IE: Permission Denied Error and Other Strange Errors




I hope someone can help me with this. :)

I have a WYSIWYG editor coded in JavaScript. There are a very small
minority of IE users who are receiving errors that no one else is. What
makes this so difficult is most everyone who is using the same browser
doesn't receive these errors. It's very difficult to troubleshoot
because I have no way of recreating it.

You can see a demo of the script here:

Here's what seems to be the common errors (keep in mind these only
occur for a very small group of users):

1. This small group of users receive a permission denied error. I'm
curious if this is the leading cause for errors 2 through 4.

2. When loading the WYSIWYG I hide a textarea
(document.getElementById(TextareaID).style.display = 'none';).
Unfortunately, it doesn't seem to hide for these users.

3. The Font Select and Font Size dropdown don't display at all.

4. When loading the editor, I hide a button in the toolbar that reads
"Text". This button is used for toggling between "Text" mode and "HTML"
mode. It appears that the Text mode button doesn't hide properly so
both buttons are displayed. Only one or the other should be displayed.

Because I can't recreate these errors I've gotten screenshots of them.

Screenshot of problem:

Screenshot with Permission Denied error (I was able to fix the problem
with the textarea being displayed above the WYSIWYG):

The user who provided these screenshots is using IE version

I really need some help here, you can download the WYSIWYG here:

You can also download a copy of the WYSIWYG with some trouble shooting
I did. In this version I was able to fix the problem with the textarea
being displayed above the WYSIWYG:

I'm hoping someone out there with JavaScript experience can either
recreate these errors, or perhaps have an idea of why these errors may
be occuring.

I could really use some help on this one, and it would be greatly
appreciated as I'm stuck on this one.

Thanks in advance,

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