warning C4244 (VC7.0) unexplained!!!


Geoff Noel

hi, the following code generates warning C4244 :'+=':conversion from 'int'
to 'short' possible loss of data

void main()
short a=0, b=0;
a += b;

why?? thanks.

Jay Nabonne

hi, the following code generates warning C4244 :'+=':conversion from 'int'
to 'short' possible loss of data

void main()
short a=0, b=0;
a += b;

why?? thanks.

Click on the warning in the output window and hit F1.

Or go to http://msdn.microsoft.com and search for C4244.

Or ask in a Microsoft newsgroup.

- Jay

Mike Wahler

Geoff Noel said:
hi, the following code generates warning C4244 :'+=':conversion from 'int'
to 'short' possible loss of data

void main()

int main()
short a=0, b=0;
a += b;

why?? thanks.

The assignment expression has type 'int', due to
standard conversion rules. All values of type 'int'
won't necessary be representable by type 'short int',
thus the warning.

Now my 'why' question: why not just use type 'int'?

Re your use of the word 'unexplained' in your message

I don't have VC7, but I have VC6, which
documents error C4244 thus:

Compiler Warning (levels 3 and 4) C4244

'conversion' conversion from 'type1' to 'type2',
possible loss of data

An integral type was converted to a smaller integral type.
This is a level-4 warning if type2 is int and the size of
type1 is smaller than int. Otherwise it is a level-3 warning.

The conversion may have a problem due to implicit integral

conversions. For example:

short a, b, c;
a = b + c; // warning


Victor Bazarov

Geoff Noel said:
hi, the following code generates warning C4244 :'+=':conversion from
'int' to 'short' possible loss of data

void main()
short a=0, b=0;
a += b;

why?? thanks.

It's because your 'main' returns void. It should return int.

No, I am just joking. It's probably a bug in the compiler.


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