VML - Help



Unable to locate a VML newsgroup (Vector Markup Language) so I hope I can
find the answer here.

I have what I beleive to be a strange bug which I cannot resolve.

I have created a method of using arc to draw a performance dial, the URL
below will show you the results.

I have pasted the images in so you can see the before and after.

The left image is exactly how it is displayed on my PC , yet on some PC's at
work it looks awful (right image)

I cannot for the life of me think what is causing this.

The Explorer is V6, and both have VML installed, I checked the Windows
registry and the keys were identical.

What I can say that on my works PC this Monday it looked like image on the
left, until Tuesday my workstation decided to re-install MS Word.
We are using MS Office 2000 at work and are running under Windows NT. I
don't know if you know anything about networked PC's I know next to nothing.
If it helps we logon to a network and our profile settings are downloaded ,
the application are assigned to us in Novell Apps, and if the App is not on
the workstation we are logged into then it will install to that workstation.
I have logged into Workstation #1 (mine) and the dial looks terrible now,
log onto Workstation #2 and the dial looks good, so I am almost convinced
that something on my workstation at work has changed and it is not my
profile settings.

Our PC's at work are on a network and I do not have administration rights,
my use and knowledge of VML is very basic at the moment and the solution
maybe to cleanse the VML syntax so I have included that below.
<html xmlns:v="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:vml">
<style>v\:* { behavior: url(#default#VML); }</style>
<table border=1 >
<tr><td align=center bgcolor="#FFFF99"><b>Area Name</b></td></tr>
<tr><td align=center>
<v:group coordsize="100 100" style="top=0; left=0; width: 150px; height:
150px; position: relative;">
<v:group style="width: 100%; height: 100%; position: absolute; top: 1px;
left: 1px; rotation=180">
<v:arc style="width=100%;height=100%" startangle=90; endangle=176;
strokecolor="#00FF00"; strokeweight=30px> </v:arc>
<v:arc style="width=100%;height=100%" startangle=176; endangle=271;
strokecolor="Red"; strokeweight=30px> </v:arc>
<v:group style="width: 100%; height: 100%; position: absolute; top: 0px;
left: 0px; rotation=433">
<v:line from="50,50" to="50,0"><v:stroke weight="5px" endarrow="classic"
<div style="position: absolute; top: 85%; left: 5%"><b>0</b></div>
<div style="position: absolute; top: 85%; left: 72%"><b> 893</b></div>
<v:eek:val style="position: absolute; top: 40%; left: 40%; width: 20%; height:
20%" fillcolor="navy" ></v:eek:val>

<table border=1 width=100%>
<tr><td align=center bgcolor="#FFFF99">Actual<br><b>812</b></td>
<td align=center bgcolor="#FFFF99">Target<br><b>431</b></td>


It would be interesting to know if you copy the code above into notepad save
as HTML then how does it look , like left image or right image (URL above)

I honestly am at a loss and any assistance you could give me would be very

your sincerely


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