User controls and data binding based on event (ASP.NET 2.0)




I am developing a web app. On the main page I have two user controls:
searchControl and detailsControl. In the searchControl I have a
GridView. On this GridView DataBound handler I am checking if there was
some object found while searching (this control is used for searching).
If so, I am calling my event CustomerSelected passing ID of first
Customer from GridView.

The second control (detailsControl) should be displaying details of
Customer selected in first control. There is a FormViewControl, which
is used for it. This control has a method OnCustomerSelected, which is
a response for CustomerSelected event. In this method I am reading
passed Customer ID and I am calling FormView.DataBind() method.

The problem is that FormView does NOT show the results. I set breaking
points, so I know that proper methods are called with proper
parameters, needed data is retrieved from DB, but it is not displayed
in the FormView. Moreover I added button - after clicking on it all
data is shown (but no queries are fired).

Where is the problem? Is it somehow connected with events order? How to
fix it?

Thanks in advance,

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