using text file to get ip address from hostname



hello ,

i'm new to Python and i searched the web and could not find an answer for my issue.

i need to get an ip address from list of hostnames which are in a textfile.

this is what i have so far
#!/usr/bin/env python
#Get the IP Address

import socket
hostname = 'need it to read from a text file'
addr = socket.gethostbyname(hostname)
print 'The address of ', hostname, 'is', addr


any idea ?
sorry for my english


Chris Angelico

i'm new to Python and i searched the web and could not find an answer for my issue.

i need to get an ip address from list of hostnames which are in a textfile.

This is sounding like homework, so I'll just give you a basic pointer.

You have there something that successfully resolves one hostname to an
IP address. Now you want to expand that to reading an entire file of
them and resolving them all. Presumably you need to produce a list of
IP addresses; check the question as to whether you need to create a
file, or output to the screen, or something else.

What you want, here, is to open a file and iterate over it. The most
convenient way would be to have one hostname per line and iterate over
the lines of the file. Check out these pages in the Python docs
(you're using Python 2 so I'm going with Python 2.7.3 documentation):

Opening a file:
Ensuring that it'll be closed when you're done:
Looping over an iterable:

See where that takes you; in fact, all of is worth reading, if you haven't

Have fun, enjoy Python!



בת×ריך ×™×•× ×¨×‘×™×¢×™, 12 בספטמבר 2012 17:24:50 UTC+3, מ×ת (e-mail address removed):
hello ,

i'm new to Python and i searched the web and could not find an answer formy issue.

i need to get an ip address from list of hostnames which are in a textfile.

this is what i have so far


#!/usr/bin/env python

#Get the IP Address

import socket

hostname = 'need it to read from a text file'

addr = socket.gethostbyname(hostname)

print 'The address of ', hostname, 'is', addr


any idea ?

sorry for my english


thank you ChrisA
it's not really homework, i found a lab exercise on the web and i;m trying to study with it. maybe not the most efficient way.

i have a file with hostnames ordered line by line.

i will check the sources and will get back with outcome.

once again , Thanks,

Terry Reedy

it's not really homework, i found a lab exercise on the web
and i;m trying to study with it. maybe not the most efficient way.

i have a file with hostnames ordered line by line.

Key fact for this exercise: open files are iterable.
So your top level structure is...

for line in open(<hostname file>):
<process hostname in line>

Jason Friedman

i need to get an ip address from list of hostnames which are in a textfile.
this is what i have so far
#!/usr/bin/env python
#Get the IP Address

import socket
hostname = 'need it to read from a text file'
addr = socket.gethostbyname(hostname)
print 'The address of ', hostname, 'is', addr

$ cat hostnames

$ python3
Python 3.2.3 (default, May 3 2012, 15:51:42)
[GCC 4.6.3] on linux2
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information..... hostname = line.strip()
.... print("IP address for {0} is {1}.".format(hostname,
IP address for is
IP address for is
IP address for is

Dan Katorza

בת×ריך ×™×•× ×¨×‘×™×¢×™, 12 בספטמבר 2012 17:24:50 UTC+3, מ×ת Dan Katorza:
hello ,

i'm new to Python and i searched the web and could not find an answer formy issue.

i need to get an ip address from list of hostnames which are in a textfile.

this is what i have so far


#!/usr/bin/env python

#Get the IP Address

import socket

hostname = 'need it to read from a text file'

addr = socket.gethostbyname(hostname)

print 'The address of ', hostname, 'is', addr


any idea ?

sorry for my english


hello again friends,
thanks for everyone help on this.
i guess i figured it out in two ways.
the second one i prefer the most.

i will appreciate if someone can give me some tips.
thanks again

#!/usr/bin/env python
#Get the IP Address

print("hello, please enter file name here >"),
import socket
for line in open(raw_input()):
hostname = line.strip()
print("IP address for {0} is {1}.".format(hostname,socket.gethostbyname(hostname)))

#!/usr/bin/env python
#Get the IP Address

import os

print("Hello, please enter file name here >"),
FILENAME = raw_input()
if os.path.isfile(FILENAME):
print("\nFile Exist!")
print("\nGetting ip from host name")
import socket
for line in open (FILENAME):
hostname = line.strip()
print("IP address for {0} is {1}.".format(hostname,socket.gethostbyname(hostname)))
print ("\nFinished the operation")
print ("\nFIle is missing or is not reasable"),

Hans Mulder

בת×ריך ×™×•× ×¨×‘×™×¢×™, 12 בספטמבר 2012 17:24:50 UTC+3, מ×ת Dan Katorza:

hello again friends,
thanks for everyone help on this.
i guess i figured it out in two ways.
the second one i prefer the most.

i will appreciate if someone can give me some tips.
thanks again

#!/usr/bin/env python
#Get the IP Address

print("hello, please enter file name here >"),

Instead of printing this string, you can pass it as the
argument to raw_input:

for line in open(raw_input("hello, please enter file name here> ")):

Cosmetically, I'd prefer a space after the '>'.
import socket

PEP 8 recommends putting all imports at the top of the file, like you
do in your second script.
for line in open(raw_input()):
hostname = line.strip()
print("IP address for {0} is {1}.".format(hostname,socket.gethostbyname(hostname)))

To my mind, this line does two things: it finds the IP address and
prints it. I think it would be more readable to do these on separate

ip_address = socket.gethostbyname(hostname)
print("IP address for {0} is {1}.".format(hostname, ip_address)

This forces you to find a good name for the value returned
by gethostbyname, which I consider a Good Thing (tm).

PEP 8 recommends that lines should not be longer than 80
characters. Your line is longer than that; splitting it
in two conceptual steps nicely solves that issue as well.
#!/usr/bin/env python
#Get the IP Address

import os

print("Hello, please enter file name here >"),
FILENAME = raw_input()

PEP 8 recommends all upper case for constants, for example
socket.IPPROTO_IPV6. The filename here is not a hard-wired
constant, so it should be in lower case.
if os.path.isfile(FILENAME):

Your first script allowed me to enter "/dev/tty" at the prompt,
and then type a bunch of hostnames and an end-of-file character.
This script reports "FIle is missing or not reasable", because
/dev/tty is not a regular file. I think the message should be
"File is missing or not readable or not a regular file".

I'm always annoyed when I get an error message with several
"or"s in it. I prefer programs that figure out which of the
three potential issues is the case, and mention only one cause.
print("\nFile Exist!")
print("\nGetting ip from host name")
import socket
for line in open (FILENAME):
hostname = line.strip()
print("IP address for {0} is {1}.".format(hostname,socket.gethostbyname(hostname)))
print ("\nFinished the operation")
print ("\nFIle is missing or is not reasable"),

You don't want a comma at the end of this line: it messes
up the next shell prompt.

Also, this line a rather far away from the test that triggers it.

How about:

filename = raw_input("Hello, please enter file name here> ")
if not os.path.isfile(filename):
if not os.exist(filename):
print("\nFile {} does not exist")
print("\nFile {} is not a regular file")

print("\nFile {} exists", filename)
# etc.

Or you could skip the whole 'os' thing and use a try/except
construct instead:

#!/usr/bin/env python
#Get the IP Address

import sys, socket

filename = raw_input("Hello, please enter file name here> ")
infile = open(filename)
except EnvironmentError as e:

print("\nFile {} exists!".format(filename))
print("\nGetting IP addresses for hosts")
for line in infile:
hostname = line.strip()
ip_address = socket.gethostbyname(hostname)
except EnvironmentError as e:
print("Couldn't find IP address for {}: {}".format(hostname, e))
print("IP address for {0} is {1}.".format(hostname, ip_address))
print ("\nFinished the operation")

Using try/except has the advantage that it will correctly
report issues you didn't think about (for example, if file
exists, but you don't have permission to read it).

Hope this helps

-- HansM

Dan Katorza

בת×ריך ×™×•× ×¨×‘×™×¢×™, 12 בספטמבר 2012 17:24:50 UTC+3, מ×ת Dan Katorza:
hello ,

i'm new to Python and i searched the web and could not find an answer formy issue.

i need to get an ip address from list of hostnames which are in a textfile.

this is what i have so far


#!/usr/bin/env python

#Get the IP Address

import socket

hostname = 'need it to read from a text file'

addr = socket.gethostbyname(hostname)

print 'The address of ', hostname, 'is', addr


any idea ?

sorry for my english


Hi Hans,
thank you very much for the tips.
as i mentioned before I'm new to python and I'm trying to learn it step by step.
thank you for showing me other ways, i will explore them.

Dan Katorza

בת×ריך ×™×•× ×¨×שון, 16 בספטמבר 2012 01:43:31 UTC+3, מ×ת Dan Katorza:
בת×ריך ×™×•× ×¨×‘×™×¢×™, 12 בספטמבר 2012 17:24:50 UTC+3, מ×ת Dan Katorza:

Hi Hans,

thank you very much for the tips.

as i mentioned before I'm new to python and I'm trying to learn it step by step.

thank you for showing me other ways, i will explore them.

Hello again,
I have another question and i hope you will understand me..
Is there any option where you can set the program to go back to lets say the top of the code?
I mean if the program finished the operation and i want to stay in the program and go back ro the start.
after any operation i want the option to do it again , go back to the main menu or full exit from the program, and i want it every time.

i hope i'm clear :)

Chris Angelico

Hello again,
I have another question and i hope you will understand me..
Is there any option where you can set the program to go back to lets say the top of the code?
I mean if the program finished the operation and i want to stay in the program and go back ro the start.
after any operation i want the option to do it again , go back to the main menu or full exit from the program, and i want it every time.

i hope i'm clear :)

Yep! Look up the docs and tutorial on "control flow" and "looping
constructs". Sounds like what you want here is a 'while' loop.


Dan Katorza

בת×ריך ×™×•× ×¨×‘×™×¢×™, 19 בספטמבר 2012 11:14:29 UTC+3, מ×ת Chris Angelico:
Yep! Look up the docs and tutorial on "control flow" and "looping

constructs". Sounds like what you want here is a 'while' loop.


Hi Chris,
this is my code:

#!/usr/bin/env python
#Get the IP Address

import sys, socket

print ("\n\n#########################################################")
print ("# Get IP from Host v 1.0 #")
print ("#########################################################")
print ("# Choose from the options below #")
print ("# 1- url , 2-File(Text file only.txt) #")
print ("#########################################################\n")

mchoice = int(raw_input("Please enter your choice> "))
while mchoice !=1 and mchoice !=2:
print("{0} is not a menu option.".format(mchoice))
mchoice = int(raw_input("Please try again> "))

if mchoice == 2:
filename = raw_input("Hello, please enter file name here> ")
if filename.endswith(".txt"):

infile = open(filename)
except EnvironmentError as e:

print("\nFile {0} exists!".format(filename))
print("\nGetting IP addresses for hosts")
print("{0} is not a Text file.".format(filename))
for line in infile:
hostname = line.strip()
ip_address = socket.gethostbyname(hostname)
except EnvironmentError as e:
print("Couldn't find IP address for {0}: {1}".format(hostname, e))
print("IP address for {0} is {1}.".format(hostname, ip_address))
print ("\nFinished the operation")

if mchoice == 1:
murl = raw_input("Enter URL here> ")
print("Checking URL...")
ip_address = socket.gethostbyname(murl)
except EnvironmentError as d:
print("Valid URL")
print("\nIP address for {0} is {1}.".format(murl, ip_address))
print ("\nFinished the operation")

now where it says Finsihed the operation i want it to show (another search /main menu/exit program)

i know about the while loop , but forgive me i just don't have a clue how to use it for this situation.

i don't want you to give me the code:) just the idea.
i did read the section about the while loop but still i do not know how to use it in this situation.

Dan Katorza

בת×ריך ×™×•× ×¨×‘×™×¢×™, 19 בספטמבר 2012 11:14:29 UTC+3, מ×ת Chris Angelico:
Yep! Look up the docs and tutorial on "control flow" and "looping

constructs". Sounds like what you want here is a 'while' loop.


Hi Chris,
this is my code:

#!/usr/bin/env python
#Get the IP Address

import sys, socket

print ("\n\n#########################################################")
print ("# Get IP from Host v 1.0 #")
print ("#########################################################")
print ("# Choose from the options below #")
print ("# 1- url , 2-File(Text file only.txt) #")
print ("#########################################################\n")

mchoice = int(raw_input("Please enter your choice> "))
while mchoice !=1 and mchoice !=2:
print("{0} is not a menu option.".format(mchoice))
mchoice = int(raw_input("Please try again> "))

if mchoice == 2:
filename = raw_input("Hello, please enter file name here> ")
if filename.endswith(".txt"):

infile = open(filename)
except EnvironmentError as e:

print("\nFile {0} exists!".format(filename))
print("\nGetting IP addresses for hosts")
print("{0} is not a Text file.".format(filename))
for line in infile:
hostname = line.strip()
ip_address = socket.gethostbyname(hostname)
except EnvironmentError as e:
print("Couldn't find IP address for {0}: {1}".format(hostname, e))
print("IP address for {0} is {1}.".format(hostname, ip_address))
print ("\nFinished the operation")

if mchoice == 1:
murl = raw_input("Enter URL here> ")
print("Checking URL...")
ip_address = socket.gethostbyname(murl)
except EnvironmentError as d:
print("Valid URL")
print("\nIP address for {0} is {1}.".format(murl, ip_address))
print ("\nFinished the operation")

now where it says Finsihed the operation i want it to show (another search /main menu/exit program)

i know about the while loop , but forgive me i just don't have a clue how to use it for this situation.

i don't want you to give me the code:) just the idea.
i did read the section about the while loop but still i do not know how to use it in this situation.

Chris Angelico

i know about the while loop , but forgive me i just don't have a clue how to use it for this situation.

You've already used one. What you need to do is surround your entire
code with the loop, so that as soon as it gets to the bottom, it goes
back to the top.

Tip: You'll be indenting the bulk of your code.


Dan Katorza

בת×ריך ×™×•× ×¨×‘×™×¢×™, 19 בספטמבר 2012 11:50:56 UTC+3, מ×ת Dan Katorza:
בת×ריך ×™×•× ×¨×‘×™×¢×™, 19 בספטמבר 2012 11:14:29 UTC+3, מ×ת Chris Angelico:

Hi Chris,

this is my code:

#!/usr/bin/env python

#Get the IP Address

import sys, socket

print ("\n\n#########################################################")

print ("# Get IP from Host v 1.0 #")

print ("#########################################################")

print ("# Choose from the options below #")

print ("# 1- url , 2-File(Text file only.txt) #")

print ("#########################################################\n")

mchoice = int(raw_input("Please enter your choice> "))

while mchoice !=1 and mchoice !=2:

print("{0} is not a menu option.".format(mchoice))

mchoice = int(raw_input("Please try again> "))

if mchoice == 2:

filename = raw_input("Hello, please enter file name here> ")

if filename.endswith(".txt"):


infile = open(filename)

except EnvironmentError as e:



print("\nFile {0} exists!".format(filename))

print("\nGetting IP addresses for hosts")



print("{0} is not a Text file.".format(filename))


for line in infile:

hostname = line.strip()


ip_address = socket.gethostbyname(hostname)

except EnvironmentError as e:

print("Couldn't find IP address for {0}: {1}".format(hostname, e))


print("IP address for {0} is {1}.".format(hostname, ip_address))


print ("\nFinished the operation")

if mchoice == 1:

murl = raw_input("Enter URL here> ")


print("Checking URL...")

ip_address = socket.gethostbyname(murl)

except EnvironmentError as d:



print("Valid URL")

print("\nIP address for {0} is {1}.".format(murl, ip_address))

print ("\nFinished the operation")


now where it says Finsihed the operation i want it to show (another search /main menu/exit program)

i know about the while loop , but forgive me i just don't have a clue howto use it for this situation.

i don't want you to give me the code:) just the idea.

i did read the section about the while loop but still i do not know how to use it in this situation.


o.k a giant while loop :)

Dan Katorza

בת×ריך ×™×•× ×¨×‘×™×¢×™, 19 בספטמבר 2012 11:50:56 UTC+3, מ×ת Dan Katorza:
בת×ריך ×™×•× ×¨×‘×™×¢×™, 19 בספטמבר 2012 11:14:29 UTC+3, מ×ת Chris Angelico:

Hi Chris,

this is my code:

#!/usr/bin/env python

#Get the IP Address

import sys, socket

print ("\n\n#########################################################")

print ("# Get IP from Host v 1.0 #")

print ("#########################################################")

print ("# Choose from the options below #")

print ("# 1- url , 2-File(Text file only.txt) #")

print ("#########################################################\n")

mchoice = int(raw_input("Please enter your choice> "))

while mchoice !=1 and mchoice !=2:

print("{0} is not a menu option.".format(mchoice))

mchoice = int(raw_input("Please try again> "))

if mchoice == 2:

filename = raw_input("Hello, please enter file name here> ")

if filename.endswith(".txt"):


infile = open(filename)

except EnvironmentError as e:



print("\nFile {0} exists!".format(filename))

print("\nGetting IP addresses for hosts")



print("{0} is not a Text file.".format(filename))


for line in infile:

hostname = line.strip()


ip_address = socket.gethostbyname(hostname)

except EnvironmentError as e:

print("Couldn't find IP address for {0}: {1}".format(hostname, e))


print("IP address for {0} is {1}.".format(hostname, ip_address))


print ("\nFinished the operation")

if mchoice == 1:

murl = raw_input("Enter URL here> ")


print("Checking URL...")

ip_address = socket.gethostbyname(murl)

except EnvironmentError as d:



print("Valid URL")

print("\nIP address for {0} is {1}.".format(murl, ip_address))

print ("\nFinished the operation")


now where it says Finsihed the operation i want it to show (another search /main menu/exit program)

i know about the while loop , but forgive me i just don't have a clue howto use it for this situation.

i don't want you to give me the code:) just the idea.

i did read the section about the while loop but still i do not know how to use it in this situation.


o.k a giant while loop :)

Dan Katorza

בת×ריך ×™×•× ×¨×‘×™×¢×™, 19 בספטמבר 2012 12:11:04 UTC+3, מ×ת Dan Katorza:
בת×ריך ×™×•× ×¨×‘×™×¢×™, 19 בספטמבר 2012 11:50:56 UTC+3, מ×ת Dan Katorza:
בת×ריך ×™×•× ×¨×‘×™×¢×™, 19 בספטמבר 2012 11:14:29 UTC+3, מ×ת Chris Angelico:

o.k a giant while loop :)


found a solution,
it's not quite like Chris advised but it works.

#!/usr/bin/env python
#Get the IP Address

import sys, socket, os

def restart_program():
python = sys.executable
os.execl(python, python, * sys.argv)

print ("\n\n#########################################################")
print ("# Get IP from Host v 1.0 #")
print ("#########################################################")
print ("# Choose from the options below #")
print ("# 1- url , 2-File(Text file only.txt) #")
print ("#########################################################\n")

mchoice = int(raw_input("Please enter your choice> "))
while mchoice !=1 and mchoice !=2:
print("{0} is not a menu option.".format(mchoice))
mchoice = int(raw_input("Please try again> "))

while mchoice == 2:
filename = raw_input("Please enter file name here> ")
if filename.endswith(".txt"):

infile = open(filename)
except EnvironmentError as e:

print("\nFile {0} exists!".format(filename))
print("\nGetting IP addresses for hosts")
print("{0} is not a Text file.".format(filename))
for line in infile:
hostname = line.strip()
ip_address = socket.gethostbyname(hostname)
except EnvironmentError as e:
print("Couldn't find IP address for {0}: {1}".format(hostname, e))
print("IP address for {0} is {1}.".format(hostname, ip_address))
print ("\nFinished the operation")
print ("A=another search, M=main menu, E=exit")

waction=raw_input("Please choose your action > ")

while waction !='A' and waction !='M' and waction !='E':
print("{0} is not a valid action.".format(waction))
waction=raw_input("Please try again> ")
if waction =='E':
if waction =='A':
if waction =='M':
print ("#########################################################")
print ("# Choose from the options below #")
print ("# 1- url , 2-File(Text file only.txt) #")
print ("#########################################################\n")

mchoice = int(raw_input("Please enter your choice> "))
while mchoice !=1 and mchoice !=2:
print("{0} is not a menu option.".format(mchoice))
mchoice = int(raw_input("Please try again> "))

while mchoice == 1:
murl = raw_input("Enter URL here> ")
print("Checking URL...")
ip_address = socket.gethostbyname(murl)
except EnvironmentError as d:
print("Valid URL")
print("\nIP address for {0} is {1}.".format(murl, ip_address))
print ("\nFinished the operation")
print ("A=another search, M=main menu, E=exit")

waction=raw_input("Please choose your action > ")

while waction !='A' and waction !='M' and waction !='E':
print("{0} is not a valid action.".format(waction))
waction=raw_input("Please try again> ")
if waction =='E':
if waction =='A':
if waction =='M':

Dan Katorza

בת×ריך ×™×•× ×¨×‘×™×¢×™, 19 בספטמבר 2012 12:11:04 UTC+3, מ×ת Dan Katorza:
בת×ריך ×™×•× ×¨×‘×™×¢×™, 19 בספטמבר 2012 11:50:56 UTC+3, מ×ת Dan Katorza:
בת×ריך ×™×•× ×¨×‘×™×¢×™, 19 בספטמבר 2012 11:14:29 UTC+3, מ×ת Chris Angelico:

o.k a giant while loop :)


found a solution,
it's not quite like Chris advised but it works.

#!/usr/bin/env python
#Get the IP Address

import sys, socket, os

def restart_program():
python = sys.executable
os.execl(python, python, * sys.argv)

print ("\n\n#########################################################")
print ("# Get IP from Host v 1.0 #")
print ("#########################################################")
print ("# Choose from the options below #")
print ("# 1- url , 2-File(Text file only.txt) #")
print ("#########################################################\n")

mchoice = int(raw_input("Please enter your choice> "))
while mchoice !=1 and mchoice !=2:
print("{0} is not a menu option.".format(mchoice))
mchoice = int(raw_input("Please try again> "))

while mchoice == 2:
filename = raw_input("Please enter file name here> ")
if filename.endswith(".txt"):

infile = open(filename)
except EnvironmentError as e:

print("\nFile {0} exists!".format(filename))
print("\nGetting IP addresses for hosts")
print("{0} is not a Text file.".format(filename))
for line in infile:
hostname = line.strip()
ip_address = socket.gethostbyname(hostname)
except EnvironmentError as e:
print("Couldn't find IP address for {0}: {1}".format(hostname, e))
print("IP address for {0} is {1}.".format(hostname, ip_address))
print ("\nFinished the operation")
print ("A=another search, M=main menu, E=exit")

waction=raw_input("Please choose your action > ")

while waction !='A' and waction !='M' and waction !='E':
print("{0} is not a valid action.".format(waction))
waction=raw_input("Please try again> ")
if waction =='E':
if waction =='A':
if waction =='M':
print ("#########################################################")
print ("# Choose from the options below #")
print ("# 1- url , 2-File(Text file only.txt) #")
print ("#########################################################\n")

mchoice = int(raw_input("Please enter your choice> "))
while mchoice !=1 and mchoice !=2:
print("{0} is not a menu option.".format(mchoice))
mchoice = int(raw_input("Please try again> "))

while mchoice == 1:
murl = raw_input("Enter URL here> ")
print("Checking URL...")
ip_address = socket.gethostbyname(murl)
except EnvironmentError as d:
print("Valid URL")
print("\nIP address for {0} is {1}.".format(murl, ip_address))
print ("\nFinished the operation")
print ("A=another search, M=main menu, E=exit")

waction=raw_input("Please choose your action > ")

while waction !='A' and waction !='M' and waction !='E':
print("{0} is not a valid action.".format(waction))
waction=raw_input("Please try again> ")
if waction =='E':
if waction =='A':
if waction =='M':

Dave Angel

בת×ריך ×™×•× ×¨×‘×™×¢×™, 19 בספטמבר 2012 12:11:04 UTC+3, מ×ת Dan Katorza:

Not at all like Chris advised. But it also doesn't help you understand
programming. Two concepts you're going to have to get a lot more
comfortable with, in Python, or in some other language. One is loops,
and the other is functions.This is one enormous top-level code, and when you needed to enclose it
in a loop, your answer is to start a new process! You also duplicate
quite a few lines, rather than making a function for them, and calling
it from two places.

Dan Katorza

בת×ריך ×™×•× ×¨×‘×™×¢×™, 19 בספטמבר 2012 15:28:23 UTC+3, מ×ת Dan Katorza:
בת×ריך ×™×•× ×¨×‘×™×¢×™, 19 בספטמבר 2012 12:11:04 UTC+3, מ×ת Dan Katorza:
בת×ריך ×™×•× ×¨×‘×™×¢×™, 19 בספטמבר 2012 11:50:56 UTC+3, מ×ת Dan Katorza:


found a solution,

it's not quite like Chris advised but it works.

#!/usr/bin/env python

#Get the IP Address

import sys, socket, os

def restart_program():

python = sys.executable

os.execl(python, python, * sys.argv)

print ("\n\n#########################################################")

print ("# Get IP from Host v 1.0 #")

print ("#########################################################")

print ("# Choose from the options below #")

print ("# 1- url , 2-File(Text file only.txt) #")

print ("#########################################################\n")

mchoice = int(raw_input("Please enter your choice> "))

while mchoice !=1 and mchoice !=2:

print("{0} is not a menu option.".format(mchoice))

mchoice = int(raw_input("Please try again> "))

while mchoice == 2:

filename = raw_input("Please enter file name here> ")

if filename.endswith(".txt"):


infile = open(filename)

except EnvironmentError as e:



print("\nFile {0} exists!".format(filename))

print("\nGetting IP addresses for hosts")



print("{0} is not a Text file.".format(filename))


for line in infile:

hostname = line.strip()


ip_address = socket.gethostbyname(hostname)

except EnvironmentError as e:

print("Couldn't find IP address for {0}: {1}".format(hostname, e))


print("IP address for {0} is {1}.".format(hostname, ip_address))


print ("\nFinished the operation")

print ("A=another search, M=main menu, E=exit")

waction=raw_input("Please choose your action > ")

while waction !='A' and waction !='M' and waction !='E':

print("{0} is not a valid action.".format(waction))

waction=raw_input("Please try again> ")

if waction =='E':


if waction =='A':


if waction =='M':

print ("#########################################################")

print ("# Choose from the options below #")

print ("# 1- url , 2-File(Text file only.txt) #")

print ("#########################################################\n")

mchoice = int(raw_input("Please enter your choice> "))

while mchoice !=1 and mchoice !=2:

print("{0} is not a menu option.".format(mchoice))

mchoice = int(raw_input("Please try again> "))

while mchoice == 1:

murl = raw_input("Enter URL here> ")


print("Checking URL...")

ip_address = socket.gethostbyname(murl)

except EnvironmentError as d:



print("Valid URL")

print("\nIP address for {0} is {1}.".format(murl, ip_address))

print ("\nFinished the operation")

print ("A=another search, M=main menu, E=exit")

waction=raw_input("Please choose your action > ")

while waction !='A' and waction !='M' and waction !='E':

print("{0} is not a valid action.".format(waction))

waction=raw_input("Please try again> ")

if waction =='E':


if waction =='A':


if waction =='M':


Hi Dave,
thanks for your comment.
please note this is only my 6th day of programing in any language ever and i'm tutoring my self.
I know this code is too long and lousy for a simple task, but i guess this is part of my learning process.
3 days ago i already figured out that is too long and probably there is better solution, but I decided to try and work it out anyway just for learningand dealing with a bad code.
anyway what i realized is before i want to write a program/task , i need towrite what i want before and plan it ahead.

anyway thanks everyone.

Dan Katorza

בת×ריך ×™×•× ×¨×‘×™×¢×™, 19 בספטמבר 2012 15:28:23 UTC+3, מ×ת Dan Katorza:
בת×ריך ×™×•× ×¨×‘×™×¢×™, 19 בספטמבר 2012 12:11:04 UTC+3, מ×ת Dan Katorza:
בת×ריך ×™×•× ×¨×‘×™×¢×™, 19 בספטמבר 2012 11:50:56 UTC+3, מ×ת Dan Katorza:


found a solution,

it's not quite like Chris advised but it works.

#!/usr/bin/env python

#Get the IP Address

import sys, socket, os

def restart_program():

python = sys.executable

os.execl(python, python, * sys.argv)

print ("\n\n#########################################################")

print ("# Get IP from Host v 1.0 #")

print ("#########################################################")

print ("# Choose from the options below #")

print ("# 1- url , 2-File(Text file only.txt) #")

print ("#########################################################\n")

mchoice = int(raw_input("Please enter your choice> "))

while mchoice !=1 and mchoice !=2:

print("{0} is not a menu option.".format(mchoice))

mchoice = int(raw_input("Please try again> "))

while mchoice == 2:

filename = raw_input("Please enter file name here> ")

if filename.endswith(".txt"):


infile = open(filename)

except EnvironmentError as e:



print("\nFile {0} exists!".format(filename))

print("\nGetting IP addresses for hosts")



print("{0} is not a Text file.".format(filename))


for line in infile:

hostname = line.strip()


ip_address = socket.gethostbyname(hostname)

except EnvironmentError as e:

print("Couldn't find IP address for {0}: {1}".format(hostname, e))


print("IP address for {0} is {1}.".format(hostname, ip_address))


print ("\nFinished the operation")

print ("A=another search, M=main menu, E=exit")

waction=raw_input("Please choose your action > ")

while waction !='A' and waction !='M' and waction !='E':

print("{0} is not a valid action.".format(waction))

waction=raw_input("Please try again> ")

if waction =='E':


if waction =='A':


if waction =='M':

print ("#########################################################")

print ("# Choose from the options below #")

print ("# 1- url , 2-File(Text file only.txt) #")

print ("#########################################################\n")

mchoice = int(raw_input("Please enter your choice> "))

while mchoice !=1 and mchoice !=2:

print("{0} is not a menu option.".format(mchoice))

mchoice = int(raw_input("Please try again> "))

while mchoice == 1:

murl = raw_input("Enter URL here> ")


print("Checking URL...")

ip_address = socket.gethostbyname(murl)

except EnvironmentError as d:



print("Valid URL")

print("\nIP address for {0} is {1}.".format(murl, ip_address))

print ("\nFinished the operation")

print ("A=another search, M=main menu, E=exit")

waction=raw_input("Please choose your action > ")

while waction !='A' and waction !='M' and waction !='E':

print("{0} is not a valid action.".format(waction))

waction=raw_input("Please try again> ")

if waction =='E':


if waction =='A':


if waction =='M':


Hi Dave,
thanks for your comment.
please note this is only my 6th day of programing in any language ever and i'm tutoring my self.
I know this code is too long and lousy for a simple task, but i guess this is part of my learning process.
3 days ago i already figured out that is too long and probably there is better solution, but I decided to try and work it out anyway just for learningand dealing with a bad code.
anyway what i realized is before i want to write a program/task , i need towrite what i want before and plan it ahead.

anyway thanks everyone.

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