Which is a better way to implement this algorithm?



(Xposted to both comp.lang.c++ and comp.programming since I've got
questions related to both C++ language and general programming)

I've got the following C++ code. The first routine runs in like 65% of
the time of the second routine. Yet both do the same thing. However,
the second one seems better in terms of the way the code is written
since it helps encapsulate the transformation in the inner loop better
making it easier to read, at least in my opinion. Maybe it's not,
maybe the former is "better" that way and I should go with it, but if
the latter is "better" in that respect should I just ditch it anyway
and tradeoff for performance since I want this thing to be fast???

What each routine does is multiply two arbitrary-precision integers
together. The second one though uses an additional "slice" type that
provides a window enabling the "multiply and add" operation to be
performed on a limited range of digits, which can then be advanced
across the number, making clear that part of the algorithn.

I'm using the simple "grade school" multiply algorithm. Note how the
second routine more easily outlines this algorithm, while in the first
it is a little more difficult to see. Which would you prefer, exactly?

For brevity, class definitions and other members have been omitted.
However it should not be too difficult to figure out the necessary

Also, could I lose the typecasts in this code or do I need them?

The reason why I'm asking is because I remembered getting told earlier
by someone here (Alf P. Steinbach, group: comp.lang.c++) about how my
last implementation of my program (this is for a fractal generator)
had some sort of bad, bug-inducing "abstraction gap" yet I was unable
to get enough elaboration responses about it so I've been more or less
shooting around trying to figure out how to make it better (although
he did give me some *examples* of where there were problems, which I
have since fixed.). But it seems I'm losing performance and that's not
a good thing for my application. Not to mention also that my original
bignum implementation was called "silly" as well("...although I didn't
look at the silly bignum class, whatever it's fault is..." ref:
without any explanation as to what exactly was so silly about it. So I
had to start dark-shooting there too trying to figure out what I had
done wrong.

First version (fastest):
void RawDigit::Mul(const RawDigit &a, const RawDigit &b)
/* Check to see if we're doing an in-place multiply */
if(&a == this)
} else if(&b == this) {

/* Get lengths. */
std::size_t rLength(GetLength());
std::size_t aLength(a.GetLength());
std::size_t bLength(b.GetLength());

/* Zeroize this. */

/* Do the multiplication. */
TwoDigit64 carry(0);
for(std::size_t i(0);i<aLength && i<rLength;i++)
carry = 0;

for(std::size_t j(0);j<bLength && (i+j)<rLength;j++)
tmp((static_cast<TwoDigit64>(a.digits)*b.digits[j]) +
digits[i+j] + carry);
carry = tmp >> DIGIT_BITS;
tmp -= carry << DIGIT_BITS;
digits[i+j] = tmp;

if(i+bLength < rLength)
digits[i+bLength] = carry;

Second version (slower):
*** Slice manipulation.
inline Digit32 MulAddOp(Digit32 a, Digit32 b, Digit32 c, Digit32
TwoDigit64 sum(a + (static_cast<TwoDigit64>(b)*c) + carry);
carry = sum >> DIGIT_BITS;
return(sum & MAX_DIGIT);

inline Digit32 MulAddCarryPropOpL(Digit32 a, Digit32 &carry)
Digit32 sum(a + carry);
carry = sum < carry;

inline Digit32 MulAddCarryPropOpR(Digit32 b, Digit32 c, Digit32
TwoDigit64 sum((static_cast<TwoDigit64>(b)*c) + carry);
carry = sum >> DIGIT_BITS;
return(sum & MAX_DIGIT);

Digit32 RawDigitSlice::MulAdd(const ConstRawDigitSlice &a,
const Digit32 b,
const ConstRawDigitSlice &c)
/* Set up iterators */
DigitIterator32 ri(GetStartIterator());
ConstDigitIterator32 ai(a.GetConstStartIterator());
ConstDigitIterator32 ci(c.GetConstStartIterator());

/* Get minimum length of a and c. */
std::size_t minLength(std::min(std::min(a.length, c.length),

/* Do the combined multiply + add */
Digit32 carry(0);
std::size_t i(0);
*ri = MulAddOp(*ai, b, *ci, carry);

/* Handle the remaining part(s) of a or b. */
int largerLength(std::min(std::max(a.length, c.length), length));
if(a.length >= c.length)
*ri = MulAddCarryPropOpL(*ai, carry);
} else {
*ri = MulAddCarryPropOpR(b, *ci, carry);

/* Finish carry propagation */
if(largerLength < length)
*ri = MulAddCarryPropOpL(0, carry);

/* Done! */

*** This next routine is in a different source file, the one
implementing the full "RawDigit" class.
*** The former would be in another file that implements the
"RawDigitSlice" class.
void RawDigit::Mul(const RawDigit &a, const RawDigit &b)
/* Check to see if we're doing an in-place multiply */
if(&a == this)
} else if(&b == this) {

/* Get lengths. */
std::size_t rLength(GetLength());
std::size_t aLength(a.GetLength());
std::size_t bLength(b.GetLength());

/* Zeroize this. */

/* Set up slices. */
RawDigitSlice runningSum(*this, 0, aLength + 1); /* explanation:
(<RawDigit object>, <origin digit idx>, <nbr of digits in slice>) */
ConstRawDigitSlice as(a);

/* Do the multiplication. */
for(std::size_t i(0);i<bLength && i<rLength;++i,++runningSum)
acc.MulAdd(runningSum, b, as);

Ivan Vecerina

: Hi.
: (Xposted to both comp.lang.c++ and comp.programming since I've got
: questions related to both C++ language and general programming)
: I've got the following C++ code. The first routine runs in like 65% of
: the time of the second routine. Yet both do the same thing. However,
: the second one seems better in terms of the way the code is written
: since it helps encapsulate the transformation in the inner loop better
: making it easier to read, at least in my opinion. Maybe it's not,
: maybe the former is "better" that way and I should go with it, but if
: the latter is "better" in that respect should I just ditch it anyway
: and tradeoff for performance since I want this thing to be fast???
As a first-time reader of both implementations, I find the first one
much easier to understand and maintain than the second one. Adding
levels of abstractions without a clear benefit only obfuscates code.

: I'm using the simple "grade school" multiply algorithm. Note how the
: second routine more easily outlines this algorithm, while in the first
: it is a little more difficult to see. Which would you prefer, exactly?
The first one.

: Also, could I lose the typecasts in this code or do I need them?
I'll comment & review the first function below.
At some point, you do need to (at least implicitly) cast
an operand to the larger type, as this might not happen
automatically for some combinations of types, in C++.

: First version (fastest):
: ---
: void RawDigit::Mul(const RawDigit &a, const RawDigit &b)
: {
: /* Check to see if we're doing an in-place multiply */
: if(&a == this)
: {
: MulInPlace(b);
: return;
: } else if(&b == this) {
: MulInPlace(a);
: return;
: }
General class design: unless there is an established reason
not to do so, I would use operator overloading and implement
(as members of the Num class):
static Num operator *( const Num& a, const Num& b );
Num& operator *( const Num& a );
Maybe RawDigit::Mul is an internal private member, and the
above operations are provided? But then the special cases
(e.g. multiply in place) would best be handled in the
layers above...

: /* Get lengths. */
: std::size_t rLength(GetLength());
: std::size_t aLength(a.GetLength());
: std::size_t bLength(b.GetLength());
: /* Zeroize this. */
: Zeroize();

Is the intent truly to implement modulo math, and to allow
the result to be truncated? If not the result should be
resized automatically, and the code is simplified.

: /* Do the multiplication. */
: TwoDigit64 carry(0);
Technically, the carry should only require 1 digit,
and can be defined within the outer loop below.

: for(std::size_t i(0);i<aLength && i<rLength;i++)
: {
: carry = 0;
: for(std::size_t j(0);j<bLength && (i+j)<rLength;j++)
: {
: TwoDigit64
: tmp((static_cast<TwoDigit64>(a.digits)*b.digits[j]) +
: digits[i+j] + carry);
: carry = tmp >> DIGIT_BITS;
: tmp -= carry << DIGIT_BITS;
: digits[i+j] = tmp;
: }
: if(i+bLength < rLength)
: digits[i+bLength] = carry;
: }
: }

Let's say that you have the following digit-related
definitions within your class:
typedef ... Digit;
typedef ... TwoDigit;
const unsigned digitBitCount = ...;
const Digit digitBitMask = 0xF...UL;

Assuming no truncation (because of adequate pre-allocation
of result digits), the same algorithm can be written as:

for( unsigned aPos = 0 ; aPos<aLength ; ++aPos )
Digit carry = 0;
TwoDigit const aDig = a.digits[aPos]; //NB: cast "hidden" here
for( unsigned bPos = 0 ; bPos<bLength ; ++bPos )
TwoDigit mul = aDig * b.digits[bPos]
+ this->digits[aPos+bPos]
+ carry;

this->digits[aPos+bPos] = mul & digitBitMask;
carry = ( mul >> digitBitCount );
this->digits[aPos+bPos] = carry;

There are many correct ways to write this, and some are
probably better is some ways than this example. But I
hope that you will find it useful.
In any case, given the very acceptable complexity of this loop,
I would not bother breaking it up or adding layers of

Regards -Ivan


(Xposted to both comp.lang.c++ and comp.programming since I've got
questions related to both C++ language and general programming)

I've got the following C++ code. The first routine runs in like 65% of
the time of the second routine. Yet both do the same thing. However,
the second one seems better in terms of the way the code is written
since it helps encapsulate the transformation in the inner loop better
making it easier to read, at least in my opinion. Maybe it's not,
maybe the former is "better" that way and I should go with it, but if
the latter is "better" in that respect should I just ditch it anyway
and tradeoff for performance since I want this thing to be fast???

What each routine does is multiply two arbitrary-precision integers
together. The second one though uses an additional "slice" type that
provides a window enabling the "multiply and add" operation to be
performed on a limited range of digits, which can then be advanced
across the number, making clear that part of the algorithn.

I'm using the simple "grade school" multiply algorithm. Note how the
second routine more easily outlines this algorithm, while in the first
it is a little more difficult to see. Which would you prefer, exactly?

For brevity, class definitions and other members have been omitted.
However it should not be too difficult to figure out the necessary

Also, could I lose the typecasts in this code or do I need them?

The reason why I'm asking is because I remembered getting told earlier
by someone here (Alf P. Steinbach, group: comp.lang.c++) about how my
last implementation of my program (this is for a fractal generator)
had some sort of bad, bug-inducing "abstraction gap" yet I was unable
to get enough elaboration responses about it so I've been more or less
shooting around trying to figure out how to make it better (although
he did give me some *examples* of where there were problems, which I
have since fixed.). But it seems I'm losing performance and that's not
a good thing for my application. Not to mention also that my original
bignum implementation was called "silly" as well("...although I didn't
look at the silly bignum class, whatever it's fault is..." ref:http://groups.google.com/group/comp.lang.c++/msg/ac8df038d0b8dab9?dmo...)
without any explanation as to what exactly was so silly about it. So I
had to start dark-shooting there too trying to figure out what I had
done wrong.

First version (fastest):
void RawDigit::Mul(const RawDigit &a, const RawDigit &b)
/* Check to see if we're doing an in-place multiply */
if(&a == this)
} else if(&b == this) {

/* Get lengths. */
std::size_t rLength(GetLength());
std::size_t aLength(a.GetLength());
std::size_t bLength(b.GetLength());

/* Zeroize this. */

/* Do the multiplication. */
TwoDigit64 carry(0);
for(std::size_t i(0);i<aLength && i<rLength;i++)
carry = 0;

for(std::size_t j(0);j<bLength && (i+j)<rLength;j++)
tmp((static_cast<TwoDigit64>(a.digits)*b.digits[j]) +
digits[i+j] + carry);
carry = tmp >> DIGIT_BITS;
tmp -= carry << DIGIT_BITS;
digits[i+j] = tmp;

if(i+bLength < rLength)
digits[i+bLength] = carry;

[snip Second version (slower)]

I consider the first version easier to read. I prefer to see the
main algorithm at one page instead of "millions of small
methods". What I am missing is:
- The signs. All your values seem to be unsigned.
Do you want to use two's complement representation or
sign + magnitude.
- The management of the size. The user of the functions
should not be bothered with resizing the big integers.

Did you know that big integer libraries already exist. Some
people have taken the burden to write a library for big integer
functions. For example: Me.
If you download Seed7
you will see that the file seed7/src/big_rtl.c contains a bigInteger
library written in C. This library manages the memory for the
digits automatically and contains the usual arithmetic operations
(inclusive two forms of bigInteger division and remainder which
trunc towards zero or minus infinite). The multiplication uses
the Karatsuba algorithm when possible.
BTW.: I plan to do an improved release today (By coincidence I
did several improvements for bigInteger's). If you wait for approx.
12 hours you can get the new version.

Greetings Thomas Mertes

Seed7 Homepage: http://seed7.sourceforge.net
Seed7 - The extensible programming language: User defined statements
and operators, abstract data types, templates without special
syntax, OO with interfaces and multiple dispatch, statically typed,
interpreted or compiled, portable, runs under linux/unix/windows.


: Hi.
: (Xposted to both comp.lang.c++ and comp.programming since I've got
: questions related to both C++ language and general programming)
: I've got the following C++ code. The first routine runs in like 65% of
: the time of the second routine. Yet both do the same thing. However,
: the second one seems better in terms of the way the code is written
: since it helps encapsulate the transformation in the inner loop better
: making it easier to read, at least in my opinion. Maybe it's not,
: maybe the former is "better" that way and I should go with it, but if
: the latter is "better" in that respect should I just ditch it anyway
: and tradeoff for performance since I want this thing to be fast???
As a first-time reader of both implementations, I find the first one
much easier to understand and maintain than the second one.  Adding
levels of abstractions without a clear benefit only obfuscates code.

OK, then I'll go for the first. Especially considering it's faster...
: I'm using the simple "grade school" multiply algorithm. Note how the
: second routine more easily outlines this algorithm, while in the first
: it is a little more difficult to see. Which would you prefer, exactly?
The first one.


: Also, could I lose the typecasts in this code or do I need them?
I'll comment & review the first function below.
At some point, you do need to (at least implicitly) cast
an operand to the larger type, as this might not happen
automatically for some combinations of types, in C++.

So then in this case a cast is OK, right?
: First version (fastest):
: ---
: void RawDigit::Mul(const RawDigit &a, const RawDigit &b)
: {
:    /* Check to see if we're doing an in-place multiply */
:    if(&a == this)
:    {
:      MulInPlace(b);
:      return;
:    } else if(&b == this) {
:      MulInPlace(a);
:      return;
:    }
General class design: unless there is an established reason
not to do so, I would use operator overloading and implement
(as members of the Num class):
  static  Num   operator *( const Num& a, const Num& b );
          Num&  operator *( const Num& a );
Maybe RawDigit::Mul is an internal private member, and the
above operations are provided?  But then the special cases
(e.g. multiply in place) would best be handled in the
layers above...

I've tried overlaoded operators but one seems to have to construct
a temporary copy to hold results to return in the case of the binary
operators. This is a big problem for my app. as I have performance
concerns. Deallocating and reallocating memory billions of times
is a serious waste of performance. (These routines will be called
billions of times.)

Therefore I do the opposite and build these low-level routines first,
then build the overloaded operators using them, which can then be
used in all non-performance-critical areas of the program. If it turns
out that I don't need the MulInPlace() functionality to be integrated
with Mul(), I'll just remove it and document that Mul() does not
work in-place. Is that acceptable practice?
:    /* Get lengths. */
:    std::size_t rLength(GetLength());
:    std::size_t aLength(a.GetLength());
:    std::size_t bLength(b.GetLength());
:    /* Zeroize this. */
:    Zeroize();

Is the intent truly to implement modulo math, and to allow
the result to be truncated? If not the result should be
resized automatically, and the code is simplified.

So I can omit this functionality and just document that the
routine doesn't behave as most would expect? (If I have operands
of 3 differing lengths I'd usually expect a Mul() to respect
those lengths but then again your opinion may differ.)

Also the above just does nothing but clear the result buffer,
which you need as we're going to add (as in arithmetical addition)
numbers to it. You need that for the multiply algorithm to work.

And you need to get the lengths of the input operands because
you're going to loop over the digits, no? And you don't want to
read outside the buffer or read too few digits? I think you would,
but then again maybe I'm wrong...
:    /* Do the multiplication. */
:    TwoDigit64 carry(0);
Technically, the carry should only require 1 digit,
and can be defined within the outer loop below.

But I thought then that would create a performance-wasting conversion
to/from 32/64 again and again.
:    for(std::size_t i(0);i<aLength && i<rLength;i++)
:    {
:       carry = 0;
:       for(std::size_t j(0);j<bLength && (i+j)<rLength;j++)
:       {
:          TwoDigit64
: tmp((static_cast<TwoDigit64>(a.digits)*b.digits[j]) +
:                         digits[i+j] + carry);
:          carry = tmp >> DIGIT_BITS;
:          tmp -= carry << DIGIT_BITS;
:          digits[i+j] = tmp;
:       }
:       if(i+bLength < rLength)
:         digits[i+bLength] = carry;
:    }
: }

Let's say that you have the following digit-related
definitions within your class:
  typedef ...  Digit;
  typedef ...  TwoDigit;
  const unsigned digitBitCount = ...;
  const Digit digitBitMask = 0xF...UL;

Assuming no truncation (because of adequate pre-allocation
of result digits), the same algorithm can be written as:

 for( unsigned aPos = 0 ; aPos<aLength ; ++aPos )
    Digit carry = 0;
    TwoDigit const aDig = a.digits[aPos]; //NB: cast "hidden" here
    for( unsigned bPos = 0 ; bPos<bLength ; ++bPos )
        TwoDigit mul = aDig * b.digits[bPos]
                     + this->digits[aPos+bPos]
                     + carry;

        this->digits[aPos+bPos] =   mul &  digitBitMask;
        carry                   = ( mul >> digitBitCount );
    this->digits[aPos+bPos] = carry;

There are many correct ways to write this, and some are
probably better is some ways than this example.  But I
hope that you will find it useful.
In any case, given the very acceptable complexity of this loop,
I would not bother breaking it up or adding layers of

OK, then.


On 20 Apr., 08:26, mike3 <[email protected]> wrote:
First version (fastest):
void RawDigit::Mul(const RawDigit &a, const RawDigit &b)
    /* Check to see if we're doing an in-place multiply */
    if(&a == this)
    } else if(&b == this) {
    /* Get lengths. */
    std::size_t rLength(GetLength());
    std::size_t aLength(a.GetLength());
    std::size_t bLength(b.GetLength());
    /* Zeroize this. */
    /* Do the multiplication. */
    TwoDigit64 carry(0);
    for(std::size_t i(0);i<aLength && i<rLength;i++)
       carry = 0;
       for(std::size_t j(0);j<bLength && (i+j)<rLength;j++)
tmp((static_cast<TwoDigit64>(a.digits)*b.digits[j]) +
                         digits[i+j] + carry);
          carry = tmp >> DIGIT_BITS;
          tmp -= carry << DIGIT_BITS;
          digits[i+j] = tmp;

       if(i+bLength < rLength)
         digits[i+bLength] = carry;

[snip Second version (slower)]

I consider the first version easier to read. I prefer to see the
main algorithm at one page instead of "millions of small
methods". What I am missing is:
- The signs. All your values seem to be unsigned.
  Do you want to use two's complement representation or
  sign + magnitude.

Digits are usually not signed, this is not a balanced-radix
representation. This is simple radix-2^32 arithmetic.

This is also a raw unsigned number type that just allows
basic digit manipulations. I'm going to use it to build a
floating point type on top.
- The management of the size. The user of the functions
  should not be bothered with resizing the big integers.

See above. This is a raw base type. In the full application
I do not need automatic resizes (since with floating point one
usually truncates or rounds the result from multiplication
anyway), plus they would hinder the performance and I need
lots of that latter stuff.
Did you know that big integer libraries already exist. Some
people have taken the burden to write a library for big integer
functions. For example: Me.

Actually, I've looked at other packages when trying to figure out
how to come up with mine.

The reason for producing my own package was primarily due to
licensing issues, since I do not know how I'm going to license
the software when I decide to release it for distribution. If that
was not a concern I would have just used someone else's package.
I could always switch to the use of a different package in the

Plus it's fun to program it and I can learn more about programming
this way.
If you download Seed7
you will see that the file seed7/src/big_rtl.c contains a bigInteger
library written in C. This library manages the memory for the
digits automatically and contains the usual arithmetic operations
(inclusive two forms of bigInteger division and remainder which
trunc towards zero or minus infinite). The multiplication uses
the Karatsuba algorithm when possible.

I'm curious: Is that Karatsuba D&C (divide & conquer) method
faster even on smaller number sizes like 512 bits or so? Because
if so I'm thinking of implementing that in my program as well.

Also, I'm writing this with C++, not C, which means that looking
at a C package may be less than helpful.


"mike3" <[email protected]> wrote in message
Assuming no truncation (because of adequate pre-allocation
of result digits), the same algorithm can be written as:

 for( unsigned aPos = 0 ; aPos<aLength ; ++aPos )
    Digit carry = 0;
    TwoDigit const aDig = a.digits[aPos]; //NB: cast "hidden" here
    for( unsigned bPos = 0 ; bPos<bLength ; ++bPos )
        TwoDigit mul = aDig * b.digits[bPos]
                     + this->digits[aPos+bPos]
                     + carry;

        this->digits[aPos+bPos] =   mul &  digitBitMask;
        carry                   = ( mul >> digitBitCount );
    this->digits[aPos+bPos] = carry;

There are many correct ways to write this, and some are
probably better is some ways than this example.  But I
hope that you will find it useful.
In any case, given the very acceptable complexity of this loop,
I would not bother breaking it up or adding layers of

Unfortunately, I noticed this last implementation where the
cast is "hidden" seems to lose performance. My benchmark
returned 17 seconds for this vs 12 for a similar routine where the
only difference is the cast is not "hidden" by assigning the digit
to a TwoDigit64.

I'm wondering if maybe this is because the compiler has done
a 32x32 multiply when using the one-liner with internal cast, and
returns 64-bit result, but when you try to "hide" the cast it tries
to do a 64x32 or even 64x64 multiply since it sees one 64-bit
operand coming in, which wastes time. I guess it depends on the
optimizer. In the one with the cast the optimizer can "see" that
both operands are 32-bit, so it could "know" to only do 32x32->64
instead of 64x32->64 or 64x64->64 (mod mul by 2^64).

Is this a good theory? Should I go with the casts?

Ivan Vecerina

mike3 said:
Unfortunately, I noticed this last implementation where the
cast is "hidden" seems to lose performance. My benchmark
returned 17 seconds for this vs 12 for a similar routine where the
only difference is the cast is not "hidden" by assigning the digit
to a TwoDigit64.

I'm wondering if maybe this is because the compiler has done
a 32x32 multiply when using the one-liner with internal cast, and
returns 64-bit result, but when you try to "hide" the cast it tries
to do a 64x32 or even 64x64 multiply since it sees one 64-bit
operand coming in, which wastes time. I guess it depends on the
optimizer. In the one with the cast the optimizer can "see" that
both operands are 32-bit, so it could "know" to only do 32x32->64
instead of 64x32->64 or 64x64->64 (mod mul by 2^64).

Is this a good theory? Should I go with the casts?

These things are optimizer- and platform-dependent, but
yes, a "widened" multiplication is the likely culprit.
If you care about such low-level optimizations, I would
recommend learning to look at the assembly code (it is not
that difficult to get to a level where you can look and
see what your compiler does / where overheads come from).

Although in general it is always advisable to first look
for better algorithms (as these micro-optimizations can
be platform-specific, and become redundant or even
counter-productive in the future). For instance, a 64-bit
platform might be able to store the 64-bit word into
a local register, and execute the code I posted faster.


These things are optimizer- and platform-dependent, but
yes, a "widened" multiplication is the likely culprit.
If you care about such low-level optimizations, I would
recommend learning to look at the assembly code (it is not
that difficult to get to a level where you can look and
see what your compiler does / where overheads come from).

Although in general it is always advisable to first look
for better algorithms (as these micro-optimizations can
be platform-specific, and become redundant or even
counter-productive in the future). For instance, a 64-bit
platform might be able to store the 64-bit word into
a local register, and execute the code I posted faster.

So what would be the best course of action in this case?



Anyway this discussion made me wonder whether or not the design of the
package overall is so good. You can get a full copy of the parts made
so far here:


A batch file is included to compile it with Microsoft's C++ compiler
under Windows. Currently it only implements the "RawDigit" unsigned
integer type, but is made to allow the building of a floating point
package on top (which is why you'll find things like "AddRsh" and
"SubRsh", which are necessary for floating point arithmetic.).

Is the current design I have there good, or poor? How does it compare
to my old implementation, which you can find here (see "mp" directory
in unzipped file):


I'd like some discussion on this as I'm really just shooting around
consider the lack of specifics given in Alf's posts.

Ivan Vecerina

On Apr 20, 2:39 pm, "Ivan Vecerina"
:> Although in general it is always advisable to first look
:> for better algorithms (as these micro-optimizations can
:> be platform-specific, and become redundant or even
:> counter-productive in the future). For instance, a 64-bit
:> platform might be able to store the 64-bit word into
:> a local register, and execute the code I posted faster.
:So what would be the best course of action in this case?

If squeezing more performance matters, study literature and
find a faster algorithm. From a vague memory of reading
Knuth's TAOCP (was 20 years ago for me, as a teenager),
I vaguely remember that there is a faster algorithm for
multiplying multi-word integers, whose complexity is
O( n^log2(3) ) = O( n^1.58 ) rather than O(n^2) as you
do now. If your integers are large enough, this could
be considered... ( quick google search -> for example
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Karatsuba_algorithm ).

But large integer multiplications are commonly needed
(math, cryptography, etc), and some have certainly been
optimized in assembly language, or even SIMD-optimized.
I'm not into this lately, but you will certainly find
open source projects that do it. Or it might be possible
to use the "Big Number" library subset from Intel's
Integrated Performance Primitives. It depends...

Good luck -Ivan


:> Although in general it is always advisable to first look
:> for better algorithms (as these micro-optimizations can
:> be platform-specific, and become redundant or even
:> counter-productive in the future). For instance, a 64-bit
:> platform might be able to store the 64-bit word into
:> a local register, and execute the code I posted faster.
:So what would be the best course of action in this case?

If squeezing more performance matters, study literature and
find a faster algorithm. From a vague memory of reading
Knuth's TAOCP (was 20 years ago for me, as a teenager),
I vaguely remember that there is a faster algorithm for
multiplying multi-word integers, whose complexity is
O( n^log2(3) ) = O( n^1.58 )   rather than O(n^2) as you
do now.  If your integers are large enough, this could
be considered... ( quick google search -> for examplehttp://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Karatsuba_algorithm).

Ah, Knuth... the book I've dreamed of having for a long time
but haven't been able to get due to a lack of money and
access to an academic library. I only got one look at it,
and another opportunity has not yet presented itself... :(

Anyway, I've heard of these algorithms before, and even used
it once. There's also FFT (Fast Fourier Transform) as well,
which is even better at O(n log(n)). The problem though is
these fast algorithms do not work so well for the relatively
small number sizes I am considering here as they have more
overhead. Here I only need a few hundred bits. If I need
more, I could implement the faster method and then switch to
it when the numbers exceed a certain size threshold, but
for that small-size case, "grade school" like I'm using may
actually be best.

I've done some before in my attempts to write a program
to calculate digits of pi to a huge amount (something like
a hundred million or so), although I haven't been able to solve
the disk I/O problems in that arena (and lack of source code
to the really disk-efficient programs is not exactly a boon,
you know), where the data to be worked with is so huge we
have to store on disk.

What I've heard though from those dabblings is that the
best algorithm to use goes like this:

1. For little numbers, use Grade School.

2. For bigger numbers, use Karatsuba.

3. For really big numbers, use FFT.

Since I'm in the regime of (1), I have to use (1) and if a
typecast is needed to get my compiler to generate fast code,
I'll do it. Either that or just recode the mult routine in
ASM instead of C++. In ASM I can just get the 32x32->64 in
one instruction. Although the X86's paucity of Registers is
not exactly a nice thing when doing this stuff. I do actually
have a 64-bit X86 processor in my machine which has more
registers, but my development OS (Windows) is only 32 bits
and hence can only make do with 32-bit X86. I do have 64-bit
Solaris 10 UNIX though on my machine as well... but developing
Windows programs under UNIX?! No way, esp. considering I
wouldn't be able to execute the 64-bit code under Windows
But large integer multiplications are commonly needed
(math, cryptography, etc), and some have certainly been
optimized in assembly language, or even SIMD-optimized.
I'm not into this lately, but you will certainly find
open source projects that do it.  Or it might be possible
to use the "Big Number" library subset from Intel's
Integrated Performance Primitives. It depends...

Hmm. I'm thinking of taking a look over GMP's ASM soruce code
for X86 to see if maybe there might be some hint in that as
to how to do a fast ASM-based mul.

But for the generic "C++" code I think I'll just stay with the
typecast in there. Although I guess it's not a good idea to use
typecasts all over the place, this is *not* "all over the place",
this is a very tiny low-level core part of the code.



Anyway this discussion made me wonder whether or not the design of the
package overall is so good. You can get a full copy of the parts made
so far here:


A batch file is included to compile it with Microsoft's C++ compiler
under Windows. Currently it only implements the "RawDigit" unsigned
integer type, but is made to allow the building of a floating point
package on top (which is why you'll find things like "AddRsh" and
"SubRsh", which are necessary for floating point arithmetic.).

Is the current design I have there good, or poor? How does it compare
to my old implementation, which you can find here (see "mp" directory
in unzipped file):


I'd like some discussion on this as I'm really just shooting around
consider the lack of specifics given in Alf's posts.

Any answers? *Bumping also because of high spamlevel in this group*

Ivan Vecerina

:> Is the current design I have there good, or poor? How does it
:> compare to my old implementation, which you can find here
:> (see "mp" directory in unzipped file):
:> http://www.mediafire.com/?cfmzd1y3yij
:> I'd like some discussion on this as I'm really just shooting around
:> consider the lack of specifics given in Alf's posts.
:Any answers? *Bumping also because of high spamlevel in this group*

I think the issue might be that it would take quite some work to
review the design of the whole library you are pointing to.
You may need to start by explaining in what way your library
is superior to available open source packages with a license
that is less restrictive than yours: http://gmplib.org/

You might also get more responses in a forum dedicated to
numerical methods.

Good luck,


:> Is the current design I have there good, or poor? How does it
:> compare to my old implementation, which you can find here
:> (see "mp" directory in unzipped file):
:> I'd like some discussion on this as I'm really just shooting around
:> consider the lack of specifics given in Alf's posts.
:Any answers? *Bumping also because of high spamlevel in this group*

I think the issue might be that it would take quite some work to
review the design of the whole library you are pointing to.

I'd suppose it might. However, below, I'll give some more
specific questions.
You may need to start by explaining in what way your library
is superior to available open source packages with a license
that is less restrictive than yours:  http://gmplib.org/

For one, it's not, nor does it have to be. This is NOT part of a
competition to make the best bignum package on Earth. This is a way
to get something I'll own all the copyrights to so I have _zero_
licensing issues (I.e. I can use it in whatever programs I make
and license _those_ programs under whatever licenses I please),
plus I learn something more about programming, plus I also
can have some fun.

Anyway, the _specific_ questions I had about the design are:

1. Since the goal here is to put together a floating point package,
should I bother with that "RawDigit" raw-integer thing in there
at all or just have "primitive" routines that manipulate digit
vectors more directly, say that take in digit vectors plus a
length parameter specifying how many digits we want to work on?
But then I've been told in previous posts (and it is clarification
of these previous posts that is why I keep coming back) that it
is "better" not to do that because it is more difficult to
implement boundschecking and other "safety" features. Although
interestingly enough GMP seems to use the arrays+length-parameter
approach (since you seem to advocate GMP do you think it's well-
written?), however GMP is written in C and this is C++, where
different rules apply, so I'm not sure if it's good practice to
carry over that approach to C++, even with std::vector<> instead
of a raw array in there.

2. I noticed that for some reason, when I finally got some big
floating-point stuff made (built off RawDigit and it's "slice"
thing), the addition is like 3x slower than a straight-up RawDigit
addition (even a RawDigit "AddRsh" operation that includes a right-
shift like the floating addition does.) Is that unavoidable, or is
it the consequence of all those abstractions (a profiler showed
"RawDigitSlice" constructions taking up seemingly-significant
If so is it a good idea to drop some of those abstractions? But
I've been told how my first whack at this had a big "abstraction
gap" and this makes code more bug-prone. Does this mean there is a
tradeoff between bug-resistance of code and performance, and this
tradeoff is inevitable and cannot be minimized?

Do you, or someone else, have any thoughts or answers on these
specific issues?


There is no such thing as "*bumping" in the USENET. How the threads
are sorted depend on the newsreader client and the setting. I didn't
see any "bumping"



I'd suppose it might. However, below, I'll give some more
specific questions.

For one, it's not, nor does it have to be. This is NOT part of a
competition to make the bestbignumpackage on Earth. This is a way
to get something I'll own all the copyrights to so I have _zero_
licensing issues (I.e. I can use it in whatever programs I make
and license _those_ programs under whatever licenses I please),
plus I learn something more about programming, plus I also
can have some fun.

Anyway, the _specific_ questions I had about the design are:

1. Since the goal here is to put together a floating point package,
   should I bother with that "RawDigit" raw-integer thing in there
   at all or just have "primitive" routines that manipulate digit
   vectors more directly, say that take in digit vectors plus a
   length parameter specifying how many digits we want to work on?
   But then I've been told in previous posts (and it is clarification
   of these previous posts that is why I keep coming back) that it
   is "better" not to do that because it is more difficult to
   implement boundschecking and other "safety" features. Although
   interestingly enough GMP seems to use the arrays+length-parameter
   approach (since you seem to advocate GMP do you think it's well-
   written?), however GMP is written in C and this is C++, where
   different rules apply, so I'm not sure if it's good practice to
   carry over that approach to C++, even with std::vector<> instead
   of a raw array in there.

2. I noticed that for some reason, when I finally got some big
   floating-point stuff made (built off RawDigit and it's "slice"
   thing), the addition is like 3x slower than a straight-up RawDigit
   addition (even a RawDigit "AddRsh" operation that includes a right-
   shift like the floating addition does.) Is that unavoidable, or is
   it the consequence of all those abstractions (a profiler showed
   "RawDigitSlice" constructions taking up seemingly-significant
   If so is it a good idea to drop some of those abstractions? But
   I've been told how my first whack at this had a big "abstraction
   gap" and this makes code more bug-prone. Does this mean there is a
   tradeoff between bug-resistance of code and performance, and this
   tradeoff is inevitable and cannot be minimized?

Do you, or someone else, have any thoughts or answers on these
specific issues?


I thought of yet another approach to this problem. Would it be OK
to have, say, a bunch of simple "primitive" routines that simply
on vectors of bignum digits, assuming all are the same length,
with explicitly passed length parameter? But instead of passing
them a vector or an iterator to one they'd take a special "safe
iterator" that has a boundscheck in it.

Ex. I'd have routines like:

// Compute v0 = v1 + v2.
Digit32 FG3DDigitVector_Add(SafeIterator v0, SafeIterator v1,
SafeIterator v2,
std::size_t length)

This keeps the primitives lean and mean since they don't need all
that extra baggage checking various length combinations that
may never even occur anyway just so the routines behave as
expected (You would expect if you passed two parameters of different
lengths the routine would respect that even if you aren't actually
going to _do_ it, and making the routine not do so (eg. treat operands
as being of the shortest length passed) just seems bad to me.
Maybe I could be wrong.). And then we use these primitives to
build integer/floating-point types that take care of all the
mixed-length cases, sign handling, etc.

This is much like the approach used in GMP and many other bignum
packages, although since that's C not C++ they take raw pointers to
arrays of digits vs. safe-iterators into vectors of digits, but

So is this a good approach to use here or not, even though I'm
using C++ not C?

Ivan Vecerina

:> On Apr 24, 2:46 pm, "Ivan Vecerina"
:> > You may need to start by explaining in what way your library
:> > is superior to available open source packages with a license
:> > that is less restrictive than yours: http://gmplib.org/
:> For one, it's not, nor does it have to be. This is NOT part of a
:> competition to make the bestbignumpackage on Earth. This is a way
:> to get something I'll own all the copyrights to so I have _zero_
:> licensing issues (I.e. I can use it in whatever programs I make
:> and license _those_ programs under whatever licenses I please),
:> plus I learn something more about programming, plus I also
:> can have some fun.

Sure. But understand this may limit the interest of others in
your specific library ;)

:> Anyway, the _specific_ questions I had about the design are:
:> 1. Since the goal here is to put together a floating point package,
:> should I bother with that "RawDigit" raw-integer thing in there
:> at all or just have "primitive" routines that manipulate digit
:> vectors more directly, say that take in digit vectors plus a
:> length parameter specifying how many digits we want to work on?
:> But then I've been told in previous posts (and it is clarification
:> of these previous posts that is why I keep coming back) that it
:> is "better" not to do that because it is more difficult to
:> implement boundschecking and other "safety" features. Although
:> interestingly enough GMP seems to use the arrays+length-parameter
:> approach (since you seem to advocate GMP do you think it's well-
:> written?), however GMP is written in C and this is C++, where
:> different rules apply, so I'm not sure if it's good practice to
:> carry over that approach to C++, even with std::vector<> instead
:> of a raw array in there.

There are no universal rules as to what levels of abstraction need
to be implemented; like all interfaces, they need to be logical (to
users), reusable, self-contained. High-level interfaces need to
be safe and simple, but lower-level interfaces that are more
complex or that leave some safety checks to the users may be needed.
These low-level interfaces, for computational stuff, often may
provide a C-like interface: either to facilitate use in a variety
of contexts (by avoiding use of high-level types or specific
memory management approaches); or to facilitate implementation
in assembly code; or because different users have different
expectations of what a well designed high-level C++ class is.

I am not a user of GMP (not doing any high-precision numeric stuff,
although I deal with other performance-sensitive computations).
A quick check of GMP revealed interesting low-level primitives,
which seem designed to provide a common high-performance back-bone,
that can be optimized in assembly language for a given platform:

At the other end of the spectrum, C++ classes built on the under-
lyig framework are also provided (I haven't checked these...).

Given the purpose and scope of these libraries, both of the above
design choices seem very valid.

:> 2. I noticed that for some reason, when I finally got some big
:> floating-point stuff made (built off RawDigit and it's "slice"
:> thing), the addition is like 3x slower than a straight-up RawDigit
:> addition (even a RawDigit "AddRsh" operation that includes a right-
:> shift like the floating addition does.) Is that unavoidable, or is
:> it the consequence of all those abstractions (a profiler showed
:> "RawDigitSlice" constructions taking up seemingly-significant
:> time)?
:> If so is it a good idea to drop some of those abstractions? But
:> then
:> I've been told how my first whack at this had a big "abstraction
:> gap" and this makes code more bug-prone. Does this mean there is a
:> tradeoff between bug-resistance of code and performance, and this
:> tradeoff is inevitable and cannot be minimized?
:> Do you, or someone else, have any thoughts or answers on these
:> specific issues?

Abstractions have a performance cost; the compiler's optimizer isn't
infinitely smart, even when you do your best to help it.
In "early" C++ days, the "Stepanov score" on "abstraction pentaly"
was a popular metric of how well compilers were able to optimize-
out higher-level C++ constructs (use web search with the keywords
if you wish to find out more). And then, you may hit performance
problems in debug builds, where compiler optimizations aren't available.

More generally, adding classes/functions means more complexity.
So there is always a balancing to be done between the addition
of targeted abstractions that allow re-use or simplify code,
and the "fluff" abstractions that may never add any value.
See also http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anti-pattern

:I thought of yet another approach to this problem. Would it be OK
:to have, say, a bunch of simple "primitive" routines that simply
:eek:n vectors of bignum digits, assuming all are the same length,
:with explicitly passed length parameter? But instead of passing
:them a vector or an iterator to one they'd take a special "safe
:iterator" that has a boundscheck in it.
:This is much like the approach used in GMP and many other bignum
:packages, although since that's C not C++ they take raw pointers to
:arrays of digits vs. safe-iterators into vectors of digits, but

Safe-iterators in low-level code seems to imply repeated redundant
safety checks. Fine in general; but since your stated goal is
optimal performance, is this the preferred approach for you ?
You may want to study GMP code or ask maintainers of the GMP team;
it might be smart to try to learn from their experience.

:So is this a good approach to use here or not, even though I'm
:using C++ not C?

C++ is a multi-paradigm language. I have learned C++ before C,
and rarely ever wrote C programs; I'm a strict adept of RAII
and object-oriented design and encapsulation using C++ classes.
But I do use C-style interfaces in my code when appropriate
(even though what I call a "C-style" interface might actually
be parameterized as a template, like the functions
in the standard <algorithm> header).

Good luck -Ivan

Ivan Vecerina

: On Thu, 24 Apr 2008 22:46:21 +0200, "Ivan Vecerina"
: >*Bumping also because of high spamlevel in this group*

Hey, hey, you are misattributing to me somethething that
was written by mike3 !



:> On Apr 24, 2:46 pm, "Ivan Vecerina"
:> > You may need to start by explaining in what way your library
:> > is superior to available open source packages with a license
:> > that is less restrictive than yours:http://gmplib.org/
:> For one, it's not, nor does it have to be. This is NOT part of a
:> competition to make the best bignum package on Earth. This is a way
:> to get something I'll own all the copyrights to so I have _zero_
:> licensing issues (I.e. I can use it in whatever programs I make
:> and license _those_ programs under whatever licenses I please),
:> plus I learn something more about programming, plus I also
:> can have some fun.

Sure. But understand this may limit the interest of others in
your specific library ;)

The bignum package is not intended to be an end in and of itself,
but is part of a larger program. So there is no reason to choose
my package over any other if someone else wants to. If I decide
on a Free/open-source distribution/licensing model for my program
in the end, I suppose they could then rip out the package if they
wanted and use it, but like you said they'd probably consider other
options instead, however that is not relevant since someone
using this bignum package in their program over GMP or something
was never the intention. (And if I do go for Free/open-source
distribution/licensing I might very well abandon this and swap it
out for GMP or something. Yet the programming experience it gives
is definitely a boon anyways.)

My performance requirements are not determined by the performance of
competing bignum packages, but by the performance of the competitors
to the main program itself, since that is what I'd be distributing,
not just a bignum package. So that will determine how fast the bignum
package needs to be, as well as the rest of the program overall.
:> Anyway, the _specific_ questions I had about the design are:
:> 1. Since the goal here is to put together a floating point package,
:> should I bother with that "RawDigit" raw-integer thing in there
:> at all or just have "primitive" routines that manipulate digit
:> vectors more directly, say that take in digit vectors plus a
:> length parameter specifying how many digits we want to work on?
:> But then I've been told in previous posts (and it is clarification
:> of these previous posts that is why I keep coming back) that it
:> is "better" not to do that because it is more difficult to
:> implement boundschecking and other "safety" features. Although
:> interestingly enoughGMPseems to use the arrays+length-parameter
:> approach (since you seem to advocateGMPdo you think it's well-
:> written?), howeverGMPis written in C and this is C++, where
:> different rules apply, so I'm not sure if it's good practice to
:> carry over that approach to C++, even with std::vector<> instead
:> of a raw array in there.

There are no universal rules as to what levels of abstraction need
to be implemented; like all interfaces, they need to be logical (to
users), reusable, self-contained. High-level interfaces need to
be safe and simple, but lower-level interfaces that are more
complex or that leave some safety checks to the users may be needed.
These low-level interfaces, for computational stuff, often may
provide a C-like interface: either to facilitate use in a variety
of contexts (by avoiding use of high-level types or specific
memory management approaches); or to facilitate implementation
in assembly code; or because different users have different
expectations of what a well designed high-level C++ class is.

Well, I'm talking about the design of the low-level primitives here.
(Eg. routines to perform arithmetic on strings of digits, regardless
of whether those digits form an integer, fixed-point, or floating-
bignum.) I've just now gone toward the C-like interface for them
(i.e. standalone functions not members of classes) since it seems
faster and more flexible, as well as due to the

Anyway, as I mention later, I do provide some safety in the low-level
primitives (at least the generic C++ versions, not any assembler code)
by using a "safe iterator" to access elements that has internal
boundschecking that can be flipped off in release builds. This makes
it easier to debug bignum implementations built using these
and yet high performance (as fast as a raw array on my box) is
in releases.
I am not a user ofGMP(not doing any high-precision numeric stuff,
although I deal with other performance-sensitive computations).
A quick check of GMP revealed interesting low-level primitives,
which seem designed to provide a common high-performance back-bone,
that can be optimized in assembly language for a given platform:

At the other end of the spectrum, C++ classes built on the under-
lyig framework are also provided (I haven't checked these...).

Given the purpose and scope of these libraries, both of the above
design choices seem very valid.

Ah, so I guess then it isn't necessarily a big problem to have
"C-like"-interfaced primitives like that in my C++ program, then?
:> 2. I noticed that for some reason, when I finally got some big
:> floating-point stuff made (built off RawDigit and it's "slice"
:> thing), the addition is like 3x slower than a straight-up RawDigit
:> addition (even a RawDigit "AddRsh" operation that includes a right-
:> shift like the floating addition does.) Is that unavoidable, or is
:> it the consequence of all those abstractions (a profiler showed
:> "RawDigitSlice" constructions taking up seemingly-significant
:> time)?
:> If so is it a good idea to drop some of those abstractions? But
:> then
:> I've been told how my first whack at this had a big "abstraction
:> gap" and this makes code more bug-prone. Does this mean there is a
:> tradeoff between bug-resistance of code and performance, and this
:> tradeoff is inevitable and cannot be minimized?
:> Do you, or someone else, have any thoughts or answers on these
:> specific issues?

Abstractions have a performance cost; the compiler's optimizer isn't
infinitely smart, even when you do your best to help it.
In "early" C++ days, the "Stepanov score" on "abstraction pentaly"
was a popular metric of how well compilers were able to optimize-
out higher-level C++ constructs (use web search with the keywords
if you wish to find out more). And then, you may hit performance
problems in debug builds, where compiler optimizations aren't available.

More generally, adding classes/functions means more complexity.
So there is always a balancing to be done between the addition
of targeted abstractions that allow re-use or simplify code,
and the "fluff" abstractions that may never add any value.
See alsohttp://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anti-pattern

So then would all those heavy abstractions in the little tiny low-
level primitives like that be "fluff", esp. if they create unused
code (like different-length-operands handling code just to "make
more sense" given the object structure (each RawDigit object
has it's own length) even if we never pass different-length
operands in the routines we build on top of the primitives and
can implement that different-length-operand case handling in
those higher-level routines(*)) and eat at performance?

I've noticed that for the simpler, "C-like"/gmpian primitive
interface approach the primitives are much leaner and meaner.
I prefer my code lean and mean vs fat and bloated with "cookies
and cakes" to make it taste yummier. Lean and mean also means
there are less places for bugs. Having lots of seldom-if-ever-used
code creates "bug magnets". To me that makes it better. Don't
you think?

(*) Example: Addition of two integers of different length can
be built from two all-same-length primitives, one of which
adds digits and the other of which propagates a carry.
:I thought of yet another approach to this problem. Would it be OK
:to have, say, a bunch of simple "primitive" routines that simply
:eek:n vectors ofbignumdigits, assuming all are the same length,
:with explicitly passed length parameter? But instead of passing
:them a vector or an iterator to one they'd take a special "safe
:iterator" that has a boundscheck in it.
:This is much like the approach used inGMPand many otherbignum
:packages, although since that's C not C++ they take raw pointers to
:arrays of digits vs. safe-iterators into vectors of digits, but

Safe-iterators in low-level code seems to imply repeated redundant
safety checks. Fine in general; but since your stated goal is
optimal performance, is this the preferred approach for you ?
You may want to study GMP code or ask maintainers of the GMP team;
it might be smart to try to learn from their experience.

The reason I chose the safe-iterators for the primitive was to make
debugging any higher-level stuff built on top of them easier, as
some of that stuff involves element accesses that I have had
occasionally go out of bounds in previous attempts at implementation,
and tracking down those bugs was very difficult due to the lack of
proper bounds-checking. In fact, all these threads of mine about
implementing bignum packages ultimately started with a thread about
a very, very difficult-to-find memory bug (that in the end turned
out to have nothing to do with the bignum package anyway but it turned
up design flaws in the program that frustrated the discovery of the
bug's ultimate cause.). Also, since the safe-iterator can be converted
to essentially a normal iterator in a release build with the
commands to the preprocessor, there is no performance loss.

(Safe-iterator does not quite behave the same as a normal iterator,
though, e.x. you cannot construct a safe-iterator from a normal
since the normal iterator contains no knowledge of boundaries (barring
non-portable implementation-specific stuff that is not good to rely
without specifying the vector it belongs to. Although you can extract
the normal iterator buried inside the safe iterator if you want it.)
:So is this a good approach to use here or not, even though I'm
:using C++ not C?

C++ is a multi-paradigm language. I have learned C++ before C,
and rarely ever wrote C programs; I'm a strict adept of RAII
and object-oriented design and encapsulation using C++ classes.
But I do use C-style interfaces in my code when appropriate
(even though what I call a "C-style" interface might actually
be parameterized as a template, like the functions
in the standard <algorithm> header).

See, and this is where my dilemma occured: should I bother with
the more "C-like" interface for the low-level primitive stuff, or
should I go and throw on all that object-oriented abstraction
(like in the code I posted where I had all those "RawDigit" and
"slice" abstractions)? It's those abstraction penalties that I
noticed seemed to be piling up and eating at my performance --
and I wanted to get good performance here (the penalties were
widdling away performance to saddening levels.).



ADDENDUM: I have just discovered that in fact the
approach (approach 1) in the posted bignum package is in fact not
if at all slower than the "safe-iterator"+"C-like primitives" approach
(approach 2),
after making a fresh implementation of the latter and reexamining my
implementation (I had discovered in fact I was measuring the latter
wrong, and
that oddly enough raw *pointers* and arrays seem a bit (but not too
much -- like
8 or 9 vs 6.5 sec.) faster than a vector. Hmm, why all the slamming
then I got back in
September of '07 for not using vector??? Or perhaps those small
speedups are not
worth the advantages of vector, like automatic memory allocation.
Especially not
when the generic C++ routines are just there as placeholders more or
less for
faster CPU-specific assembler code that would use pointers anyway). So
now we
have a toss-off here. Which should I go with? One thing I noticed
though about
approach 1 was that I ended up coding functionality I did not use, for
example I
put mixed-length-operand handling in there even though I did not need
that in
many of them given how they were used (I just put it in to "make
sense" given that
the operands can be of different lengths since they each have their
own length field).
Approach 2 created leaner primitives. Also, all that extra
functionality makes it
more difficult to set up assembler.

However, when I got grilled back in September for making a big
"abstraction gap",
would that indicate that perhaps I should go with the approach 1
anyway and have
that extra "RawDigit" layer of abstraction and settle for the
increased complexity/
unused "sensemaking" code and difficulty of writing the assembler?
I've come to
a real tough spot here.

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