XML parsing using PERL.... URGENT




I am new to PERL and i want to parse the xml file to csv with only 2
tags using perl.
Please help me out with this...

Sample of XML:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1" ?>
<!DOCTYPE FOF (View Source for full doctype...)>
- <FOF Name="BBH3" Previous="00001" Date="20070403">
- <OB cl="FOMessage.FIOMMessage.FIOMObject" no="1019.1008.51"
vr="1.43" od="1" mn="0">
<tx no="51" nm="provider1ID" mn="0" ky="1" />
<tx no="51" nm="provider2ID" mn="0" ky="1" />
<tx no="51" nm="provider3ID" mn="0" ky="1" />
<sp no="1008" nm="creationTime" mn="0" />
<tx no="1008" nm="author" mn="0" />
<nu no="1019" nm="revisionNo" mn="0" />
<sp no="1019" nm="createTimestamp" mn="0" />
<tx no="1019" nm="createUserID" mn="0" vl="WMS" />
<tx no="1019" nm="initiatorId" mn="0" />
<tx no="1019" nm="messageFromID" mn="0" />
<tx no="1019" nm="messageToID" mn="0" />
<fg no="1019" nm="isEndOfDelivery" mn="0" />
<fg no="1019" nm="isExecuted" mn="0" />
- <R no="1019" nm="fiomData">
- <RP mn="0">
- <OB cl="QuoteHolder.TopLevelObject.FIOMObject" no="208.1080.51"
vr="1.43" od="2" mn="0">
<tx no="51" nm="provider1ID" mn="0" ky="1" />
<tx no="51" nm="provider2ID" mn="0" ky="1" />
<tx no="51" nm="provider3ID" mn="0" ky="1" />
<cr no="208" nm="currency" mn="0" ky="1" vl="6 WKN 965642
Waehrung_BdB EO ISIN EU0009656420 BoersenkuerzelInland EUR
Waehrung_ISO4217 EUR DB_KEY 69" />
<R no="1080" nm="result" />
- <R no="1080" nm="vdpsInformation">
- <RP mn="0">
- <OB cl="VDPSInformation.FIOMObject" no="160.51" vr="1.43" od="3"
<tx no="51" nm="provider1ID" mn="0" ky="1" />
<tx no="51" nm="provider2ID" mn="0" ky="1" />
<tx no="51" nm="provider3ID" mn="0" ky="1" />
<fg no="160" nm="hasPendingActivities" mn="0" vl="FALSE" />
<tx no="160" nm="vstName" mn="0" vl="QuoteHolder" />
<tx no="160" nm="vstVersion" mn="0" vl="WM_003a" />
<em no="160" nm="foType" mn="0" dm="FOType" vl="500" />
<tx no="160" nm="createUserID" mn="0" vl="WMS" />
<sp no="160" nm="createTimestamp" mn="0" vl="05.07.2005 - 21:54:20
@0" />
<tx no="160" nm="updateUserID" mn="0" vl="WMS" />
<sp no="160" nm="updateTimestamp" mn="0" vl="03.04.2007 - 20:27:10
@0" />
<nu no="160" nm="vstQuality" mn="0" vl="10" />
<fg no="160" nm="isRelevant" mn="0" vl="TRUE" />
<tx no="160" nm="modificationReason" mn="0" />
<nu no="160" nm="revisionNo" mn="0" vl="939" />
<tx no="160" nm="remarks" mn="0" />
<fg no="160" nm="hasFutureMessages" mn="0" />
<nu no="160" nm="vstRequiredQuality" mn="0" vl="5" />
<tx no="160" nm="provider1Symbol" mn="0" ky="1" />
<tx no="160" nm="provider2Symbol" mn="0" ky="1" />
<tx no="160" nm="provider3Symbol" mn="0" ky="1" />
<em no="160" nm="dataStatusType" mn="0" dm="DataStatusType" />
<nu no="160" nm="vstMaximumQuality" mn="0" vl="10" />
<nu no="160" nm="newVstQuality" mn="0" />
<fg no="160" nm="isChecked" mn="0" />
<tx no="160" nm="messageInfo" mn="0" />
<fg no="160" nm="fotWizardIsDisabled" mn="0" />
<tx no="160" nm="foDBKey" mn="0" />
<fg no="160" nm="isOnDB" mn="0" vl="TRUE" />
<fg no="160" nm="isFastInsertion" mn="0" />
<em no="160" nm="priorityType" mn="0" dm="PriorityType" />
<R no="160" nm="genericInformations" />
<R no="160" nm="areaInformations" />
<R no="1080" nm="control" />
<R no="1080" nm="pendingActivity" />
<R no="1080" nm="pendingChange" />
- <WR no="208" tn="BTID3" nm="instrument">
<id no="0_BTID3" tn="BTID3" nm="destinationKey" mn="0" vl="5
CommonCode 16245151 WKN 628946 ISIN DE0006289465 BoersenkuerzelInland
EXHA DB_KEY 18615" />
- <R no="208" nm="recentQuoteValues">
- <RP mn="0">
- <OB cl="QuoteValue.FIOMObject" no="213.51" vr="1.43" od="4" mn="0">
<tx no="51" nm="provider1ID" mn="0" ky="1" />
<tx no="51" nm="provider2ID" mn="0" ky="1"
vl="20070314K01005L21NULK02_1_4" />
<tx no="51" nm="provider3ID" mn="0" ky="1" />
<tx no="213" nm="quoteTypeIdSymbol" mn="0" vl="03_K02_1_4" />
<em no="213" nm="valueType" mn="0" dm="ValueType" vl="9001" />
<em no="213" nm="sizeStyleType" mn="0" dm="SizeStyleType" />
<em no="213" nm="reliabilityType" mn="0" dm="ReliabilityType" />
<fg no="213" nm="isCorrection" mn="0" />
<em no="213" nm="settlementCodeType" mn="0" dm="SettlementCodeType" /<em no="213" nm="settlementStatusType" mn="0"
dm="QuoteSettleStatusType" />
<em no="213" nm="valueStyleRefinedType" mn="0"
dm="ValueStyleRefinedType" vl="9121" />
<tx no="213" nm="quoteTypeSchemeSymbol" mn="0" vl="03_Fondspreise" /<em no="213" nm="fixingCapitalEventType" mn="0"
dm="FixingCapitalEventType" />
<lg no="213" nm="valueDescr" mn="0" />
<R no="213" nm="listingInformation" />
<R no="213" nm="providedService" />
<R no="213" nm="quoteListings" />
<RD no="213" nm="quoteType" mn="0" kyA="quoteTypeIdSymbol/
quoteTypeSchemeSymbol" />

My CSV file should be:
EU0009656420,130.97(quoteValue tag)

Please help me out with this...

Tad McClellan

Ram said:
Subject: XML parsing using PERL.... URGENT

Have you seen the Posting Guidelines that are posted here frequently?

I am new to PERL

We can tell, because the name of the language is Perl, not PERL.

Please help me out with this...

Sure. What part are you having trouble with?
<tx no="213" nm="quoteTypeIdSymbol" mn="0" vl="03_K02_1_4" />
<em no="213" nm="valueType" mn="0" dm="ValueType" vl="9001" />
<ft no="213" nm="quoteValue" mn="0" vl="130.97" />

My CSV file should be:
EU0009656420,130.97(quoteValue tag)

You want a newline in the 1st CSV field?

There is no quoteValue tag anywhere in your data.

There is a tx tag and a em tag and a ft tag though,
there is also a ft tag with a quoteValue attribute value.



Have you seen the Posting Guidelines that are posted here frequently?

We can tell, because the name of the language is Perl, not PERL.

Sure. What part are you having trouble with?

You want a newline in the 1st CSV field?

There is no quoteValue tag anywhere in your data.

There is a tx tag and a em tag and a ft tag though,
there is also a ft tag with a quoteValue attribute value.


Thanks for the reply....

i have a complete xml file which isvery big and i m not able to attach
the complete file.. so i have taken a part of xml file and pasted
i have an xml file and i need to take only 3 values for each
object.... like ISIN, quoteValue and the date(header date)....
and below the quote value u can see quoteTime... the date in quoteTime
should be same as the header date....

there is a quote value tag here.... 4th line....
<tx no="51" nm="provider3ID" mn="0" ky="1" />
<tx no="213" nm="quoteTypeIdSymbol" mn="0" vl="03_K02_1_4" />
<em no="213" nm="valueType" mn="0" dm="ValueType" vl="9001" />
<ft no="213" nm="quoteValue" mn="0" vl="130.97" />
<em no="213" nm="valueStyleType" mn="0" dm="ValueStyleType"
vl="5" /
<em no="213" nm="valueStyleType" mn="0" dm="ValueStyleType" vl="5" /
<ft no="213" nm="quoteSize" mn="0" />
<sp no="213" nm="quoteTime" mn="0" vl="14.03.2007 - 99:99:99 @99" /

Yes, I need a new line

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