XML 2003 represents a variety of industries...more..



Premier XML Industry Event Slated for Dec. 7-12 in Philadelphia; Presenters
Include Adobe, BEA, Microsoft, IBM, Sun, Hewlett-Packard, Oracle

Alexandria, Va. Sept. 30, 2003 - IDEAlliance, a leading trade association
dedicated to fostering XML and other information technology standards, today
announced the full program for XML Conference and Exposition 2003, being held
Dec. 7-12, at the Pennsylvania Convention Center in Philadelphia, Pa. The
annual event is the world's largest XML trade conference.

"This conference continues to grow because of our commitment to programs that
offer industry insights unavailable elsewhere," says Conference Chair Lauren
Wood. "For 2003, the caliber of speakers and presenters we've assembled is
truly remarkable."

Keynote speaker Shantanu Narayen, executive vice president of Worldwide
Products with Adobe Systems, Inc. (NASDAQ: ADBE), says that XML 2003 provides a
unique, diverse forum for exchanging information about XML and emerging

"What's exciting about XML 2003 is the variety of industries represented," says
Narayen. "With the adoption of XML reaching global levels, this event provides
an important educational forum for companies of all sizes across numerous
markets." Other keynote speakers at XML 2003 include:

-- Adam Bosworth, Chief Architect & Senior VP of Advanced Development, BEA
Systems, Inc. (NASDAQ: BEAS)

-- Mario Queiroz, VP, Content Management Services, Hewlett Packard


-- Dan Shiffman, Director, Computer Software & Services, Almaden Research
Center, IBM Corporation (NYSE: IBM)

-- Dave Thomas, CEO, Open Augment Consortium

-- Ludo Van Vooren, Vice President, Marketing & Business Development, Exostar

-- Jon Udell, Lead Analyst, InfoWorld

XML 2003's educational programs will cover a wide array of critical XML topics.
Educational "tracks" will include:

-- B2B - The technologies and systems used for business-to-business
communication, including ebXML standards and specifications, as well as Web
services specific to inter-business communication.

-- Case Studies - The application of XML technology to a project that has moved
well into the implementation stage and/or the production stage.

-- Client Applications - Applications of XML that are focussed on the user
experience, including desktop applications.

-- Core Technologies - The basic standards and specifications that are the
foundation of XML technologies and systems.

-- Government - XML and government-related projects.

-- Graphics and Multimedia - XML at work in visual and audio multimedia

-- Integration - Integrating products from different parts of a company, or
different companies, to enable information transfer from one application to
another, or to combine information from more than one application. Web services
are often part of the underlying technology.

-- Knowledge Management - Metadata, the semantic Web, RDF, topic maps, and
related topics. Content management systems often include knowledge management

-- Late Breaking News - Sessions reserved for updates on a technology or case
study. The XML 2003 Planning Committee will accept proposals until October 3,

-- Product Presentations - Vendors and developers showcasing the latest
XML-related products and services. The XML 2003 Planning Committee will accept
proposals until October 3, 2003.

-- Publishing - All aspects of publishing information, including publishing to
print, online, CD-ROMs, and on demand.

-- Storing XML - Storing and retrieving XML, including databases of all types
and content management systems.

-- Vertical Industries - The systems and markup languages in use in different
vertical industries.

-- Web Services - The Web services family of specifications and standards
designed to provide application-to-application communication via the Internet.

Educational track presenters will include representatives from Microsoft Corp.
(NASDAQ: MSFT); Sun Microsystems, Inc. (NASDAQ: SUNW); Oracle Server
Technologies (NASDAQ: ORCL); and Reuters (NASDAQ: RTRSY).

For the full XML 2003 schedule, visit

A few opportunities remain on the XML 2003 program for speaking opportunities,
product presentations, and late-breaking industry news. To submit an abstract
before the Oct. 3 deadline, visit

Sponsorship and exhibit opportunities are available. Contact Tanya Bosse,
(e-mail address removed), 703-443-1717 or Joy Blake Scott, (e-mail address removed),
303-639-6069 for more information. For general information and to register to
attend XML 2003, visit

About IDEAlliance

IDEAlliance (International Digital Enterprise Alliance) is a not-for-profit
membership organization. Its mission is to advance user-driven, cross-industry
solutions for all publishing and content-related processes by developing
standards, fostering business alliances, and identifying best practices.
IDEAlliance has been a leader in information technology since 1966 (founded as
Graphic Communications Association) having fostered the development and
adoption of standards such as ADIS, GRACoL, ICE, JIFFI, Mail.dat, papiNet,
PRISM, PROSE XML, SPACE XML, SGML, and XML. Learn more about IDEAlliance at

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