, right? If so, you should be
looking for a class that deals with time durations (time intervals).

(first result of:
A timestamp is the current time of an event that is recorded by a computer.
I don't bother what date (YY/MM/DD part) it is gonna be when I add up,
it can be anything. So overflow is a t

Or is there a different class I have to use or should I write my own
logic to do this?

Thanks in advance



Hi --

Break it down for us. What does ",nnn" signify?

Fractions of a second:

irb(main):020:0> Time.parse("10:53:44,12") + 0.87
=> Sun Nov 26 10:53:44 -0500 2006
irb(main):021:0> Time.parse("10:53:44,12") + 0.88
=> Sun Nov 26 10:53:45 -0500 2006


David A. Black | (e-mail address removed)
Author of "Ruby for Rails" [1] | Ruby/Rails training & consultancy [3]
DABlog (DAB's Weblog) [2] | Co-director, Ruby Central, Inc. [4]
[1] http://www.manning.com/black | [3] http://www.rubypowerandlight.com
[2] http://dablog.rubypal.com | [4] http://www.rubycentral.org


Hi --

Milliseconds, then, since they appeared as three-digit integers.

Actually the whole thing (44,12 or 23,555 or whatever) is one float,
using a comma separator instead of a dot. The comma is the
"preferred" separator in this context in the ISO 8601 standard, so I
imagine that's being followed here.


David A. Black | (e-mail address removed)
Author of "Ruby for Rails" [1] | Ruby/Rails training & consultancy [3]
DABlog (DAB's Weblog) [2] | Co-director, Ruby Central, Inc. [4]
[1] http://www.manning.com/black | [3] http://www.rubypowerandlight.com
[2] http://dablog.rubypal.com | [4] http://www.rubycentral.org


Hi --

My timestamps are HH:MM:SS,nnnn format.. I mentioned wrongly before...

You might find it interesting to look into some of the date/time
extensions in ActiveSupport, the utility library that ships with
Rails. You get things like:

20.hours # 72000 (# of seconds in 20 hours)


David A. Black | (e-mail address removed)
Author of "Ruby for Rails" [1] | Ruby/Rails training & consultancy [3]
DABlog (DAB's Weblog) [2] | Co-director, Ruby Central, Inc. [4]
[1] http://www.manning.com/black | [3] http://www.rubypowerandlight.com
[2] http://dablog.rubypal.com | [4] http://www.rubycentral.org

Hal Fulton

Paul said:
(e-mail address removed) wrote:

/ ...

Not that I have any doubt about your claim, but I find it hard to believe
that an international standard would specify a locale-specific radix

It does seem odd, but I've seen so much oddness come from committees
that I can't be totally disbelieving.



Hi --

(e-mail address removed) wrote:

/ ...

Not that I have any doubt about your claim, but I find it hard to believe
that an international standard would specify a locale-specific radix

I'm not sure what the distinction is between doubting and finding it
hard to believe :) Anyway, here's a quote from ISO 8601:
If necessary for a particular application a decimal fraction of hour,
minute or second may be included. If a decimal fraction is included,
lower order components (if any) shall be omitted and the decimal
fraction shall be divided from the integer part by the decimal sign
specified in ISO 31-0: i.e. the comma [,] or full stop [.]. Of these,
the comma is the preferred sign.

I'm not a big ISO 8601 expert, but I assume that this (or its
antecedents) are at the root of Ruby's accepting the comma (via a C
library or otherwise -- I haven't looked closely).


David A. Black | (e-mail address removed)
Author of "Ruby for Rails" [1] | Ruby/Rails training & consultancy [3]
DABlog (DAB's Weblog) [2] | Co-director, Ruby Central, Inc. [4]
[1] http://www.manning.com/black | [3] http://www.rubypowerandlight.com
[2] http://dablog.rubypal.com | [4] http://www.rubycentral.org

Hal Fulton

I'm not sure what the distinction is between doubting and finding it
hard to believe :) Anyway, here's a quote from ISO 8601:

Haha... there are many things that I don't doubt but find
hard to believe in, such as quantum mechanics, the democratic
process, and true love.


Pit Capitain

Paul said:
Not that I have any doubt about your claim, but I find it hard to believe
that an international standard would specify a locale-specific radix

Paul, what would you think to be a better separator, and why?



Hi --

Okay, fair enough. I don't doubt that Bush is president, but I find it hard
to believe. That should do it. :)

Yes, I see :)
Anyway, here's a quote from ISO 8601:
If necessary for a particular application a decimal fraction of hour,
minute or second may be included. If a decimal fraction is included,
lower order components (if any) shall be omitted and the decimal
fraction shall be divided from the integer part by the decimal sign
specified in ISO 31-0: i.e. the comma [,] or full stop [.]. Of these,
the comma is the preferred sign.

This sounds as though the radix sign should follow the locale, as do numbers
in that locale.

It sounds to me like the comma is preferred over the dot, period :)
But either is OK.


David A. Black | (e-mail address removed)
Author of "Ruby for Rails" [1] | Ruby/Rails training & consultancy [3]
DABlog (DAB's Weblog) [2] | Co-director, Ruby Central, Inc. [4]
[1] http://www.manning.com/black | [3] http://www.rubypowerandlight.com
[2] http://dablog.rubypal.com | [4] http://www.rubycentral.org

Pit Capitain

Paul said:
Anything but a separator that depends on locale. A separate field, for
example, one separated by a tab or any other character. Something like
that. (...)

Paul, thanks for the clarification.


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