urllib2.urlopen(req) error........


John F Dutcher

Can anyone comment on why the code shown in the Python error is in
some way incorrect...or is there a problem with Python on my hoster's
site ??
The highlites don't seem to show here...but line #80 and line # 38 are
the first line offenders.

--> --> -->

HTTPError Python 2.2.2: /usr/bin/python
Fri Jun 4 13:58:00 2004

A problem occurred in a Python script. Here is the sequence of
function calls leading up to the error, in the order they occurred.

78 write_dig_err(ls)

79 x = x + 1

80 process_request(ls)



process_request = <function process_request>, ls =
['johnfdutchfrederic', ['77', '77', '77', '77', '77', '77', '77'],
'EuroMillions', '5', 'error']

/home/euromill/public_html/scgi-bin/euro3.py in
process_request(ls=['johnfdutchfrederic', ['77', '77', '77', '77',
'77', '77', '77'], 'EuroMillions', '5', 'error'])
36 req = urllib2.Request(url='http://www.euromillions.us/scgi-bin/euro8.py',

37 data = strdata)

38 f = urllib2.urlopen(req)

39 print "Content-type: text/html\n\n"

40 print f.read()

f undefined, global urllib2 = <module 'urllib2' from
'/usr/lib/python2.2/urllib2.pyc'>, urllib2.urlopen = <function
urlopen>, req = <urllib2.Request instance>

/usr/lib/python2.2/urllib2.py in urlopen(url=<urllib2.Request
instance>, data=None)
136 if _opener is None:

137 _opener = build_opener()

138 return _opener.open(url, data)


140 def install_opener(opener):

global _opener = <urllib2.OpenerDirector instance>, _opener.open =
<bound method OpenerDirector.open of <urllib2.OpenerDirector
instance>>, url = <urllib2.Request instance>, data = None

/usr/lib/python2.2/urllib2.py in open(self=<urllib2.OpenerDirector
instance>, fullurl=<urllib2.Request instance>, data=None)
320 type_ = req.get_type()

321 result = self._call_chain(self.handle_open, type_, type_
+ \

322 '_open', req)

323 if result:

324 return result

req = <urllib2.Request instance>

/usr/lib/python2.2/urllib2.py in
_call_chain(self=<urllib2.OpenerDirector instance>, chain={'do':
[<urllib2.HTTPHandler instance>, <urllib2.HTTPSHandler instance>],
'file': [<urllib2.FileHandler instance>], 'ftp': [<urllib2.FTPHandler
instance>], 'http': [<urllib2.HTTPHandler instance>], 'https':
[<urllib2.HTTPSHandler instance>], 'proxy': [<urllib2.ProxyHandler
instance>], 'unknown': [<urllib2.UnknownHandler instance>]},
kind='http', meth_name='http_open', *args=(<urllib2.Request
299 func = getattr(handler, meth_name)


301 result = func(*args)

302 if result is not None:

303 return result

result undefined, func = <bound method HTTPHandler.http_open of
<urllib2.HTTPHandler instance>>, args = (<urllib2.Request instance>,)

/usr/lib/python2.2/urllib2.py in http_open(self=<urllib2.HTTPHandler
instance>, req=<urllib2.Request instance>)

789 def http_open(self, req):

790 return self.do_open(httplib.HTTP, req)



self = <urllib2.HTTPHandler instance>, self.do_open = <bound method
HTTPHandler.do_open of <urllib2.HTTPHandler instance>>, global httplib
= <module 'httplib' from '/usr/lib/python2.2/httplib.pyc'>,
httplib.HTTP = <class httplib.HTTP>, req = <urllib2.Request instance>

/usr/lib/python2.2/urllib2.py in do_open(self=<urllib2.HTTPHandler
instance>, http_class=<class httplib.HTTP>, req=<urllib2.Request
782 return addinfourl(fp, hdrs, req.get_full_url())

783 else:

784 return self.parent.error('http', req, fp, code, msg,



self = <urllib2.HTTPHandler instance>, self.parent =
<urllib2.OpenerDirector instance>, self.parent.error = <bound method
OpenerDirector.error of <urllib2.OpenerDirector instance>>, req =
<urllib2.Request instance>, fp = <open file '<socket>', mode 'rb'>,
code = 500, msg = 'Internal Server Error', hdrs = <httplib.HTTPMessage

/usr/lib/python2.2/urllib2.py in error(self=<urllib2.OpenerDirector
instance>, proto=500, *args=({301: [<urllib2.HTTPRedirectHandler
instance>], 302: [<urllib2.HTTPRedirectHandler instance>], 'default':
[<urllib2.HTTPDefaultErrorHandler instance>]}, 'default',
'http_error_default', <urllib2.Request instance>, <open file
'<socket>', mode 'rb'>, 500, 'Internal Server Error',
<httplib.HTTPMessage instance>))
346 if http_err:

347 args = (dict, 'default', 'http_error_default') +

348 return self._call_chain(*args)


350 # XXX probably also want an abstract factory that knows things

self = <urllib2.OpenerDirector instance>, self._call_chain = <bound
method OpenerDirector._call_chain of <urllib2.OpenerDirector
instance>>, args = ({301: [<urllib2.HTTPRedirectHandler instance>],
302: [<urllib2.HTTPRedirectHandler instance>], 'default':
[<urllib2.HTTPDefaultErrorHandler instance>]}, 'default',
'http_error_default', <urllib2.Request instance>, <open file
'<socket>', mode 'rb'>, 500, 'Internal Server Error',
<httplib.HTTPMessage instance>)

/usr/lib/python2.2/urllib2.py in
_call_chain(self=<urllib2.OpenerDirector instance>, chain={301:
[<urllib2.HTTPRedirectHandler instance>], 302:
[<urllib2.HTTPRedirectHandler instance>], 'default':
[<urllib2.HTTPDefaultErrorHandler instance>]}, kind='default',
meth_name='http_error_default', *args=(<urllib2.Request instance>,
<open file '<socket>', mode 'rb'>, 500, 'Internal Server Error',
<httplib.HTTPMessage instance>))
299 func = getattr(handler, meth_name)


301 result = func(*args)

302 if result is not None:

303 return result

result undefined, func = <bound method
HTTPDefaultErrorHandler.http_error...lt of
<urllib2.HTTPDefaultErrorHandler instance>>, args = (<urllib2.Request
instance>, <open file '<socket>', mode 'rb'>, 500, 'Internal Server
Error', <httplib.HTTPMessage instance>)

/usr/lib/python2.2/urllib2.py in
http_error_default(self=<urllib2.HTTPDefaultErrorHandler instance>,
req=<urllib2.Request instance>, fp=<open file '<socket>', mode 'rb'>,
code=500, msg='Internal Server Error', hdrs=<httplib.HTTPMessage
398 class HTTPDefaultErrorHandler(BaseHandler):

399 def http_error_default(self, req, fp, code, msg, hdrs):

400 raise HTTPError(req.get_full_url(), code, msg, hdrs, fp)


402 class HTTPRedirectHandler(BaseHandler):

global HTTPError = <class urllib2.HTTPError>, req = <urllib2.Request
instance>, req.get_full_url = <bound method Request.get_full_url of
<urllib2.Request instance>>, code = 500, msg = 'Internal Server
Error', hdrs = <httplib.HTTPMessage instance>, fp = <open file
'<socket>', mode 'rb'>

HTTPError: HTTP Error 500: Internal Server Error
_HTTPError__super_init = <bound method HTTPError.__init__ of
<HTTPError a...92 whose fp = <open file '<socket>', mode 'rb'>>>
__del__ = <bound method HTTPError.__del__ of <HTTPError at...92
whose fp = <open file '<socket>', mode 'rb'>>>
__doc__ = 'Raised when HTTP error occurs, but also acts like
non-error return'
__getitem__ = <bound method HTTPError.__getitem__ of
<HTTPErro...92 whose fp = <open file '<socket>', mode 'rb'>>>
__init__ = <bound method HTTPError.__init__ of <HTTPError a...92
whose fp = <open file '<socket>', mode 'rb'>>>
__module__ = 'urllib2'
__repr__ = <bound method HTTPError.__repr__ of <HTTPError a...92
whose fp = <open file '<socket>', mode 'rb'>>>
__str__ = <bound method HTTPError.__str__ of <HTTPError at...92
whose fp = <open file '<socket>', mode 'rb'>>>
close = <bound method HTTPError.close of <HTTPError at 1...92
whose fp = <open file '<socket>', mode 'rb'>>>
code = 500
filename = 'http://www.euromillions.us/scgi-bin/euro7.py'
fileno = <built-in method fileno of file object>
fp = <open file '<socket>', mode 'rb'>
geturl = <bound method HTTPError.geturl of <HTTPError at ...92
whose fp = <open file '<socket>', mode 'rb'>>>
hdrs = <httplib.HTTPMessage instance>
headers = <httplib.HTTPMessage instance>
info = <bound method HTTPError.info of <HTTPError at 13...92
whose fp = <open file '<socket>', mode 'rb'>>>
msg = 'Internal Server Error'
read = <built-in method read of file object>
readline = <built-in method readline of file object>
readlines = <built-in method readlines of file object>
url = 'http://www.euromillions.us/scgi-bin/euro7.py'

John J. Lee

Can anyone comment on why the code shown in the Python error is in
some way incorrect...or is there a problem with Python on my hoster's
site ??
The highlites don't seem to show here...but line #80 and line # 38 are
the first line offenders.

So (writing your post for you, here) you've written a CGI script in
Python. Your script uses urllib2 to POST some data to a server, and
you're including the tracback from cgitb.
36 req = urllib2.Request(url='http://www.euromillions.us/scgi-bin/euro8.py',\
37 data = strdata) [...]
code = 500, msg = 'Internal Server Error', hdrs = <httplib.HTTPMessage

euromillions.us is trying to tell you that euromillions.us is broken
(see RFC 2616, section 10.5.1 '500 Internal Server Error'). Maybe you
tickled the bug in the software running on euromillons.us by POSTing
bad data?

The problem is highly unlikely to be the result of a bug in the Python


John F Dutcher

I don't really think there's any Python bug...just thought my hoster's
implementation (it's new to them) might be flawed.
The dismay is that there are (9) scripts which dynamically create html
which work flawlessly on Win XP where I develope them. As with another
similar site I did....every single script has to be tweaked before it
will run on Linux
servers with Linux Python. In the current case, as with 90% of the
others, it's always 'premature end of script headers' as the error.
While the 'printing' of
the 'Content type:....' statements are very much in place, with the
accompanying '\n\n' to generate a blank line....there is still an
unfortunate session of trial and error to get past this issue. The
offending script noted here fails as it does 'process_req(ls)' (ls
being a list of parameters for the script being loaded (read)).
I just thought something 'new' might be going on given the point of

Can anyone comment on why the code shown in the Python error is in
some way incorrect...or is there a problem with Python on my hoster's
site ??
The highlites don't seem to show here...but line #80 and line # 38 are
the first line offenders.

So (writing your post for you, here) you've written a CGI script in
Python. Your script uses urllib2 to POST some data to a server, and
you're including the tracback from cgitb.
36 req = urllib2.Request(url='http://www.euromillions.us/scgi-bin/euro8.py',\
37 data = strdata) [...]
code = 500, msg = 'Internal Server Error', hdrs = <httplib.HTTPMessage

euromillions.us is trying to tell you that euromillions.us is broken
(see RFC 2616, section 10.5.1 '500 Internal Server Error'). Maybe you
tickled the bug in the software running on euromillons.us by POSTing
bad data?

The problem is highly unlikely to be the result of a bug in the Python


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