Code snippets etc...



Apologies for way OT q
There are a multitude of ways to code the same logic in C++.
Are there are some snippets on the book/web library perhaps, that
reflect / capture really good programming practices (C++)? Are there
some pieces that you veterans out here have looked at and said "wow
this is a cool implementation"? Any recommendations ? Books ? URL's?
some open source modules ?
This is for an intermediate C++ programmer hoping to broaden one's
coding skills.My emphasis is more on elegance than raw smarts

Adv thx

Mike Wahler

Suma said:
Apologies for way OT q
There are a multitude of ways to code the same logic in C++.
Are there are some snippets on the book/web library perhaps, that
reflect / capture really good programming practices (C++)? Are there
some pieces that you veterans out here have looked at and said "wow
this is a cool implementation"? Any recommendations ? Books ? URL's?
some open source modules ?
This is for an intermediate C++ programmer hoping to broaden one's
coding skills.My emphasis is more on elegance than raw smarts

IMO in programming, one should not be concerned with
'elegance', however attractive such a notion might be.
Instead concentrate on clarity (readability), maintainability,
and robustness.

Try the books by Scott Meyers (Effective C++, More Effective C++,
Effective STL), and Herb Sutter (Exceptional C++). They should
be easy to find with google, and available from most booksellers,
both online and off.

Also see the book reviews at



IMO in programming, one should not be concerned with
'elegance', however attractive such a notion might be.
Instead concentrate on clarity (readability), maintainability,
and robustness.

....which altogether constitutes elegance...

Jim Langston

benben said:
...which altogether constitutes elegance...

Agreed. When I look at C++ code I can either read it very easy (almost like
a book) or have to pick over each varible, letter, etc.. to figure out what
is going on.

What I tend to do is code something, then go back over it and read it and
figure out how easy it is will be for me to figure out what I was doing a
year from now.

Seriously, one time I revisted a piece of code I had written a year prior
(this was many many many years ago) and it took me 3 hours to figure out 5
lines of (my own) code. Since then I've learned.


Thanks I am aware of both these books - I am looking for something
different. I am looking for some non trivial implementation than
snippets of code- For eg a framework like STL for collection classes,
Document/View architecture in MFC etc - ( I list this because i am
aware of certain methodologies can "lift") - which is fairly large
chunks of code. Your mileage may vary but this is the way i would
prefer to go...

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