Write/Append XML



I have the below form and I want the contents of the fields to be passed to
an ASP file which then writes them to an XML file. I've used a version of
this before, I then changed it but now it doesn't work. Any ideas?

<title>New User</title>
<link href="mystyle.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">
<form action="new_user.asp" method="post" name="new_user_form">
<table class = "one">
<table class = "one">
<td><input name="user" id="user" type="text" ></td>
<td><input name="pass" id="pass" type="text"></td>
<p><input type="submit" name="Submit" value="Confirm Details"></p>
<p><a href="index.html">Return to Login Page</a></p>

<%@ Language="VBScript" %>


dim objDom, fileExists, objFieldValue, objPI, nodes, path

Set objDom = server.CreateObject("Microsoft.XMLDOM")
objDom.preserveWhiteSpace = True

If fileExists = True Then
Set objRoot = objDom.documentElement
Set objRoot = objDom.createElement("members")
objDom.appendChild objRoot
End If

Set objRecord = objDom.createElement("member")
objRoot.appendChild objRecord

Set objFieldValue = objDom.createElement("username")
objFieldValue.Text = Request.Form("user")
objRecord.appendChild objFieldValue

Set objFieldValue = objDom.createElement("password")
objFieldValue.Text = Request.Form("pass")
objRecord.appendChild objFieldValue

set xmlDocument=CreateObject("MSXML2.FreeThreadedDOMDocument")

path = "members"
set nodes = xmlDocument.selectNodes(path)
If nodes.length = 0 Then

If fileExists = False Then
Set objPI=objDom.createProcessingInstruction("xml", "version='1.0'")
objDom.insertBefore objPI, objDom.childNodes(0)
End If
End If




<?xml version="1.0"?>

Andy Dingley

I have the below form and I want the contents of the fields to be passed to
an ASP file which then writes them to an XML file. I've used a version of
this before, I then changed it but now it doesn't work. Any ideas?

Diff it against the one that worked ?

(Oh, and you're being very free and easy with user-supplied data values.
Never trust a user.)

Really though I'd bin the whole page. Use a database, not XML. There's
a whole pile of multi-user locking problems you need to think about here
and your big monolithic XML file is just ignoring them all. This isn't
code that's anything like "web-ready" and it's more trouble to make it
so than it would be to just switch to a database.

XML isn't a database. It works with "documents", units of work that
roughly represent one transaction. The database analogy is the row of a
view (or maybe a view), not a table and certainly not a whole database.
You're performing a task here which will pretty much never need to
access the entire user list, just a single user - yet choosing XML
forces you to load, edit and save the whole set every time. That's just
a bad idea and fixing it (although possible) is harder than it would be
to do it by an easier method in the first place.

You never _have_ to use XML.

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