WCF compatibility with .rdlc report designer?



I'm trying to use types exposed by WCF service references in an ASP.NET web
application within the Report Designer. The service references split the type
definitions across multiple .xsd files, which appears to work fine from a
normal coding perspective. But when I try to create a report, the Data
Sources view is empty, I can't add a new data source, and the Report->Data
Sources menu option throws up an error about a schema type not being defined.

The error varies depending on which service references are added to the
project. If the service is extremely simple, with no 'complications'
(enumerations, streams, datasets, etc) it is just about possible to get the
Data Sources window to recognize the service types. But if there's anything
remotely interesting going on, it just fails.

Now, is this something that can be fixed? How can I get the Website Data
Sources panel to recognize types exposed on a WCF service where these types
include at a minimum custom enumerations?



Antonio Di Mitri

I'm finding more or less the same problem.

I'm trying to use reportviewer + rdlc report file definition to create
reports using the object model exposed via two WCF services references. I've
tested using a test web site app.

It's a very strange behavior; In a page I added a report viewer and an RDLC
file; Using the menu items:"report->Data Sources" all is fine, the dialog
pops up. Then I added a WCF service reference to the web site and going
throug the same menu items, I get an "Schema not defined" error.

Interesting thing: I've detached the first WCF services and attached a
second WCF service; I get in this case an "Undefined complexType
'http://namespace:type' is used as a base for complex type definition" error.

This last error should be related to the fact the service expose some
derived classes.

Can some MS guru explain what's happen under the scenes?

Any help appreciated.

regards, Antonio

srinivas s

I'm finding more or less the same problem.

I'm trying to use reportviewer + rdlc report file definition to create
reports using the object model exposed via two WCF services references. I've
tested using a test web site app.

It's a very strange behavior; In a page I added a report viewer and an RDLC
file; Using the menu items:"report->Data Sources" all is fine, the dialog
pops up. Then I added a WCF service reference to the web site and going
throug the same menu items, I get an "Schema not defined" error.

Interesting thing: I've  detached the first WCF services and attached a
second WCF service; I get in this case an "Undefined complexType
'http://namespace:type'is used as a base for complex type definition" error.

This last error should be related to the fact the service expose some
derived classes.

Can some MS guru explain what's happen under the scenes?

Any help appreciated.

regards, Antonio

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Can you help me pls....
i am also facing same problem.

In my solution i am using .rdlc reports calling through WCF.Single
report working fine.
but here i add another report i didn't get the reportsouce.

"The 'http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema:schema' element is not

i am getting this Error

anyBody Can u help me pls....
it's very important to me.


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