Treeview causing system restart



We are using the Treeview control whose datasource is an xml
When the page containing the treeview loads,tyhe stored procedure
which generates the xml datasource for the tree
takes 3 sec's to execute.The tree populates properly on local servers.
On The main server however,a memory leak seems to occur which causes
the server to restart.
The same code used to render on local machines(with much lower memory)
works well but not on the main server.
What specifically could be causing the reboot?

Phil H

We are using the Treeview control whose datasource is an xml
When the page containing the treeview loads,tyhe stored procedure
which generates the xml datasource for the tree
takes 3 sec's to execute.The tree populates properly on local servers.
On The main server however,a memory leak seems to occur which causes
the server to restart.
The same code used to render on local machines(with much lower memory)
works well but not on the main server.
What specifically could be causing the reboot?

From the description it sounds like you have a problem with your main
server. It could be HDD corruption. Try scheduling a scan of the HDD
when it reboots and set it to automatically fix errors.

If that doesn't cure it try re-installing framework and ASP.NET in
case some of the system files are damaged.

Hope that helps and good luck.

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