A multilingual site in html?


Adrienne Boswell

I know that PHP/JSP/ASP is probably a better way to go, but I just
wanted to know if it was possible to do this in pure html.

Also, it takes me a lot less time to create the html pages than to
create a dynamic site ;)

Actually, once you get the skeleton done, it's a lot faster to write
dynamic sites than static sites.

For example, this is what of one of my pages looks like for the church
site I maintain:
<% option explicit %>
<!--#include file="linkrel.asp"-->
<!--#include file="getdoc_inc.asp"-->
<!--#include file="meta_inc.asp"-->
<!--#include file="nav_inc.asp"-->
<div id="content">
<!--#include file="h1_inc.asp"-->
<!--#include file="ref_inc.asp"-->
<% if issearching then %>
<%end if%>
<!--#include file="rhs_inc.asp"-->
<!--#include file="copyright_inc.asp"-->
<!--#include file="editdoc_inc.asp"-->

And this is all I do to generate a new document:
if not systemerror then
'create the document on the server
Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Set fileObject = fso.GetFile(Server.MapPath("newdoc_template.asp"))
fileObject.Copy Server.MapPath(pageurl),false
Set fileObject = Nothing
Set fso = Nothing
end if


Read it again, Ikke. Jukka didn't say a bilingual *site* would be bad;
he's warning against a bilingual *page*, that is, a page with Dutch on
the left and its English equivalent on the right, for example.

Jukka wrote "even if a bilingual _site_ might be". I took "might" as "it
might be, but it could also be otherwise". So therefor I asked what the
downside would be.

But you are probably write in stating that I just misunderstood Jukka.
Anyway, I agree that a bilingual page (as you stated, with both languages
on one page) is a bad idea, with the possible exception of some cases.




What languages have flags?

Countries do, but languages don't.

I meant those little flag images you see on most sites. Yes, languages do
not have flags, but it's the easiest way to indicate to a user that there
is a translation available in another language, besides a text link.


Toby A Inkster

Ikke said:
I meant those little flag images you see on most sites. Yes, languages do
not have flags, but it's the easiest way to indicate to a user that there
is a translation available in another language, besides a text link.

And what flag would you use to indicate English? A St George cross?

Toby A Inkster BSc (Hons) ARCS
Contact Me ~ http://tobyinkster.co.uk/contact
Geek of ~ HTML/SQL/Perl/PHP/Python*/Apache/Linux

* = I'm getting there!

John Hosking

It may be the easiest way (although I'm not convinced that it is) but
that doesn't make it the best way.
The same as 99% of all multilingual sites out there use I guess... American

Just because "99% of all multilingual sites out there" are rude and
thoughtless, doesn't mean you have to be.

Try a different example: Spanish. What flag should Mexicans look for?
Mexico's? Spain's? Citizens of former colonies are not usually too keen
to click the flag of the imperial power from whom they struggled for
independence (and Mexico is not the only or best example of this).

Aw, nuts, let's just go to the link:

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