Tree of maps and leaves


Andre Majorel

I need to store key bindings. Those are unusual in that the
"key" can in fact be a *sequence* of keystrokes (think Vim's ga,
gq, etc...).

Seems to me that a good way to store the bindings would be a
tree of associative arrays where the key is a keystroke and the
value is either a) an "action" that describes the function to
which that key sequence is bound or b) a similar associative

For example, given the following bindings :

a action1
b action2
cx action3
cy action4

.... there would be two associative arrays, one containing :

'a' => action1
'b' => action2
'c' => pointer-or-reference-to-whymakeitsimple

.... and another, whymakeitsimple, containing :

'x' => action3
'y' => action4

Were this C, I'd malloc and cast my way out of it. I'm trying to
do it the STL way, however. Now, that might be slight
retardation on my part but I don't quite see how to do that with
std::map. Is some graph container from Boost the answer ?

Alf P. Steinbach

* Andre Majorel:
I need to store key bindings. Those are unusual in that the
"key" can in fact be a *sequence* of keystrokes (think Vim's ga,
gq, etc...).

Seems to me that a good way to store the bindings would be a
tree of associative arrays where the key is a keystroke and the
value is either a) an "action" that describes the function to
which that key sequence is bound or b) a similar associative

For example, given the following bindings :

a action1
b action2
cx action3
cy action4

... there would be two associative arrays, one containing :

'a' => action1
'b' => action2
'c' => pointer-or-reference-to-whymakeitsimple

... and another, whymakeitsimple, containing :

'x' => action3
'y' => action4

Were this C, I'd malloc and cast my way out of it. I'm trying to
do it the STL way, however. Now, that might be slight
retardation on my part but I don't quite see how to do that with
std::map. Is some graph container from Boost the answer ?

It seems that the point of your design is to allow various information to be
associated with each initial substring of a command.

std::map is good, but to keep your design you'll have to rethink what to store.

Off the cuff:

namespace userCommand
class Any
virtual ~Any() {};
virtual void execute() const = 0;

class Void: public Any
virtual ~Void() {}
virtual void execute() const {};

class Quit: public Any
virtual void execute() const { exitApp(); }

class UserCommandState;
typedef SomeSharedPtr<UserCommandState> UserCommandStatePtr;

typedef std::map< char, UserCommandStatePtr > KeyBindings;

class UserCommandState
KeyBindings mySuccessorStates;

virtual ~UserCommandState() {}

UserCommand const* command() const
static userCommand::Void const theVoidCommand;

if( userCommand::Any const* pCmd =
dynamic_cast<userCommand::Any const*>( this ) )
return pCmd;
return &theVoidCommand;

void setSuccessorFor( char key, UserCommandStatePtr state )
mySuccessorStates[key] = state;

class UserCommandStateQuit: public UserCommandState, public userCommand::Quit
{} // Yup, that's all.

int main()
KeyBindings cmdStates;
// Add bindings

Presumably efficiency doesn't matter for this thing.

If it matters then you may be better off using pure function pointers, avoiding
that dynamic_cast.

Cheers & hth.,

- Alf

Disclaimer: I haven't tried this. :)

 void setSuccessorFor( char key, UserCommandStatePtr state )
           mySuccessorStates[key] = state;

Are you sure about this method?, it seems the successors are re-
arranged when you insert them to the map.

Alf P. Steinbach

* (e-mail address removed):
void setSuccessorFor( char key, UserCommandStatePtr state )
mySuccessorStates[key] = state;

Are you sure about this method?, it seems the successors are re-
arranged when you insert them to the map.


Please give a complete example.

The intent of the code I sketched was that the top level map forms the root of a
tree of maps, with child maps in referenced UserCommandState objects, and each
key of a user command following one reference down into a subtree.

Cheers & hth.,

- Alf

James Kanze

I need to store key bindings. Those are unusual in that the
"key" can in fact be a *sequence* of keystrokes (think Vim's
ga, gq, etc...).
Seems to me that a good way to store the bindings would be a
tree of associative arrays where the key is a keystroke and
the value is either a) an "action" that describes the function
to which that key sequence is bound or b) a similar
associative array.
For example, given the following bindings :
a action1
b action2
cx action3
cy action4
... there would be two associative arrays, one containing :
'a' => action1
'b' => action2
'c' => pointer-or-reference-to-whymakeitsimple
... and another, whymakeitsimple, containing :
'x' => action3
'y' => action4
Were this C, I'd malloc and cast my way out of it. I'm trying
to do it the STL way, however. Now, that might be slight
retardation on my part but I don't quite see how to do that
with std::map. Is some graph container from Boost the answer ?

Even in C, I'd not use a cast:).

Basically, the structure you describe is a called a tri. The STL
doesn't contain such a structure, directly, but they are easy to
implement using maps. The solution I would use for Node to be
an abstract base class, with two derived classes, one for leaf
nodes, and one for inner nodes. In this case, the maps would
contain pointers, and not Nodes, e.g.:

class Node : public Interface // blocks copy and assignment,
{ // provides virtual destructor
virtual Action* getAction() const = 0 ;
virtual Node* getNext ( char ch ) const = 0 ;
} ;

class LeafNode : public Node
explicit LeafNode( Action* action )
: myAction( action )
virtual Action* getAction() const
return myAction ;
virtual Node* getNext( char ) const
return NULL ;
Action* myAction ;
} ;

class InnerNode : public Node
virtual Action* getAction() const
return NULL ;
virtual Node* getNext( char ch ) const
return myMap[ ch ] ;

template< typename ForwardIterator >
void insert(
ForwardIterator begin,
ForwardIterator end,
Action* action )
assert( begin != end ) ;
std::map< char, Node* >::const_iterator
entry = myMap.find( *begin ) ;
ForwardIterator next = begin ;
++ next ;
if ( next == end ) {
assert( entry == myMap.end() ) ;
entry.second = new LeafNode( action ) ;
} else {
if ( entry == myMap.end() ) {
entry = myMap.insert(
std::pair< char, Leaf* >( *begin, new
InnerNode ) ) ;
dynamic_cast< InnerNode* >(
entry->second)->insert( next, end, action ) ;

std::map< char, Node* >
myMap ;
} ;

Also: if you're indexing with a sequence of char's, like this,
you really don't need an std::map. In such cases, a simple
array of UCHAR_MAX + 1 will do the trick, e.g.:

class InnerNode : public Node
std::fill( begin( myMap ), end( myMap ), NULL ) ;
virtual Node* getNext( char ch ) const
return myMap[ (unsigned char)( ch ) ] ;
// ...

Node* myMap[ UCHAR_MAX + 1 ] ;
} ;

(Of course, boost::array or tr1::array would be far better than
the C style arrays, if you can use one of them. The point is
that you're indexing with a small, integral value, into a fixed
size array.)

Kai-Uwe Bux

Andre said:
I need to store key bindings. Those are unusual in that the
"key" can in fact be a *sequence* of keystrokes (think Vim's ga,
gq, etc...).

Seems to me that a good way to store the bindings would be a
tree of associative arrays where the key is a keystroke and the
value is either a) an "action" that describes the function to
which that key sequence is bound or b) a similar associative

For example, given the following bindings :

a action1
b action2
cx action3
cy action4

... there would be two associative arrays, one containing :

'a' => action1
'b' => action2
'c' => pointer-or-reference-to-whymakeitsimple

... and another, whymakeitsimple, containing :

'x' => action3
'y' => action4

I don't understand the precise requirement, yet. What counts as a collision?
In particular, should the data structure allow or forbid entries where one
is a prefic of the other, i.e., can you have

abc action7
ab action8

Assuming that those do count as collisions, should inserting a new
string/action pair fail (with some return code) when a collision occurs or
will client code ensure that this never happens? Also, should the data
structure support erasure of string/action pairs?


Kai-Uwe Bux

Andre Majorel

Andre said:
I need to store key bindings. Those are unusual in that the
"key" can in fact be a *sequence* of keystrokes (think Vim's ga,
gq, etc...).

Seems to me that a good way to store the bindings would be a
tree of associative arrays where the key is a keystroke and the
value is either a) an "action" that describes the function to
which that key sequence is bound or b) a similar associative

For example, given the following bindings :

a action1
b action2
cx action3
cy action4

... there would be two associative arrays, one containing :

'a' => action1
'b' => action2
'c' => pointer-or-reference-to-whymakeitsimple

... and another, whymakeitsimple, containing :

'x' => action3
'y' => action4

I don't understand the precise requirement, yet. What counts
as a collision? In particular, should the data structure
allow or forbid entries where one is a prefic of the other,
i.e., can you have

abc action7
ab action8

Yes. Having bindings for both "ab" and "abc" would not achieve
anything useful. The "abc" binding would never be seen.

I suppose one could argue that binding "ab" to somefunc while
keeping the old "abc" binding around would allow a user to
temporarily bind "ab" and easily restore all the hidden "ab?*"
bindings by unbinding "ab".

Whether that convenience would be worth the potential confusion
caused by unreachable bindings appearing in the list, I don't
Assuming that those do count as collisions, should inserting a
new string/action pair fail (with some return code) when a
collision occurs or will client code ensure that this never

If the hidden bindings cannot exist along the new one, the most
useful behaviour would be to silently replace them, IMHO. I know
that's what I would want as a user.
Also, should the data structure support erasure of
string/action pairs?

That would be nice.

Kai-Uwe Bux

Andre said:
Andre said:
I need to store key bindings. Those are unusual in that the
"key" can in fact be a *sequence* of keystrokes (think Vim's ga,
gq, etc...).

Seems to me that a good way to store the bindings would be a
tree of associative arrays where the key is a keystroke and the
value is either a) an "action" that describes the function to
which that key sequence is bound or b) a similar associative

For example, given the following bindings :

a action1
b action2
cx action3
cy action4

... there would be two associative arrays, one containing :

'a' => action1
'b' => action2
'c' => pointer-or-reference-to-whymakeitsimple

... and another, whymakeitsimple, containing :

'x' => action3
'y' => action4

I don't understand the precise requirement, yet. What counts
as a collision? In particular, should the data structure
allow or forbid entries where one is a prefic of the other,
i.e., can you have

abc action7
ab action8

Yes. Having bindings for both "ab" and "abc" would not achieve
anything useful. The "abc" binding would never be seen.

I suppose one could argue that binding "ab" to somefunc while
keeping the old "abc" binding around would allow a user to
temporarily bind "ab" and easily restore all the hidden "ab?*"
bindings by unbinding "ab".

Whether that convenience would be worth the potential confusion
caused by unreachable bindings appearing in the list, I don't
Assuming that those do count as collisions, should inserting a
new string/action pair fail (with some return code) when a
collision occurs or will client code ensure that this never

If the hidden bindings cannot exist along the new one, the most
useful behaviour would be to silently replace them, IMHO. I know
that's what I would want as a user.

I don't think that silence is a good thing. I would at least return a bool
to indicate the presence of a collision. But hey, it's your specs.
That would be nice.

Ok, the following proof of concept tries to use the STL and get away without
non-standard components. The only exception is the use of tr1::function,
which is a convenient way to store commands.

#include <iostream>
#include <map>
#include <utility>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include <algorithm>
#include <tr1/functional>
#include <cstring>
#include <limits>
#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>

class command_parser {

typedef char key;
typedef std::string multikey;
typedef std::tr1::function< void( multikey const & ) > command;


typedef std::pair< unsigned, command > entry;
typedef std::map< multikey, entry > table;
Idea: the unsigned part of an entry provides the count
of all stored string/command pairs for which this node
is indexed by a strict prefix of the string. Leaves, therefore,
have a count of 0 and that is how one can recognize them.
The command part is the command to be executed.

table the_table;
command the_default_cmd;

table::iterator first ( multikey const & prefix ) {
return ( the_table.lower_bound( prefix ) );

table::iterator last ( multikey const & prefix ) {
multikey next = prefix;
while ( next.size() > 0 ) {
if ( next[ next.size()-1 ] < std::numeric_limits< key >::max() ) {
++ next[ next.size()-1 ];
next.erase( next.end()-1 );
if ( next.empty() ) {
return ( the_table.end() );
return ( the_table.lower_bound( next ) );

void prune_table ( multikey const & prefix ) {
table::iterator from = first( prefix );
table::iterator to = last( prefix );
for ( table::iterator iter = from; iter != to; ++iter ) {
if ( iter->second.first == 0 ) {
erase( iter->first );


template < typename Func >
command_parser ( Func f )
: the_table ()
, the_default_cmd ( f )

template < typename KeyInputIter >
void parse ( KeyInputIter from, KeyInputIter to ) {
multikey index;
while ( from != to ) {
index += *from++;
table::const_iterator where = the_table.find( index );
if ( where == the_table.end() ) {
the_default_cmd( index );
if ( where->second.first > 0 ) {
where->second.second( index );

void insert ( multikey const & index, command const & cmd ) {
A collision happens if index is a prefix of a stored value
(i.e., at index, an empty box is stored; or if any prefix of
index is a command.

In case of a collision, the new value silently overwrites the
old one(s).
prune_table( index );
for ( multikey::size_type n = 0; ++n < index.size(); ) {
multikey prefix ( index.begin(), index.begin() + n );
++ the_table[ prefix ].first;
the_table[ index ].second = cmd;

void erase ( multikey const & index ) {
for ( multikey::size_type n = 0; ++n < index.size(); ) {
multikey prefix ( index.begin(), index.begin() + n );
table::iterator where = the_table.find( prefix );
if ( where->second.second == 0 ) {
the_table.erase( where );

}; // command_parser

void banner ( std::string const & ) {
std::cout << "banner\n";

void print ( std::string const & msg ) {
std::cout << msg << "\n";

int main ( void ) {
std::string input ( "ababacdefgab" );
command_parser cp ( &banner );
cp.insert( "ab", &print );
cp.insert( "ba", &print );
cp.insert( "ac", &print );
cp.insert( "aba", &print );
cp.parse( input.begin(), input.end() );


Kai-Uwe Bux

Kai-Uwe Bux

Kai-Uwe Bux said:
Andre said:
Andre Majorel wrote:

I need to store key bindings. Those are unusual in that the
"key" can in fact be a *sequence* of keystrokes (think Vim's ga,
gq, etc...).

Seems to me that a good way to store the bindings would be a
tree of associative arrays where the key is a keystroke and the
value is either a) an "action" that describes the function to
which that key sequence is bound or b) a similar associative

For example, given the following bindings :

a action1
b action2
cx action3
cy action4

... there would be two associative arrays, one containing :

'a' => action1
'b' => action2
'c' => pointer-or-reference-to-whymakeitsimple

... and another, whymakeitsimple, containing :

'x' => action3
'y' => action4

I don't understand the precise requirement, yet. What counts
as a collision? In particular, should the data structure
allow or forbid entries where one is a prefic of the other,
i.e., can you have

abc action7
ab action8

Yes. Having bindings for both "ab" and "abc" would not achieve
anything useful. The "abc" binding would never be seen.

I suppose one could argue that binding "ab" to somefunc while
keeping the old "abc" binding around would allow a user to
temporarily bind "ab" and easily restore all the hidden "ab?*"
bindings by unbinding "ab".

Whether that convenience would be worth the potential confusion
caused by unreachable bindings appearing in the list, I don't
Assuming that those do count as collisions, should inserting a
new string/action pair fail (with some return code) when a
collision occurs or will client code ensure that this never

If the hidden bindings cannot exist along the new one, the most
useful behaviour would be to silently replace them, IMHO. I know
that's what I would want as a user.

I don't think that silence is a good thing. I would at least return a bool
to indicate the presence of a collision. But hey, it's your specs.
That would be nice.

Ok, the following proof of concept tries to use the STL and get away
without non-standard components. The only exception is the use of
tr1::function, which is a convenient way to store commands.

Here is another version that flags collisions. (It also contains a bugfix
that became aparent because of this.)

#include <iostream>
#include <map>
#include <utility>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include <algorithm>
#include <tr1/functional>
#include <cstring>
#include <limits>
#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>
#include <cassert>

class command_parser {

typedef char key;
typedef std::string multikey;
typedef std::tr1::function< void( multikey const & ) > command;


typedef std::pair< unsigned, command > entry;
typedef std::map< multikey, entry > table;
Idea: the unsigned part of an entry provides the count
of all stored string/command pairs for which this node
is indexed by a strict prefix of the string. Leaves, therefore,
have a count of 0 and that is how one can recognize them.
The command part is the command to be executed.

table the_table;
command the_default_cmd;

table::iterator first ( multikey const & prefix ) {
return ( the_table.lower_bound( prefix ) );

table::iterator last ( multikey const & prefix ) {
multikey next = prefix;
while ( next.size() > 0 ) {
if ( next[ next.size()-1 ] < std::numeric_limits< key >::max() ) {
++ next[ next.size()-1 ];
next.erase( next.end()-1 );
if ( next.empty() ) {
return ( the_table.end() );
return ( the_table.lower_bound( next ) );

bool prune_table ( multikey prefix ) {
bool result = false;
table::iterator from = first( prefix );
table::iterator to = last( prefix );
for ( table::iterator iter = from; iter != to; ++iter ) {
if ( iter->second.first == 0 ) {
erase( iter->first );
result = true;
while ( prefix.size() > 0 ) {
prefix.erase( prefix.end() - 1 );
table::iterator where = the_table.find( prefix );
if ( where != the_table.end() && where->second.first == 0 ) {
erase( where->first );
result = true;
return ( result );


template < typename Func >
command_parser ( Func f )
: the_table ()
, the_default_cmd ( f )

template < typename KeyInputIter >
void parse ( KeyInputIter from, KeyInputIter to ) {
multikey index;
while ( from != to ) {
index += *from++;
table::const_iterator where = the_table.find( index );
if ( where == the_table.end() ) {
the_default_cmd( index );
if ( where->second.first > 0 ) {
where->second.second( index );

bool insert ( multikey const & index, command const & cmd ) {
A collision happens if index is a prefix of a stored value
(i.e., at index, an empty box is stored; or if any prefix of
index is a command.

In case of a collision, the new value silently overwrites the
old one.
bool result = prune_table( index );
for ( multikey::size_type n = 0; ++n < index.size(); ) {
multikey prefix ( index.begin(), index.begin() + n );
++ the_table[ prefix ].first;
the_table[ index ].second = cmd;
return ( result );

bool erase ( multikey const & index ) {
assert( the_table.find( index ) != the_table.end() );
assert( the_table.find( index )->second.first == 0 );
for ( multikey::size_type n = 0; ++n < index.size(); ) {
multikey prefix ( index.begin(), index.begin() + n );
table::iterator where = the_table.find( prefix );
if ( where->second.second == 0 ) {
the_table.erase( where );

}; // command_parser

void banner ( std::string const & ) {
std::cout << "banner\n";

void print ( std::string const & msg ) {
std::cout << msg << "\n";

int main ( void ) {
std::string input ( "ababacdefgab" );
command_parser cp ( &banner );
std::cout << std::boolalpha << cp.insert( "ab", &print ) << "\n";
std::cout << std::boolalpha << cp.insert( "ba", &print ) << "\n";
std::cout << std::boolalpha << cp.insert( "ac", &print ) << "\n";
std::cout << std::boolalpha << cp.insert( "aba", &print ) << "\n";
cp.parse( input.begin(), input.end() );


Kai-Uwe Bux

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