want to sort tables inside a complex mechanism, what can be the approach?



I have a situation where first we are fecthing some ids(list of say
version ids using hibernate form database)
then keeping those list of data in a Pager Object(Paging mechanism
displays 100 rows per page out of complete sa 100 or so.)
This pager class does two things one takes whole list of ids
(Collection of version_id).
(Every time based on search criteria it changes. For searching in
hibernate values are hardcoded. Want modification with minimal changes
as many things are interrelated here.)
and other thing it checks no. of contents based on that displays data
per page(100 here).
It means stores all data from database and send it oage by page.(First
thing to notice)

Next all this is getting stored in Report page where it searches other
column names based on ids(version_id) the other column names are
getting changed for different requests so what we do is take all other
columns collectAllExtraFields(this is also getting changed everytime
based on what is getting searched.)
Now all this is getting accumulated while displaying but as we know
what to display we hardcoded all fields required to display based on
search. But all fields are searched based on the id fetched from
database first time which Pages is storing.
like this

Search for product user information & retrun results in the form of a
paged table for components used by specific product

ComponentVersion versionObj =
String CAUsers = ctHelp.getCAUsersSection(versionId);
tableBody = tableBody + ((i%2 == 0) ? "<tr
class='table_banded_row' valign='top'>" : "<tr class='table_row'
tableBody = tableBody + "<td class='table_data'>" +
versionObj.getCompName(), versionObj.getCompVersion()) + "</td>";
tableBody = tableBody + "<td class='table_data'>" +
CAUsers + "</td>";
tableBody = tableBody + "<td class='table_data'><span
class='data'>" +
versionObj.getComponent().getType() + "</span></td>";
tableBody = tableBody + "<td class='table_data'><span
class='data'>" +
versionObj.getComponent().getVendor() + "</span></td>";
tableBody = tableBody + "<td class='table_data'><span
class='data'>" +
versionObj.getRecommendationType() + "</span></td>";
tableBody = tableBody + "</tr>";

/** Get ComponentVersion ID with hyperlink to ComponentVersion Detail
public String getCompVersionLink(long versionId, String compName,
String compVersion){
return "<a class='datalink' title='" +
this.getComponentFlyOverText(versionId) + "'
+ versionId + "'>" + compName + "&nbsp;&nbsp;" + compVersion + "</a>";

this is getting called by Report.jsp to display.
As this is getting changed everytime its called form classes not used
in jsp directly i think.

Now original objective is to sort all these displayed columns.
If user clicks on any of the column name everything sholud get sorted
on that basis.but sholud not call databse for same again by using same
id and mapping with any new column name this sholud be done. Paging
mechinasm to be used as it is if possible without major changes.

i don't know where to start with as started looking on this code just
2-3 days back only.


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