Watir is acting retarded


Daniel Waite


NameError: uninitialized constant Windows::API::Error

Or this...

irb(main):009:0> Watir::IE.new.goto 'google.com'
NoMethodError: undefined method `goto' for #<Watir::IE:0x32e108c>

I reinstalled Windows about 4 hours ago. I installed the network card
drivers and Ruby via the one-click installer.

I then installed the Watir gem. The above error messages are all I'm
getting when attempting to use it.

I am running as the administrator on this machine. I have registered the
AutoIt file manually.

Any ideas? Google turns up _nothing_ related specifically to these
issues. Surely I cannot be the only person who has encountered this.

Brian Tomlin

I am having this exact same problem, and it just started yesterday. I
don't know if this is some kind of crazy coincidence or what the heck is
going on. It's really weird because I ran Watir scripts earlier in the
day yesterday, and now they just don't work. Unfortunately I have no
idea what the cause might be, but I have a thread about this started in
the Watir group over in google groups. I will post back here if they
have any insight into this.

Brian Tomlin

Charley Baker (Watir lead developer) had the solution to this in the
Watir group. It appears that the win32utils libraries had a
compatibility issue. The solution is just to update the libraries with

gem install windows-pr

If you are not a member of the Watir group, I highly recommend joining:


Daniel Waite

Brian said:
gem install windows-pr

That helped. But now I am seeing this...

odule/introspection.rb:70:in `const_get': no such file to load --
safariwatir (M

On a whim I tried gem install safariwatir and get...

Building native extensions. This could take a while...
ERROR: Error installing safariwatir:
ERROR: Failed to build gem native extension.

C:/Ruby/bin/ruby.exe extconf.rb install safariwatir
create C:/Ruby/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/rb-appscript-0.5.1/src/osx_ruby.h
C:/Ruby/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/rb-appscript-0.5.1/src/osx_intern.h ...
creating Makefile

'nmake' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
operable program or batch file.

... Really? I'm on Windows. I don't have make.

Ugh... This gem USED to work just fine.

Brian Tomlin

Daniel, I think you and I are leading parallel lives. I saw the same
thing in a script I had that was something like this:

require 'rubygems'
require 'watir'

ie = IE.new

It used to work, but for some reason to get it to work now I had to
change the last line to:

ie = Watir::IE.new

I hope this works for you.

Daniel Waite

Brian said:
Daniel, I think you and I are leading parallel lives. I saw the same
thing in a script I had that was something like this:

require 'rubygems'
require 'watir'

ie = IE.new

It used to work, but for some reason to get it to work now I had to
change the last line to:

ie = Watir::IE.new

I hope this works for you.

I've always used Watir::IE.start(string).

Currently, this is working, but calling...

browser = Watir::IE.start(uri)
browser.text_field:)id, text_field_id)

Is raising:

uninitialized constant
Watir::InputElementLocator::MissingWayOfFindingObject Exception

Did they change the API and not tell anyone? As far as I can tell via
the cheatsheet (http://secretgeek.net/watir_cheatsheet.asp) they
haven't. What gives?

Brian Tomlin

That should work as far as I know. You might want to post this question
on the Watir group along with the html of the element you are trying to

Tom Cloyd

May I humbly suggest that we use another adverb?

It is difficult enough being born with a cognitive development handicap
about which neither you nor anyone else can do much. It made much harder
when society in general uses words describing you in ways suggesting
that you're undesirable, unwanted, unlike, etc.

In the programming/computer world, we have a similar term, but one which
has much less of a negative loading - AND we're much more able to cope
with any negativity associated with it than are people with cognitive
development challenges. That word is nerd. No one ever feels good about
being called a nerd. No one ever intends good by using the word (except
in humorous settings).

So, lest this get too serious (though it IS a serious issue), dare I say
that to refer to Watir as "retarded" is a really nerdy thing to do? :)
No, I daren't. But...that just might slip out if I allow myself to
bumble alone in my native nerdy mindlessness. Oh my...what did I just
do? It's so easy, isn't it?

No one needs to feel bad, or chastised. I myself once used the "r" word,
in front of 150 people. I also never forget having done it. It was utter
mindlessness, and I intended no harm (I also apologized in my next
sentence), but...it would have been hurtful anyway to anyone affected
who heard it. AND it could have provided a bad example, and that's what
I'm concerned about here. Use of such unfortunately pejorative terms
(and they shouldn't be) really is not tolerable. We all need to be
careful, I think.



Tom Cloyd, MS MA, LMHC - Private practice Psychotherapist
Bellingham, Washington, U.S.A: (360) 920-1226
<< (e-mail address removed) >> (email)
<< TomCloyd.com >> (website)
<< sleightmind.wordpress.com >> (mental health weblog)

Daniel Waite

Brian said:
That should work as far as I know. You might want to post this question
on the Watir group along with the html of the element you are trying to

Ah... I'm the retard I guess. Brian, your suggestion did work (thank
you). In my haste I typed...

browser.text_field:)iid, id_string)

Catch it? Hehe... That's what I get for being impatient. Oh well,
problem solved. Yay for Watir! That said, someone please update the
Watir project page! The rdoc documentation is covering 1.5 or something.

That word is nerd. No one ever feels good about
being called a nerd. No one ever intends good by
using the word (except in humorous settings).

Your writing is collectivist in nature, which I reject wholesale. But
this is a forum about Ruby, not philosophy/economics. If you want to
talk about such things meet me at http://mises.org/Community/forums/ and
I will gladly address your points. My username is angryrabbit. See you
there... :)

Daniel Berger

Daniel said:

NameError: uninitialized constant Windows::API::Error

Or this...

irb(main):009:0> Watir::IE.new.goto 'google.com'
NoMethodError: undefined method `goto' for #<Watir::IE:0x32e108c>

I reinstalled Windows about 4 hours ago. I installed the network card
drivers and Ruby via the one-click installer.

I then installed the Watir gem. The above error messages are all I'm
getting when attempting to use it.

I am running as the administrator on this machine. I have registered the
AutoIt file manually.

Any ideas? Google turns up _nothing_ related specifically to these
issues. Surely I cannot be the only person who has encountered this.

Yep, you want this combination:

win32-api 1.3.0 or later
windows-api 0.3.0 or later
windows-pr 0.9.9 or later



Daniel Waite

Daniel said:
Yep, you want this combination:

win32-api 1.3.0 or later
windows-api 0.3.0 or later
windows-pr 0.9.9 or later

Duly noted. Installing Watir installed all those things (plus a few
other gems). However, I have two versions of windows-pr: 0.9.3 and
0.9.9. My guess is that Watir installed 0.9.3. Thanks for the summary.

Tom Cloyd

Daniel said:

That word is nerd. No one ever feels good about
being called a nerd. No one ever intends good by
using the word (except in humorous settings).

Your writing is collectivist
meaning? (I know the word, but your usage seem obscure to me, so I don't
understand you.) And in any case, to label something is not to refute an
argument. Only reasoning can do that.
in nature, which I reject wholesale.
What I was saying, which I'll now put more directly, is that your use of
that word is unacceptable in polite and educated society. It hurts
people who have already been hurt enough, including some of my clients
and a member of my family. I really shouldn't have to tell you this. If
someone uses that word as you have ANYWHERE, and their usage goes
unchallenged, there is an implicit acceptance of that usage. To regress
toward a time when prejudicial speech was far more common than it is
today is not OK by me, and I believe I have a lot of company.

Your rejection of what I'm trying to tell you is perilously close to
gross ignorance. Or maybe you just don't give a damn, in which case the
problem is more serious than that of being ignorant.
this is a forum about Ruby, not philosophy/economics.
What I'm trying to get across to you is neither philosophy nor
economics. This IS a forum about Ruby, inhabited by members of the human
society, where most of us consider it unacceptable to think, act, or
speak in prejudicial ways. You don't get a ticket to act like an
imbecile here simply because you program in Ruby - or for any other
reason that I can think of.

Your use of "retarded" is prejudicial because it is a word with only
negative connotations, and it applies to a group of people who are
victims of their genetics. If they were a gene pool, use of the word
"retarded" would be racism, without question. There was a time in my
country (USA) when that was widely acceptable. In my lifetime, this has
changed. We're not going back to that former time if I have anything to
say about it.

My use of the word "imbecile" in a previous paragraph is different. It
is NOT used any longer to refer to any class of people (although it was,
at one time). Today, it simply means something like "utter fool". It
cannot be seen as prejudicial usage.
If you want to
talk about such things meet me at http://mises.org/Community/forums/ and
I will gladly address your points. My username is angryrabbit. See you
there... :)
You've met me here, and here is were the error was made, so here is the
appropriate forum. It is not acceptable to me to have your choice of
word HERE go without challenge. You made a mistake. I hope you will
think it over. You're not the only one inhabiting this planet, or even
this forum. Do it again, and I'll challenge you again, because it will
still be hurtful, and that's the problem.



Tom Cloyd, MS MA, LMHC - Private practice Psychotherapist
Bellingham, Washington, U.S.A: (360) 920-1226
<< (e-mail address removed) >> (email)
<< TomCloyd.com >> (website)
<< sleightmind.wordpress.com >> (mental health weblog)

Tom Cloyd

Daniel and other,

I should have added - I've said what I think needs to be said about this
issue here, and even explained why I said it (the hurtfulness issue, and
the issue about the need for the behavior to be challenged in the arena
where it occurred).

I don't need to speak further about this, as I've done what I felt I
needed to do. Respond as you wish; I'll probably not respond myself.

Daniel, I have no particular reason to think you're a bad person. That
has never been my thought. It was always about a particular verbal
behavior that was not OK, and nothing more. It's important that that be
made clear.

And if you want to backchannel about this, that'd be fine. I'm content
at this point to take it off the list.



Tom Cloyd, MS MA, LMHC - Private practice Psychotherapist
Bellingham, Washington, U.S.A: (360) 920-1226
<< (e-mail address removed) >> (email)
<< TomCloyd.com >> (website)
<< sleightmind.wordpress.com >> (mental health weblog)

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