Web Service Redirection


Thom Little

I have an ASP.NET web sercice that processes a form. At the completion of
processing I want to redirect to a page that contains the response (the
location of this response page is passed to the web service in the form).

How can I invoke redirection the web service?


Hello Thom,

Can you let me know why you need to redrect to another web page? When we
call web service, the client expects a SOAP package via HTTP response.
Also, a web service server also expect a SOAP pakcage in HTTP request. Is
your redirection target a ASPX page or another web service? If it is also a
web service, I suggest you may consider following:

1. Client call web service1;
2. web service1 analyst the form and call web service 2
3. Web service1 get result from web service 2 and generate result and
return it to client

Can this help your question?


Thom Little

My need (investigation) is to determine how I can access web services from
an HTML page and how I can access web services from an ASP 3 page.
(JavaScript is permitted.)

The current implementation is packaged as a Web Application. The caller
submits a form that includes two URLs. One URL is for normal return and the
other is for an error return. Exit from the application is by
Response.Redirect to one of the two URLs. This allows the caller(using
plain HTML) to customize the response pages to have the same look-and-feel
as the other pages in their website. The exit from the two displayed user
pages is typically different. For normal it is to return to the page that
called the page with the form to fill in and submit (history-2). For error
it is to return to the original form submission page to allow corrections

Currently there is no user interface for the web application. Exposed in
the web application is ...

<%@ Page language="c#" Codebehind="form.aspx.cs" AutoEventWireup="false"
Inherits="tools.form" %>
<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN" >
<meta name="GENERATOR" Content="Microsoft Visual Studio .NET 7.1">
<meta name="CODE_LANGUAGE" Content="C#">
<meta name="vs_defaultClientScript" content="JavaScript">
<meta name="vs_targetSchema"
<body MS_POSITIONING="GridLayout">
<form id="Form1" method="post" runat="server">

Manohar Kamath


First of all, web services are "middle layer" and not presentation layer.
Hence, things like redirection is not possible. Besides, they are what they
call "service-oriented" and not workflow oriented.

Perhaps you can architect your system to use a central web service that
serves your ASP/ASPX pages. Within the ASP/ASPX pages (the presentation
layer), you could invoke the services the web service interface provides and
create a workflow.

Thom Little

Thank you for the clarification. I will attempt to restructure it along the
lines you recommended.


Yes, I agree with Manohar. You may call the web service in an ASPX page,
handle the result and return to client in the ASPX page. Be careful if the
javascript is permitted. Some ASPX component may not work without

BTW, we also can call a web service in ASP page with SOAP Toolkit.


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