[ANN] RO utility package 2004-10-13


Russell E. Owen

RO python package 2004-10-13 is now available for download from

This is a package of python utilities I wrote to support a telescope
control interface. RO has a strong emphasis on the Tkinter GUI library,
networking, astronomy and cross-platform support (my telescope user
interface is regularly used on unix, MacOS X and Windows).

Major changes in this release include:
- ScriptRunner and associated ScriptWdg allow you to write python code
that can wait for things (such as threads to end, commands to finish,
variables to change) without tying up the Tk event loop or having to
write your code as a mess of callbacks. I wrote it to support simple
user scripts but have also found it very useful for incorporating into
my code.
- TkSocket and TCPConnection are now Windows compatible (accomplished by
using tcl sockets instead of python sockets with createfilehandler).
- Editable widgets now have Cut/Copy/Paste, etc. in their contextual
menus (just Copy for read-only widgets)

There are many smaller changes. Read the Version History
<http://www.astro.washington.edu/rowen/ROVersionHistory.html> for

-- Russell

Rick Lawson

This looks like it has some great extensions for Tkinter that are
pretty much packaged in their own module (Wdg). In the brief glance I
took, there are a few dependencies on code in the base RO package but
basically you can just use the widgets in the Wdg module. Great work !

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