File locking using threads


Prince Al


I am attempting to write a some code that spawns various threads. Each
thread will need to access a common file and to ensure that this file
is only written to by one thread at a time, it needs to be locked.
However, I am having trouble even creating a test script to try out
the logic, which is below. What happens is that both threads are able
to acquire the lock, even though the first thread should have it and
release it before the second thread is able to lock the file. Any
assistance will be very gratefully received!




use strict;
use threads;

my $thr_1 = threads->new(\&flock_test,5, 20, "Thread 1");
my $thr_2 = threads->new(\&flock_test,10, 5, "Thread 2");

grep {$_->join;} ($thr_1,$thr_2);
# Just In Case!
while ( my(@list)=threads->list()) {
print "$#list\n";
grep { $_->join } @list;

sub flock_test {
open(my $fh, ">", "/tmp/flock_test.dat");
my $sleep_1 = $_[0];
my $sleep_2 = $_[1];
my $thread_name = $_[2];

sleep $sleep_1;

flock($fh,2) || die "Could not acquire the lock\n";
print "$thread_name: acquired lock!\n";
sleep $sleep_2;
close $fh;
print "$thread_name: released lock!\n";

Jens Thoms Toerring

Prince Al said:
I am attempting to write a some code that spawns various threads. Each
thread will need to access a common file and to ensure that this file
is only written to by one thread at a time, it needs to be locked.
However, I am having trouble even creating a test script to try out
the logic, which is below. What happens is that both threads are able
to acquire the lock, even though the first thread should have it and
release it before the second thread is able to lock the file. Any
assistance will be very gratefully received!

use strict;
use threads;
my $thr_1 = threads->new(\&flock_test,5, 20, "Thread 1");
my $thr_2 = threads->new(\&flock_test,10, 5, "Thread 2");
grep {$_->join;} ($thr_1,$thr_2);
# Just In Case!
while ( my(@list)=threads->list()) {
print "$#list\n";
grep { $_->join } @list;
sub flock_test {
open(my $fh, ">", "/tmp/flock_test.dat");
my $sleep_1 = $_[0];
my $sleep_2 = $_[1];
my $thread_name = $_[2];
sleep $sleep_1;
flock($fh,2) || die "Could not acquire the lock\n";

Works ok on my machine. My guess is that on yours LOCK_EX (that's
what you need here) isn't 2. Better use

use Fcntl ':flock';

to import the constants used for flock() and then write

flock($fh,LOCK_EX) || die "Could not acquire the lock\n";

Regards, Jens


Prince Al said:

I am attempting to write a some code that spawns various threads. Each
thread will need to access a common file and to ensure that this file
is only written to by one thread at a time, it needs to be locked.
However, I am having trouble even creating a test script to try out
the logic, which is below. What happens is that both threads are able
to acquire the lock, even though the first thread should have it and
release it before the second thread is able to lock the file. Any
assistance will be very gratefully received!




use strict;
use threads;

my $thr_1 = threads->new(\&flock_test,5, 20, "Thread 1");
my $thr_2 = threads->new(\&flock_test,10, 5, "Thread 2");

grep {$_->join;} ($thr_1,$thr_2);
# Just In Case!
while ( my(@list)=threads->list()) {
print "$#list\n";
grep { $_->join } @list;

sub flock_test {
open(my $fh, ">", "/tmp/flock_test.dat");
my $sleep_1 = $_[0];
my $sleep_2 = $_[1];
my $thread_name = $_[2];

sleep $sleep_1;

flock($fh,2) || die "Could not acquire the lock\n";
print "$thread_name: acquired lock!\n";
sleep $sleep_2;
close $fh;
print "$thread_name: released lock!\n";

You might like threads::shared for inter thread communication.

You set up your shared variables then launch your threads.
Have the threads monitor and update the shared variables
to determine the status of the file or other things.

All threads will have access to the entire %shash.

foreach my $tID (1..2) {
warn 'Launching thread: [' . $tID . "]\n";
foreach my $l qw (fileIsLocked, go, stop, quit,) {
$shash{$tID}{$l} = 0;
$threads{$tID} = threads->new(\&worker, 1);
warn 'Thread: [' . $tID . "] is active\n";

sub worker #------------------------------------------------------------
#called from main
my $TID = $_[0] || 0;

while(1) {
if ($shash{$TID}{quit} == 1) {
elsif ($shash{$TID}{fileIsLocked} == 1) {

sleep (1);
return (1);



Prince Al said:

I am attempting to write a some code that spawns various threads. Each
thread will need to access a common file and to ensure that this file
is only written to by one thread at a time, it needs to be locked.
However, I am having trouble even creating a test script to try out
the logic, which is below. What happens is that both threads are able
to acquire the lock, even though the first thread should have it and
release it before the second thread is able to lock the file. Any
assistance will be very gratefully received!




use strict;
use threads;

my $thr_1 = threads->new(\&flock_test,5, 20, "Thread 1");
my $thr_2 = threads->new(\&flock_test,10, 5, "Thread 2");

grep {$_->join;} ($thr_1,$thr_2);
# Just In Case!
while ( my(@list)=threads->list()) {
print "$#list\n";
grep { $_->join } @list;

sub flock_test {
open(my $fh, ">", "/tmp/flock_test.dat");
my $sleep_1 = $_[0];
my $sleep_2 = $_[1];
my $thread_name = $_[2];

sleep $sleep_1;

flock($fh,2) || die "Could not acquire the lock\n";
print "$thread_name: acquired lock!\n";
sleep $sleep_2;
close $fh;
print "$thread_name: released lock!\n";

You might like threads::shared for inter thread communication.

You set up your shared variables then launch your threads.
Have the threads monitor and update the shared variables
to determine the status of the file or other things.

All threads will have access to the entire %shash.

foreach my $tID (1..2) {
warn 'Launching thread: [' . $tID . "]\n";
foreach my $l qw (fileIsLocked, go, stop, quit,) {
$shash{$tID}{$l} = 0;
$threads{$tID} = threads->new(\&worker, 1);
warn 'Thread: [' . $tID . "] is active\n";

sub worker #------------------------------------------------------------
#called from main
my $TID = $_[0] || 0;

while(1) {
if ($shash{$TID}{quit} == 1) {
elsif ($shash{$TID}{fileIsLocked} == 1) {

sleep (1);
return (1);


Hrmph, typo, just half way through my am coffee and still a bit tired.
For this to work right you would have to fix above thread launching code
replacing the 1's within the foreach my $tID (1..2) {} block with $tID


sub flock_test {
open(my $fh, ">", "/tmp/flock_test.dat");
my $sleep_1 = $_[0];
my $sleep_2 = $_[1];
my $thread_name = $_[2];

sleep $sleep_1;

why do you even have to lock the file via flock. Threads can lock
variables and that is faster and safer. Just create a shared variable
which you can use as a semaphore between threads. Unless that variable
is locked first, no thread can write to the file. Release the lock
once written.

I have done this in my of my scripts and it works great.

Prince Al


Many thanks for the replies so far - very much appreciated! I tried
your various suggestions on my Linux machine and they worked like a
charm, however, moving this code onto the work servers did not prove
quite so fruitful... This are running Solaris (HP-UX B.11.11 U) and
given the way most things are at my company, configured incorrectly!

To answer a question posed above, the reason I want to lock a file
instead of using shared variables is because there will potentially be
many instances of the final script running and I want a way to manage
machine resources. I am writing a data load scheduler by the way...
So, when an instance of the script wants to grab a resource, it locks
the file and subtracts 1 (for example) from the number contained in
the file and when it finishes, it locks the file and adds 1 to the
contents of the file. In a nutshell.

Hopefully that is clear enough! Again, thanks in advance for any
assitance :)



Jens Thoms Toerring

Prince Al said:
Many thanks for the replies so far - very much appreciated! I tried
your various suggestions on my Linux machine and they worked like a
charm, however, moving this code onto the work servers did not prove
quite so fruitful... This are running Solaris (HP-UX B.11.11 U) and
given the way most things are at my company, configured incorrectly!

Out of curiosity, How was it mis-configured not to let you get a
lock on a file? The only thing I can think of at the moment is
that the file to be locked is on an NFS mounted disk and the
normal (non-Perl but POSIX) flock() function often does not
work with NFS - and usually Perl's flock() function is based on
POSIX's flock() function. If that should be the case you might
be better off using the POSIX fcntl() function, with one way to
do that would be to use a module I uploaded to CPAN, called
File::FcntlLock (current version is 0.12).

Regards, Jens

Prince Al

Out of curiosity, How was it mis-configured not to let you get a
lock on afile? The only thing I can think of at the moment is
that thefileto be locked is on an NFS mounted disk ...

Hi Jens,

Sorry, after re-reading my post, I realised that bit might have been
unclear! I have no idea if there is a mis-configuration - I was just
musing out loud and was wondering if there could be such a scenario to
prevent this from working. Instead of placing the file to be locked
in /tmp, I have placed it in my home directory to test the scenario
about different mounts out, with the same results...

My current script is pasted below, oh, and the version of Perl we have
on the server is 5.8.3, if that is any use.

Thanks again for any help!




use strict;
use threads;
use Fcntl qw/:flock/;

my @args_1 = (5, 20, "Thread 1");
my @args_2 = (10, 5, "Thread 2");

my $thr_1 = threads->new(\&flock_test,5, 20, "Thread 1");
my $thr_2 = threads->new(\&flock_test,10, 5, "Thread 2");

$_->join for $thr_1,$thr_2;

sub flock_test {
open(my $fh, ">", "/home/thill/flock_test.dat");
my $sleep_1 = $_[0];
my $sleep_2 = $_[1];
my $thread_name = $_[2];

sleep $sleep_1;

#flock($fh,LOCK_EX) || die "Could not acquire the lock\n";

print "$thread_name: acquired lock!\n";
sleep $sleep_2;
close $fh;
print "$thread_name: released lock!\n";

Jens Thoms Toerring

Sorry, after re-reading my post, I realised that bit might have been
unclear! I have no idea if there is a mis-configuration - I was just
musing out loud and was wondering if there could be such a scenario to
prevent this from working. Instead of placing the file to be locked
in /tmp, I have placed it in my home directory to test the scenario
about different mounts out, with the same results...
My current script is pasted below, oh, and the version of Perl we have
on the server is 5.8.3, if that is any use.

That's rather likely meant to be

use strict;
use threads;
use Fcntl qw/:flock/;
my @args_1 = (5, 20, "Thread 1");
my @args_2 = (10, 5, "Thread 2");
my $thr_1 = threads->new(\&flock_test,5, 20, "Thread 1");
my $thr_2 = threads->new(\&flock_test,10, 5, "Thread 2");
$_->join for $thr_1,$thr_2;
sub flock_test {
open(my $fh, ">", "/home/thill/flock_test.dat");
my $sleep_1 = $_[0];
my $sleep_2 = $_[1];
my $thread_name = $_[2];
sleep $sleep_1;
#flock($fh,LOCK_EX) || die "Could not acquire the lock\n";
print "$thread_name: acquired lock!\n";
sleep $sleep_2;
close $fh;
print "$thread_name: released lock!\n";

Mmm, since you commented out the line where flock() is called
I would expect that you won't get a lock but also no error
message that locking failed;-)

Another thing I notice, which might result in trouble, is that
both threads open the file in write mode ('>'). That leads to
both threads emptying the file (i.e. possibly modifying it)
before asking for the lock which, as far as I have understood
your intentions, isn't what you're planning to do. I guess it
would make more sense to use '+<' (or '>>') instead of '>' when
opening the file to avoid that.

And, BTW, using 'use warnings;' is usually rather useful;-)

Regards, Jens

Prince Al


Thanks - corrected.
Mmm, since you commented out the line where flock() is called
I would expect that you won't get a lock but also no error
message that locking failed;-)

Dang - not making a good first impression here, am I?! I did actually
notice this just before I replied and tested the code without the
crucial line commented out, but same result. I obviously forgot to re-
copy the updated code...
Another thing I notice, which might result in trouble, is that
both threads open the file in write mode ('>'). That leads to
both threads emptying the file (i.e. possibly modifying it)
before asking for the lock which, as far as I have understood
your intentions, isn't what you're planning to do. I guess it
would make more sense to use '+<' (or '>>') instead of '>' when
opening the file to avoid that.

Fair point, thank you.
And, BTW, using 'use warnings;' is usually rather useful;-)


Jens Thoms Toerring

Dang - not making a good first impression here, am I?! I did actually
notice this just before I replied and tested the code without the
crucial line commented out, but same result. I obviously forgot to re-
copy the updated code...

S**t happens;-) But what is actually the "same result"? And
are you sure that your home directory isn't on a NFS mounted
partition or that flock() on the system you're testing this
on works with NFS partitons? I guess the man page for flock(2)
should tell you (or, if it's silent abut that topic it might
be better to assume that that it doesn't work wit NFS).

Regards, Jens

Prince Al

S**t happens;-) But what is actually the "same result"?

When I run the script, I get:

Thread 1: acquired lock!
Thread 2: acquired lock!
Thread 2: released lock!
Thread 1: released lock!

Which is obviously wrong as Thread 1 should complete before Thread 2
can obtain the lock...
are you sure that your home directory isn't on a NFS mounted
partition or that flock() on the system you're testing this
on works with NFS partitons?

No, I am not sure. However, there is no man page for flock. I have
lockf however - is this the same/similar? From the man page, it seems
to do a similar job, although I'm not sure it helps me any...

Jens Thoms Toerring

When I run the script, I get:
Thread 1: acquired lock!
Thread 2: acquired lock!
Thread 2: released lock!
Thread 1: released lock!
Which is obviously wrong as Thread 1 should complete before Thread 2
can obtain the lock...
No, I am not sure. However, there is no man page for flock. I have
lockf however - is this the same/similar? From the man page, it seems
to do a similar job, although I'm not sure it helps me any...

I think Ben's idea to start by figuring out what Perl really uses
when flock() is called is a very sensible proposal (and, of course,
he's correct when pointing out that flock() isn't a POSIX function
at all but a BSDism). Once you have figured that out (and it turns
to be flock() anyway) then you might ask your system administrator
NFS is use at all and what partitions it's used for. Perhaps that's
just a red hering, but I am not aware at the moment of any other
reasons for failure of locking the file (unless there are some
special issues with your system and locks and threads...).

Of course, ait could also be the case that Perl's flock() uses
lockf() internally, but I haven't seen anything concerning lockf()
that would easily explain the problems you're running into. But
perhaps the man page for lockf() on your system has some hints
but I can't check since I have no access to it.

Regards, Jens

Xho Jingleheimerschmidt

Ben said:
I don't know what the usual behaviour of flock is under NFS, but I would
expect to get EINVAL or some such rather than silently appearing to
succeed without actually locking anything. (I believe my system
(FreeBSD) returns EOPNOTSUPP.)

The behavior that I usually see with flock over NFS is that it works as
expected within one machine, just as if the file were a local one. But
processes running on different machines will silently be granted
conflicting locks on the same file. If the file were exposed to the
same machine via different NFS mounts, then presumably you could get
conflicting locks by using different NFS paths to open.

But obviously there are more permutations than just the ones I have


Prince Al

Hi all,

First, many thanks for the taking the time to help me out - very much
appreciated :) Answers to the various queries posted above are...

OS is HP-UX B.11.11 U

There are NFS mounts in use on the server, but none where I have been
trying to lock a file

I have found 5 files relating to sys/syscall.h and none of them
contain any reference to 'SYS_flock':

lockf man page snippets:
lockf - provide semaphores and record locking on files

#include <unistd.h>

int lockf(int fildes, int function, off_t size);

The lockf() function allows regions of a file to be used as
(advisory locks) or restricts access to only the locking process
(enforcement-mode record locks). Other processes that attempt
access the locked resource either return an error or sleep until
resource becomes unlocked. All locks for a process are released
the first close of the file, even if the process still has the
opened, and all locks held by a process are released when the

fildes is an open file descriptor. The file descriptor must
have been
opened with write-only permission (O_WRONLY) or read-write
(O_RDWR) in order to establish a lock with this function call

If the calling process is a member of a group that has the
PRIV_LOCKRDONLY privilege (see getprivgrp(2)), it can also use
to lock files opened with read-only permission (O_RDONLY).

function is a control value that specifies the action to be
Permissible values for function are defined in <unistd.h> as

#define F_ULOCK 0 /* unlock a region */
#define F_LOCK 1 /* lock a region */
#define F_TLOCK 2 /* test and lock a region */
#define F_TEST 3 /* test region for lock */

All other values of function are reserved for future extensions
result in an error return if not implemented.

F_TEST is used to detect whether a lock by another process is
on the specified region. lockf() returns zero if the region is
accessible and -1 if it is not; in which case errno is set to
F_LOCK and F_TLOCK both lock a region of a file if the region is
available. F_ULOCK removes locks from a region of the file.

size is the number of contiguous bytes to be locked or
unlocked. The
resource to be locked starts at the current offset in the file,
extends forward for a positive size, and backward for a negative
(the preceding bytes up to but not including the current
offset). If
size is zero, the region from the current offset through the end
the largest possible file is locked (that is, from the current
through the present or any future end-of-file). An area need
not be

Hewlett-Packard Company - 1 - HP-UX Release 11i:
November 2000


allocated to the file in order to be locked, because such locks
exist past the end of the file.

Regions locked with F_LOCK or F_TLOCK can, in whole or in part,
contain or be contained by a previously locked region for the
process. When this occurs or if adjacent regions occur, the
are combined into a single region. If the request requires that
a new
element be added to the table of active locks but the table is
full, an error is returned, and the new region is not locked.

F_LOCK and F_TLOCK requests differ only by the action taken if
resource is not available: F_LOCK causes the calling process to
until the resource is available, whereas F_TLOCK returns an
error if the region is already locked by another process.

F_ULOCK requests can, in whole or part, release one or more
regions controlled by the process. When regions are not fully
released, the remaining regions are still locked by the process.
Releasing the center section of a locked region requires an
element in the table of active locks. If this table is full, an
EDEADLK error is returned, and the requested region is not

Regular files with the file mode of S_ENFMT, not having the
execute bit set, will have an enforcement policy enabled. With
enforcement enabled, reads and writes that would access a locked
region sleep until the entire region is available if O_NDELAY is
clear, but return -1 with errno set if O_NDELAY is set. File
by other system functions, such as exec(), are not subject to
enforcement policy. Locks on directories, pipes, and special
are advisory only; no enforcement policy is used.

A potential for deadlock occurs if a process controlling a
resource is put to sleep by accessing the locked resource of
process. Thus, calls to fcntl(), lockf(), read(), or write()
fcntl(2), lockf(2), read(2), and write(2)) scan for a deadlock
to sleeping on a locked resource. Deadlock is not checked for
wait() and pause() system calls (see wait(2) and pause(2)), so
potential for deadlock is not eliminated. A creat() call or an
call with the O_CREATE and O_TRUNC flags set on a regular file
error EAGAIN if another process has locked part of the file and
file is currently in enforcement mode.

The advisory record-locking capabilities of lockf() are
throughout the network by the ``network lock daemon'' (see lockd
If the file server crashes and is rebooted, the lock daemon
to recover all locks associated with the crashed server. If a
cannot be reclaimed, the process that held the lock is issued a
SIGLOST signal.

Hewlett-Packard Company - 2 - HP-UX Release 11i:
November 2000


Only advisory record locking is implemented for NFS files.

Upon successful completion, a value of 0 is returned.
Otherwise, a
value of -1 is returned and errno is set to indicate the error.

lockf() fails if any of the following occur:

[EACCES] function is F_TLOCK or F_TEST and the region
already locked by another process.

[EBADF] fildes is not a valid, open file descriptor.

[EDEADLK] A deadlock would occur or the number of
entries in
the system lock table would exceed a system-
dependent maximum. HP-UX guarantees this
value to
be at least 50.

[EINTR] A signal was caught during the lockf()

[EINVAL] Either function is not one of the functions
specified above, or size plus current offset
produces a negative offset into the file.

[EINVAL] size plus current offset cannot be
correctly by an object of size off_t.

[ENOLCK] Either function is F_TLOCK or F_LOCK and the
is an NFS file with access bits set for
enforcement mode, or the file is an NFS file
and a
system error occurred on the remote node.

Deadlock conditions may arise when either the wait() or pause()
calls are used in conjunction with enforced locking (see wait(2)
pause(2) for details).

When a file descriptor is closed, all locks on the file from the
calling process are deleted, even if other file descriptors for
file (obtained through dup() or open(), for example) still

Unexpected results may occur in processes that use buffers in
the user
address space. The process may later read or write data which
is or
was locked. The standard I/O package, stdio(3S), is the most
source of unexpected buffering.

In a hostile environment, locking can be misused by holding key
resources locked. This is particularly true with public read
that have enforcement enabled.

Hewlett-Packard Company - 3 - HP-UX Release 11i:
November 2000


It is not recommended that the PRIV_LOCKRDONLY capability be
because it is provided for backward compatibility only. This
may be modified or dropped from future HP-UX releases.

Locks default to advisory mode unless the setgid bit of the file
permissions is set.

Application Usage
Because in the future the variable errno will be set to EAGAIN
than EACCES when a section of a file is already locked by
process, portable application programs should expect and test
either value. For example:

if (lockf(fd, F_TLOCK, siz) == -1)
if ((errno == EAGAIN) || (errno == EACCES))
* section locked by another process
* check for either EAGAIN or EACCES
* due to different implementations
else if ...
* check for other errors

lockd(1M), statd(1M), chmod(2), close(2), creat(2), fcntl(2),
creat64(2), open(2), pause(2), read(2), stat(2), wait(2), write

lockf(): SVID2, SVID3, XPG2

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