Trying to open a video from HTML5.


Mr. X.

I am using HTML5 to test a code:
<!doctype html>
<meta charset="utf-8" />
<body style="background-color:#8ee5ee;">
<div id ="big_wrapper">
<video src="abc.mp4" type="video/mp4" width="640" height="360">Your
browser does not support the <code>video</code> element.</video>

I don't get any message "your browser doesn't support ..." - Nothing
(If I do : <video ... poster = "myposter.png" - I can see the poster, but no
Also I need just a mp4.
I am using:
Windows 7 premium, 64 bits.
Google chrome version 23.0.1271.97
Windows Explorer 9, version 9.0.8112.16421, update version 9.0.12 KB2761465.

On each browsers, I cannot run the mp4 (I want to download some mp4 from
internet to check out ...) not mp4, not standard video:
C:\Users\Public\Videos\Sample Videos\Wildlife.wmv.

What may be the reason I cannot see any video?

Thanks :)


I am using HTML5 to test a code:
<!doctype html>
    <meta charset="utf-8" />
<body style="background-color:#8ee5ee;">
    <div id ="big_wrapper">
        <video src="abc.mp4" type="video/mp4" width="640" height="360">Your
browser does not support the <code>video</code> element.</video>

I don't get any message "your browser doesn't support ..." - Nothing
(If I do : <video ... poster = "myposter.png" - I can see the poster, but no
Also I need just a mp4.
I am using:
Windows 7 premium, 64 bits.
Google chrome version 23.0.1271.97
Windows Explorer 9, version 9.0.8112.16421, update version 9.0.12 KB2761465.

On each browsers, I cannot run the mp4 (I want to download some mp4 from
internet to check out ...) not mp4, not standard video:
C:\Users\Public\Videos\Sample Videos\Wildlife.wmv.

What may be the reason I cannot see any video?

First, a browser capable of html5 has a "house video player" so that
no external video player has to be installed. Unfortunately the
different browser providers could not agree on a standard video
format, so you have to provide the video in multiple formats if you
want most modern html5 capable browsers to play it. Some formats used
by html5 house video players include mp4, ogv, mov, etc. To the
surprise of some, recent Microsoft browsers support only MP4 video in
the html5 mode and not wmv. If you have a wmv video that you want to
play on a html5 browser using the house video player, you must convert
it to formats that html5 house video players will support. Actually,
html5 will also support the old method of using installed video
players using the usual video codes for these with slight

Go to my page at and
click on the the htm5 button at the top. At least on recent Firefox
browsers, right click on the playing video and select "this frame" and
then select "view frame source". Actually no frames are used, but
Firefox thinks the code is a frame which it is not. The code is in
xhtml5 which can be used instead of plain html5 to retain the
advantages of xml support which plain html5 does not. There is a
discussion of this at theW3C.

The 3 videos used for html5 house player support are:

You may use these for testing if you do not hot link to them for your
active web pages for the general public. Roscoe, the parrot, claims
rights for the videos I made of him. He says he will bite and scratch
anyone who hot links to his videos for a very active web page. However
he is easily bribed with a bag of raw peanuts in the shell. If you try
to give him roasted peanuts, he will spit them out at you :) .

Html5 still is a moving target. Not all html5 capable browsers support
many features, so you still need to check a html5 page on several
browsers to make certain that it works on all browsers of interest to

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