Tracking Dependencies


Hal Vaughan

I have some modules that started small (don't they all??), and has my
project has grown, have gotten large enough that I could split them in 2 or
more smaller logical blocks, creating 2,3 or 4 modules instead of 1. While
doing I've been doing this, I also have programs that have been revised
that they may no longer need all the modules I currently have them using.

I know when I run a Perl script and it calls a non-existing routine, I'll
get an error message, but it's not always possible to quickly or easily
make sure every possible path of program flow is checked to be sure of

I was thinking of writing a script that would go through each program or
module I have, collect the names of all routines called and compare them
against Perl's own functions and all the functions defined in my modules,
but I figure there's already a way to do that either built into Perl, or on
CPAN (which seems to be down at the moment -- or at least I can't reach it
from here). The only keyword I can think of to describe what I'm trying to
do is dependency, and I'm not finding much useful using that.

So is there a way to track the functions called in a program or module and
get a listing of whether those functions are built-ins, defined in the
program, or what module each function is defined in?

Thanks for any help on this!


John Bokma

Hal Vaughan said:
least I can't reach it from here). The only keyword I can think of to
describe what I'm trying to do is dependency, and I'm not finding much
useful using that.

another keyword: refactoring (Not sure if that's going to help, though).

I would probably make a list of function names in the old module(s), and
just grep (in a smart way) over the old projects. Or maybe even make a
wrapper module which rerouts old calls to new modules.

Hal Vaughan

Solved with simple script! (See below for info and script.)

Hal said:
I have some modules that started small (don't they all??), and has my
project has grown, have gotten large enough that I could split them in 2
more smaller logical blocks, creating 2,3 or 4 modules instead of 1.
While doing I've been doing this, I also have programs that have been
revised that they may no longer need all the modules I currently have them

I know when I run a Perl script and it calls a non-existing routine, I'll
get an error message, but it's not always possible to quickly or easily
make sure every possible path of program flow is checked to be sure of

I was thinking of writing a script that would go through each program or
module I have, collect the names of all routines called and compare them
against Perl's own functions and all the functions defined in my modules,
but I figure there's already a way to do that either built into Perl, or
on CPAN (which seems to be down at the moment -- or at least I can't reach
from here). The only keyword I can think of to describe what I'm trying
to do is dependency, and I'm not finding much useful using that.

So is there a way to track the functions called in a program or module and
get a listing of whether those functions are built-ins, defined in the
program, or what module each function is defined in?

Thanks for any help on this!


I didn't get any info on packages or any other way to do this, and, needing
it resolved, I did a 3am hacked script, then commented it this morning. It
has a lot of shortcomings, but it works in general -- at least for me, so I
thought I'd post it here. (At end.) I am not interested in turning this
into a project. It works for me, and that's enough. However, I'd be
interested in hearing from people who find it useful.


=================Program Listing:========================

#Function Call Scanner (callscan)
#By Hal Vaughan
#Contact at (e-mail address removed)
#Licensed under GPL
#(c) 2005 Hal Vaughan
#(If you try to contact me, include something like "Perl Programming" in the
#subject to make it easy to see it isn't spam. If you don't get a reply, in
#a few days, somehow SpamAssassin classified your e-mail as spam, so try
#I can't believe I'm writing this!! I would think there's been a need for a
#program like this before, so I can't see why there isn't something like
#this already out there. This is a 3 am hack so I could go through my
#modules and programs and elminate extra dependencies that cropped up during
#late nate debugging sessions.
#WHAT IT DOES: Run this program with one or two arguments (described below),
#one provides a list of directories for programs, the othe describes a list
#of directories for modules. First, we get the list of program and module
#directories from the arguments, then we scan the list of module directories
#and read in each module. We look for @EXPORT = qw() in the modules (you
#may want to change this if you use a different format for exporting
#function names). We pull out the list of functions and split it into an
#array. Once that is done, we go through all the programs and look for each
#use of each function in each module and print out a report, listing the
#line where a function name is seen, including the line number. We then do
#the same with the modules -- making sure when we're reading a module to
#skip scanning it for calls to its own functions.
# --programs={comma separated list of programs}
# --modules={comma separated list of modules}
#NOTE: There are a number of weaknesses to this program, and I'm sure there
#is something much better on CPAN or elsewhere that I could not find and
#nobody on the newsgroups could point me to a package to do this. So, it
#was a quick hack to help me check which programs need actually needed which
#Known shortcomings:
#- It will give false hits. For example, if you have a function named
#"scan", and a program calls "datascan", it will be reported as using the
#function "scan". (Comment lines and empty lines aren't checked.) This
#could be fixed by looking for "scan(", but it'll still pick up "datascan(".
#To overcome this it would be necessary to look for "scan" preceeded by
#whitespace and other characters that could preceed a function (like ( or
# { ). I'm sure there's more characters that fit that situation, so I
#haven't gone into it.
#- If you don't use "@EXPORT = qw();" (the list can be spread through
#different lines), it likely won't pick up the list of functions. This
#works for me, if you need a different format, then you can change the

use strict;

our ($dir, $file, $mod, $line, $list, $x);
our (@prog, @mod, @modfile, @moddir, @progdir, @progfile, @list, %call);

#Get the lists of program and module directories from the argument list
foreach (@ARGV) {
if ($_ =~ /-{1,2}prog/) {
$line = substr($_, index($_, "=") + 1);
@list = split(/,/, $line);
push(@progdir, @list);
if ($_ =~ /-{1,2}mod/) {
$line = substr($_, index($_, "=") + 1);
@list = split(/,/, $line);
push(@moddir, @list);

#Get all the modules in the directories, then get all the programs.
foreach (@moddir) {
$dir = $_."/*pm";
@list = glob($dir);
foreach (@list) {
if (-d $_) {next;}
push(@modfile, $_);
foreach (@progdir) {
$dir = $_."/*";
@list = glob($dir);
foreach (@list) {
if (-d $_) {next;}
push(@progfile, $_);

#Now go through all the modules and get a list of all the functions in each
#module. Put it in a hash, with the module file name as the key
for $file (@modfile) {
$line = filetostring($file);
($list) = $line =~ /\@EXPORT *?= *?qw\((.*?)\)/is;
$list =~ s/\n/ /g;
$list =~ s/\t+/ /g;
$list =~ s/ +/ /g;
@list = split(/ +/, $list);
@{$call{$file}} = @list;

#Scan programs and modules for matches to function names
print "Scanning programs:\n\n";
print "\n\nScanning Modules:\n\n";


#scan a list of files (either modules or programs) for matches to functions
#in the different modules. Use 4 loops:
# Loop through all the files given, read each file into an array
# Loop through each target module in the module listing
# Loop through each line of the program/module we're scanning
# Loop through all the functions in the target module to see if they are
# used in that line. If they are, add the line number, the function,
# and the line itself to the output string.
#At the end of going through all the functions in the target module, see
#if there is an output string. If there is, print it out. If not, don't
#print it. Either way, go on to the next target module, then the next file.
sub scan {
my ($name, $file, $line, $mod, $func, $out, $x, $y, @data, @file, @func);
@file = @_;
for $x (0..$#file) {
$file = $file[$x];
$name = $file;
$name =~ s/.*?\///;
print "File: $name\n";
@data = filetoarray($file);
for $mod (sort keys %call) {
if ($mod eq $file) {next;}
@func = @{$call{$mod}};
$out = "";
for $y (0..$#data) {
$line = $data[$y];
if ($line =~ /^\s*#/ || !$line) {next;}
for $func (@func) {
if ($line =~ /$func *\(/) {
$line =~ s/\t//g;
$line =~ s/\s+/ /g;
$out = "$out\t\t$y\t$func\t$line\n";
if ($out) {
$line = $mod;
$line =~ s/\//::/g;
print "\tModule: $line\n$out";
print "\n";

#Quick way to load a file into a string.
sub filetostring {
my $file = shift(@_);
my $eol = $/;
open (STREAM,"<$file");
my $data = <STREAM>;
close STREAM;
$/ = $eol;
return $data;

#Quick way to load a file into an array.
sub filetoarray {
my $file = shift(@_);
my $data = filetostring($file);
my @data = split(/\n/, $data);
return @data;

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