upgrade perl 5.6 to perl 5.8.2


Tulan W. Hu

Would someone tell me the procedures to upgrade perl from 5.6 to 5.8.2?
I would like to install the 5.8.2 on top of the 5.6.
Will I mess up the perl 5.6 environment when I'm still testing the new

Tulan W. Hu

Would someone tell me the procedures to upgrade perl from 5.6 to 5.8.2?
I would like to install the 5.8.2 on top of the 5.6.
Will I mess up the perl 5.6 environment when I'm still testing the new

talks about the coexistence different version of perl.
However, it looks like the upgrade procedure without giving a test period
the existing scripts.

Walter Roberson

:Would someone tell me the procedures to upgrade perl from 5.6 to 5.8.2?
:I would like to install the 5.8.2 on top of the 5.6.
:Will I mess up the perl 5.6 environment when I'm still testing the new

The build and self-test phase are done in a different directory.
The install phase places the installation into whatever
directory you configured. The version-specific portions
(including any installed modules from CPAN) are, by default,
placed in different directories for different versions. So,
the one thing you end up having to watch out for is that
you might end up overwriting the installed perl binary itself.

You could always install into different directories, do your
testing, and then do another install into your regular hierarchy.

Ben Morrow

the one thing you end up having to watch out for is that
you might end up overwriting the installed perl binary itself.

Even if you do, you should currently have binaries called perl, perl5,
perl5.6 and perl5.6.1 (sans dots on dain-bramaged filesystems). The
latter two are not going to be overwritten, so you can replace the
former two if you need to.


Bob Walton

Tulan said:
Would someone tell me the procedures to upgrade perl from 5.6 to 5.8.2?
I would like to install the 5.8.2 on top of the 5.6.
Will I mess up the perl 5.6 environment when I'm still testing the new

You don't say your platform or which Perl you are talking about. I
advise you not to install ActiveState Perl over top of a previous
version. If you do, most things will work, but a few (like PPM) will
give bizarre results. Uninstall first, delete the directories, then
install the new version.

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