Weird diplay problem with XSL / XML



Hi Guys

You are probably my last chance to avoid getting crazy

To help you understand my problem I have put images online showing the
issue I have:

I have an XML file containing links and I use an XSL file to build a
menu using thoses links.
There is actually 2 levels in my menu as the links are organised
within sections.

When the menu is loaded, only the section headers are shown (see the
first image).
I you click on a section header, the links of the section are diplayed
(see the second image) and the other sections are closed.

But when I click on the second section, the links are displayed as it
should be but an additional and unwanted space appears below the fouth
section, with a few letters (the last letters of the fourth section
header) displayed at the bottom of this space ("h Engines" on the
third image).
The other sections are all working fine.

I have displayed the source of the page and if I search for the string
"Engines", I get only one result which is the regular fourth section
header. Moreover I can't hightlight the additional text but if I
hightlight the regular one the additional one is hightlighted too.
If I try to remove one or the other section from the xml file, I get
the same problem with another section, or even sometimes 2 !

I have tried everything and I can't find any logical relation between
the changes I do and the results I get.

Is there anyone who has already seen something like this ??

thanks for your help !



Hi Guys

You are probably my last chance to avoid getting crazy

To help you understand my problem I have put images online showing the
issue I have:

I have an XML file containing links and I use an XSL file to build a
menu using thoses links.
There is actually 2 levels in my menu as the links are organised
within sections.

When the menu is loaded, only the section headers are shown (see the
first image).
I you click on a section header, the links of the section are diplayed
(see the second image) and the other sections are closed.

But when I click on the second section, the links are displayed as it
should be but an additional and unwanted space appears below the fouth
section, with a few letters (the last letters of the fourth section
header) displayed at the bottom of this space ("h Engines" on the
third image).
The other sections are all working fine.

I have displayed the source of the page and if I search for the string
"Engines", I get only one result which is the regular fourth section
header. Moreover I can't hightlight the additional text but if I
hightlight the regular one the additional one is hightlighted too.
If I try to remove one or the other section from the xml file, I get
the same problem with another section, or even sometimes 2 !

I have tried everything and I can't find any logical relation between
the changes I do and the results I get.

Is there anyone who has already seen something like this ??

thanks for your help !


Install the Web Developer Extension for Firefox and use View Source,
View Generated Source.


I use the IE developer toolbar but I'm not able to find the additional
text. It's just as if it didn't exist!

Any other idea?

Joe Kesselman

lucky said:
I use the IE developer toolbar but I'm not able to find the additional
text. It's just as if it didn't exist!

Maybe it doesn't exist.

Hard to say without having the source files to look at, preferably in a
simplified form that just demonstrates the part you're having trouble with.


Hi Joe

Thanks for your answer.
This is what I'm assuming is the faulty code.

<xsl:stylesheet version="1.0" xmlns:xsl="
<xsl:variable name="dt" select="'number'"/> <xsl:key name="items"
match="zrow" use="substring-before(substring-after(@ows_FileRef, '/
Quick Find/Useful Links/'), '/')" />
<xsl:template match="/">

<xsl:for-each select="//zrow[generate-id(.)=generate-
id(key('items',substring-before(substring-after(@ows_FileRef, '/Quick
Find/Useful Links/'), '/')))]">
<xsl:sort select="substring-after(@ows_FileRef, '#Lists/')"/>
<xsl:if test="substring-before(substring-after(@ows_FileRef, '/Quick
Find/Useful Links/'),'/') != ''">
<a href="javascript:void(0);" id="T2menuChannel{position()}"
T2channelToggle('T2menuChannel{position()}');" class="leftNavChannel">
<xsl:value-of select="substring-before(substring-
after(@ows_FileRef, '/Quick Find/Useful Links/'),'/')" />

<div id="T2tab{position()}a" style="display:none;">
</xsl:text> <table class="rightNavSubLinks">
</xsl:text><tr><td style="border-width:
1;border-style:solid; ">
<xsl:for-each select="key('items',substring-
before(substring-after(@ows_FileRef, '/Quick Find/Useful Links/'),
<xsl:sort select="number(@ows_ItemOrder)"/>
<a href="{@ows_NavigateURL}" target="_blank"
</xsl:text> <tr><td height="5px"></td></tr>


This is what I'm assuming is the faulty code.

Have you tried debugging it? Have you tried feeding it into
a standalone XSLT processor and attempting to find out
what's wrong with the resulting document? Have you tried
reproducing the bug in a test transformation?
[terrible code]

This is not well-formed, poorly indented and thoroughly
for-eachnalized. You haven't provided a sample document for
transformation either. What did you expect? As I happens, I
do possess a supernatural power of Gazing-At-A-Ball-Of-Mud-
And-Pointing-Straight-At-The-Bug, but I charge for using it
on per-hour basis.


This is the first time I work with XML and I had a very short time to
do it.
So yes, it is probably not well-formated and whatever you want.

But there's no need to be rude.

Anybody else willing to be more constructive?

Joseph Kesselman

lucky said:
So yes, it is probably not well-formated and whatever you want.

If XML isn't well-formed (not "well-formatted", but structurally
correct) it simply isn't XML and no XML tool will accept it. I haven't
tried running your stylesheet code but if it's it really is ill-formed
you MUST start by fixing that or nothing else will work.

As Pavel pointed out, it's hard to debug code without knowing what the
input looks like and what output you expected from it. Trying to
reverse-engineer and debug someone else's code from first principles is
a pain in the arse, and you really want to make it easier for us if you
want assistance.


This is what I'm assuming is the faulty code.

Have you tried debugging it? Have you tried feeding it into
a standalone XSLT processor and attempting to find out
what's wrong with the resulting document? Have you tried
reproducing the bug in a test transformation?
[terrible code]

This is not well-formed, poorly indented and thoroughly
for-eachnalized. You haven't provided a sample document for
transformation either. What did you expect? As I happens, I
do possess a supernatural power of Gazing-At-A-Ball-Of-Mud-
And-Pointing-Straight-At-The-Bug, but I charge for using it
on per-hour basis.

Hey Lepin, everyone here is pretty fed-up with your sarcastic and belittling

You're a one-trick pony who only knows enough about XML to be dangerous. You
bully and intimidate people into thinking you know what you're talking
about, but the truth is you don't know much about anything.

You are coward who lacks the social grace of a common housefly. Do us all a
favor and keep your hole shut unless you have something helpful to

Joe Kesselman

This may be a good time to recommend that people review

.... which is itself blunt almost to the point of being rude, but which
folks really need to understand if they're going to get help from Usenet.

(On the other hand, I do sorta agree that in many cases the right
response to a sloppy question is to ignore it, unless you have the
patience to walk them through correcting it.)



Thank you very much Joseph for thoses advises. I'll start then with
finding out how it should be and work on my files. Seems I'll have to
keep doing extra hours!

Anyway here is the .xml file from where I get my datas. Not sure if
this is gonna help?

Thanks again


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?><!--<soap:Envelope
XMLSchema"><soap:Body><GetListItemsResponse xmlns="http://"><GetListItemsResult><listitems
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Joe Kesselman

lucky said:
<zrow ows_Attachment

Not well formed. All XML attributes must have values. Not to mention the
fact that you haven't closed the start tag properly.

There may be other errors.

Homework assignment: Get an XML parser, and work with the document and
an XML tutorial until the parser accepts the document. Until you get
past that step, it isn't worth even thinking about the stylesheet.


Thanks Joe

The document was actually too long so it was not displayed until the
end. But it is actually closed properly.
I'll get an XML perser (any name to suggest?) and try that.

Once again thanks for your help


Joe Kesselman

By the way, since the stylesheet is itself an XML document, it too must
be well formed. Fixing that is also part of your homework assignment.

And yes, this is an RTFM answer. You've got basic problems that you have
to fix LONG before you get to the one you're trying to ask. Study a good
XML tutorial first. Then study a good XSLT tutorial. THEN, if you're
still confused, ask specific questions.

Joe Kesselman

lucky said:
The document was actually too long so it was not displayed until the
end. But it is actually closed properly.

Not if what you posted is anything close to reality. I found at least
four problems.
I'll get an XML perser (any name to suggest?) and try that.

Lots exist. Which one to use depends on the platform you're running on.
My standard recommendation is Apache Xerces, but I'm biased.


On Usenet it's a good idea to quote properly and leave
attributions. comp.text.xml is way more relaxed in that
respect than most other techie newsgroups, but it still
amounts to basic courtesy to remember that not all of us
are using Grougle Goops to read newsgroups.

The document was actually too long so it was not
displayed until the end. But it is actually closed

To clarify on my 'rude' explanation: few people are willing
to debug your production code for you, especially if the
problem description amounts to 'I'm not sure, but something
doesn't seem to work in there'. People are often willing to
help neophytes, but you need to localize your problem and
post a minimum complete example demonstrating it.

Reading FAQs first helps, too.
I'll get an XML perser (any name to suggest?) and try

If you're on some sort of Linux distribution or one of open
source FooBSD's (or if you're using Cygwin), most if not
all of them have libxml2 and libxslt in their
packages/ports collections. The installation should be
effortless, and you'll get xmllint and xsltproc as part of
the deal. Can't say much about Xerces and Xalan apart from
the fact that I managed to install them both on my box
without much problem. Saxon-8B is just bloody great (and it
groks XSLT2 and XQuery to boot), but making it work might
involve some Java mojo, so I would recommend against it if
you don't feel javish today.

(Note that libxml2 under Cygwin seems prone to segfaults
when parsing large documents--large being defined as
'in excess of a few million nodes'.)

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