trouble writting to file


Alexandre Jaquet

Hi I could not find why, I can't write data
to my file :

open (FILE, ">$interfacePath/$interfaceFile") or die "cannot open
chmod (0775, "$interfacePath/$interfaceFile");
$interfacePath/$interfaceFile\n" ;

print FILE "test,test,test";

In my file : FILE :

ls -al :

-rwxrwxr-x 1 www web 0 Apr 15 14:21 test-save.icf

thx in advance

Tad McClellan

Alexandre Jaquet said:
Hi I could not find why,

Because you have a syntax error.

I can't write data
to my file :

Because the program never executes.

open (FILE, ">$interfacePath/$interfaceFile") or die "cannot open
chmod (0775, "$interfacePath/$interfaceFile");

There is the end of the argument to die()...

Ian Wilson

Alexandre said:
Hi I could not find why, I can't write data
to my file :

You should read the posting guideleines before posting a question.
open (FILE, ">$interfacePath/$interfaceFile") or die "cannot open
chmod (0775, "$interfacePath/$interfaceFile");
$interfacePath/$interfaceFile\n" ;

print FILE "test,test,test";

The above isn't valid Perl, looks like the chmod has been inserted in
the middle of the "open ... die ..." statement.

A perl program should start
use strict;
use warnings;

You shoulc close the file you opened.
In my file : FILE :

ls -al :
-rwxrwxr-x 1 www web 0 Apr 15 14:21 test-save.icf

Your "die" should take care to print the error details: include $! in
the output.

use strict;
use warnings;
open (FILE, ">$interfacePath/$interfaceFile")
or die "cannot open $interfacePath/$interfaceFile because $!" ;
chmod (0775, "$interfacePath/$interfaceFile");
print FILE 'test,test,test';
close FILE;

You should read about lexical filehandles and 3-way opens:
open my $fh, '>', $filename or die ...

Understand the difference between "test,test,test" and 'test,test,test'.

If you do all the above at least you'll have an informative error message.

Joe Smith

Ian said:
Understand the difference between "test,test,test" and 'test,test,test'.

There is none.

The example you have given does not use $ or \, so what point are you
trying to make?

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