using ASP and parametized query



Per a previous suggestion, I'm trying to use a parametized query in Access
2002. The query functions properly in Access. Now I'm trying to call it from
ASP. I'm using code I found at and trying to adjust
for my needs. I'm getting this error. The query is there and functioning. It
appears that I'm not connecting. Can I get some more insight?
Microsoft VBScript runtime (0x800A01A8)
Object required: 'qry_FindSongs 'White'

My connection string is
Dim conn, mdb, mdw, MM_GenKAccess_STRING

set conn = CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
mdb = Server.MapPath("songs.mdb")
mdw = Server.MapPath("system.mdw")

MM_GenKAccess_STRING = "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0; " & _
"Data Source=" & mdb & ";" & _
"Jet OLEDB:Database Password=xyz;" & _
"Jet OLEDB:System database=" & mdw MM_GenKAccess_STRING
Dim T
T = "%"
If (Request("title") <> "") Then
T = Request("title")
End If
Dim A
A = "%"
If (Request("artist") <> "") Then
A = Request("artist")
End If
Dim C
C = "%"
If (Request("category") <> "") Then
C = Request("category")
End If
Dim TY
TY = "%"
If (Request("type") <> "") Then
TY = Request("type")
End If
Dim M
M = "%"
If (Request("manuf") <> "") Then
M = Request("manuf")
End If
Dim SA
SA = "%"
If (Request("singleartist") <> "") Then
SA = Request("singleartist")
End If
Dim rsResults
Set rsResults = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")
rsResults.ActiveConnection = MM_GenKAccess_STRING
rsResults = "qry_FindSongs '" & T & "', '" & A & "', '" & C & "', '" & TY &
"', '" & M & "', '" & SA & "'"
rsResults.Open rsResults, 0, 4

Bob Barrows [MVP]

shank said:
Set rsResults = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")
rsResults.ActiveConnection = MM_GenKAccess_STRING
rsResults = "qry_FindSongs '" & T & "', '" & A & "', '" & C & "', '"
& TY & "', '" & M & "', '" & SA & "'"
rsResults.Open rsResults, 0, 4

Do this instead:

dim cn
Set cn=server.createobject("adodb.connection") MM_GenKAccess_STRING
Set rsResults = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")
cn.qry_FindSongs T,A,C,TY,M,SA, rsResults

See? No delimiters to worry about.

Bob Barrows

PS. You don't seem to have provided a user name for your connection. Are you
sure you have workgroup security on your database?


Bob Barrows said:
Do this instead:

dim cn
Set cn=server.createobject("adodb.connection") MM_GenKAccess_STRING
Set rsResults = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")
cn.qry_FindSongs T,A,C,TY,M,SA, rsResults

See? No delimiters to worry about.

Bob Barrows

PS. You don't seem to have provided a user name for your connection. Are you
sure you have workgroup security on your database?
I'm on a local station and the connection string works for all other pages.
I connected with your string, but got no results, where I should be. To be
clear, this string: "cn.qry_FindSongs T,A,C,TY,M,SA, rsResults" passes the
values of the variables T,A,C,TY,M,SA into the query qry_FindSongs and
returns a recordset rsResults... correct? I'm not getting a return on

I get this error:
Response object, ASP 0185 (0x8002000E)
A default property was not found for the object.

The variables are being filled....
T: water
A: %
C: %
TY: %
M: %
SA: %

dim cn, rsResults
Set cn=Server.CreateObject("ADODB.connection") MM_GenKAccess_STRING
Set rsResults = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")
cn.qry_FindSongs T,A,C,TY,M,SA, rsResults

Bob Barrows [MVP]

I'm not sure what you mean by "local station"
and the connection string works for all other
pages. I connected with your string, but got no results, where I
should be. To be clear, this string: "

It's not a string, it's a call to a method.

cn.qry_FindSongs T,A,C,TY,M,SA, rsResults
" passes the values of the variables T,A,C,TY,M,SA into the
query qry_FindSongs and returns a recordset rsResults... correct?

Correct. it always works for me.
I'm not getting a return on rsResults.

I get this error:
Response object, ASP 0185 (0x8002000E)
A default property was not found for the object.

Does the error message point to this line?

Check to verify that your connection is open

dim cn, rsResults
Set cn=Server.CreateObject("ADODB.connection") MM_GenKAccess_STRING
if cn.State = 1 then
Set rsResults = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")
cn.qry_FindSongs T,A,C,TY,M,SA, rsResults
Response.Write "Connection is not open<BR>"
end if

Your connection string still looks wierd to me. When you open the database
in Access, do you have to supply both a user name and a password? If not,
you are not using workgroup security and you don't need that business about
a system database in your connection string. If you don't have to enter a
password, then your database is not password-protected and the only thing
needed in your connection string is:

MM_GenKAccess_STRING = "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0; " & _
"Data Source=" & mdb

If none of these suggestions help, I will need to look at it first-hand.
Would it be possible to send your database to my email address? Or, you can
extract the relevant objects into another database and remove any sensitive
data if that allows you to send it.

Bob Barrows


Bob Barrows said:
I'm not sure what you mean by "local station"

It's not a string, it's a call to a method.

cn.qry_FindSongs T,A,C,TY,M,SA, rsResults

Correct. it always works for me.

Does the error message point to this line?

Check to verify that your connection is open

dim cn, rsResults
Set cn=Server.CreateObject("ADODB.connection") MM_GenKAccess_STRING
if cn.State = 1 then
Set rsResults = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")
cn.qry_FindSongs T,A,C,TY,M,SA, rsResults
Response.Write "Connection is not open<BR>"
end if

Your connection string still looks wierd to me. When you open the database
in Access, do you have to supply both a user name and a password? If not,
you are not using workgroup security and you don't need that business about
a system database in your connection string. If you don't have to enter a
password, then your database is not password-protected and the only thing
needed in your connection string is:

MM_GenKAccess_STRING = "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0; " & _
"Data Source=" & mdb

If none of these suggestions help, I will need to look at it first-hand.
Would it be possible to send your database to my email address? Or, you can
extract the relevant objects into another database and remove any sensitive
data if that allows you to send it.

Bob Barrows
I have narrowed the problem down. The connection is open. I made this small
test code and it works. I created a query in the Access DB that does not
require a variable. And it works....

'this code works and there is no variables
if conn.State = 1 then
Set rsResults = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")
conn.qry_SelectCat, rsResults
Response.Write "Connection is open<BR>"
Response.Write "Connection is not open<BR>"
end if

.... Then I created a query that requires 1 simple variable and I get this
"Either BOF or EOF is True, or the current record has been deleted.
Requested operation requires a current record" which suggests to me that the
variables are not getting passed to the query. How can I troubleshoot
further? Thanks!

'I introduce 1 variable and it appears the variable is not getting passed to
the query
C = "fav"
if conn.State = 1 then
Set rsResults = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")
conn.qry_SelectCategories C, rsResults
Response.Write "Connection is open<BR>"
Response.Write "Connection is not open<BR>"
end if

Bob Barrows [MVP]

shank said:
this error...
"Either BOF or EOF is True, or the current record has been deleted.
Requested operation requires a current record" which suggests to me
that the variables are not getting passed to the query. How can I
troubleshoot further? Thanks!

'I introduce 1 variable and it appears the variable is not getting
passed to the query
C = "fav"
if conn.State = 1 then
Set rsResults = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")
conn.qry_SelectCategories C, rsResults
Response.Write "Connection is open<BR>"
Response.Write "Connection is not open<BR>"
end if
Can you show the SQL for the query that accepts the parameter? I suspect
that the query itself is the problem.

Bob Barrows


Bob Barrows said:
Can you show the SQL for the query that accepts the parameter? I suspect
that the query itself is the problem.
I cut-n-pasted these from SQL view in Access.
This query requests 1 variable...
FROM GenKStock INNER JOIN GenKTitles ON GenKStock.OrderNo =
WHERE (((GenKStock.Category) Like "*" & [C] & "*"))
ORDER BY GenKStock.Category;

This query has no variables...
FROM GenKStock INNER JOIN GenKTitles ON GenKStock.OrderNo =
ORDER BY GenKStock.Category;

This is the original query that I need to work...
SELECT GenKStock.OrderNo, GenKTitles.Title, GenKTitles.Artist,
GenKStock.Category, GenKStock.Type, GenKStock.Manuf, GenKStock.SingleArtist,
FROM GenKStock INNER JOIN GenKTitles ON GenKStock.OrderNo =
WHERE (((GenKTitles.Title) Like "*" & [T] & "*") AND ((GenKTitles.Artist)
Like "*" & [A] & "*") AND ((GenKStock.Category) Like "*" & [C] & "*") AND
((GenKStock.Type) Like "*" & [TY] & "*") AND ((GenKStock.Manuf) Like "*" &
[M] & "*") AND ((GenKStock.SingleArtist) Like "*" & [SA] & "*"));

Bob Barrows [MVP]

shank said:
WHERE (((GenKStock.Category) Like "*" & [C] & "*"))
ORDER BY GenKStock.Category;

You have to change the * to % in order to call this query from ADO. It
didn't make sense to me the first time I encountered this issue, either.

Bob barrows


Bob Barrows said:
shank said:
WHERE (((GenKStock.Category) Like "*" & [C] & "*"))
ORDER BY GenKStock.Category;

You have to change the * to % in order to call this query from ADO. It
didn't make sense to me the first time I encountered this issue, either.

Shazam! Very strange. The ASP gets a recordset, but when using the Access
interface, '%' does not yield any results. Oh well I guess. Thanks very very

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