Interview Questions


Victor Bazarov

Walter said:
I understand and respect your wish to err on the side of caution with regard
to copyrights and trade secrets. But surely you'd have something to bring
in; an open source contribution, a hobby program written at home, even a
school project. Heck, stuff I've written runs the gamut from public domain
to super secret, from embarassing trash to novel things I should have
patented <g>.

Would you hire an architect to design a house for you without seeing any
examples of their work? Call me unreasonable, but I wouldn't.

Nor would I. I don't see the connection, though. Architect's work is
basically in public domain: everyone can see it. Not the same with that
of an engineer. Then again, all projects (or almost all of them) I've
ever worked on are listed in my resume with a brief description of what
I did. If you need to know more, ask.



Victor Bazarov said:
Nor would I. I don't see the connection, though.

The connection is they are both creative engineering work that a lot of
money is spent on.
Architect's work is basically in public domain: everyone can see it.

It isn't in the public domain. The designs are copyrighted, and you cannot,
for example, photograph a house and put it in a book without permission.
BTW, I should also point out there's a difference between copyright and
trade secret. Copyright won't prevent you from showing code to another, but
a trade secret agreement will.
Not the same with that of an engineer.

Architecture is engineering.
Then again, all projects (or almost all of them) I've
ever worked on are listed in my resume with a brief description of what
I did. If you need to know more, ask.

My point is that it is common practice to inflate the quantity, quality, and
depth of work on a resume. It's real easy to say one wrote X, when in
reality one might have been only peripherally involved. It's a little harder
to talk the talk. But it's really, really hard to fake it when showing the
actual code one purportedly wrote and do a walkthrough of it. Furthermore,
how people say they engineer code and how they actually do it are different.
By getting a walkthrough of his actual code, you get a pretty good idea if
his coding style will work in your organization.

Victor Bazarov

Walter said:
My point is that [...]

You didn't have to repeat your point the third time. We
get it, you would like to see the actual code written and
you are convinced that resumes do not contain real facts.
Fine. If you see me applying to your company, make sure
to let me know, I'll withdraw my application.


Jatinder said:
I 'm a professional looking for the job.In interview these questions
were asked with some others which I answered.But some of them left
unanswered.Plz help.

Here are some questions on C/C++, OS internals?
Q1 . What is the use of pointer to an array?
Q2 . What is the use of array of pointers?
Q3 . What is the use of pointer to function ?

These you should know, or easily be able to read about.
Q4 . How to print through serial port? What is Flow Control(Xon,Xoff)

This isn't a language question. It sounds system dependent.
Q5 . What is IOCTL Explain .

This is some Microsoft-specific thing. You can Google for it. Why haven't
you yet?
Q6 . How to create an interrupt service routine in C?
Q7 . What are the internals of a schedular ?

Again things that are better read about than explained here.
Q8 . The static variables are declared in heap or stack ?



Xenos said:
I find it alarming that this trend of giving ridiculous quizzes and tests to
interviewee is increasing. When I was young and looking for a job,
companies that did this were few. I immediately walked out of any interview
were I was asked to take such a test.

You da man! said:
That's a company interested in bodies and tests scores, not
cultivating good people.

Yeah, it sounds like those silly universities you read about.


Xenos said:
I feel sorry for
kids just out of college (and older folks out of work). In my day, lots of
good companies would fight over you.

I agree with you there.


Howard said:
Anyone else notice something strange about this post? I see it comes
through San Diego State University's server ( Also, the
OP has not responded in any way, with their own opinions, follow-up, or
whatever. And the OP claims to be a "professional", but asks some of the
most basic questions. Isn't anyone at least suspicious that this is really
just a student taking a test or doing homework, and trying to get free
answers to questions they're supposed to either know or research

Of course.


jeffc said:

Of course.

Thanks for showing ignorance.
I posted these questions because there answers were too vauge.
e.g take this
if someone say a=i++ will work or not.
Yes it will work syntactically but semantically not. It give unwanted
in interview If u pause for a min or sec they skip and start next
Most of the professionals out there helped by posting a genunie reply
(no flaming.) they also guided to some great sites like
So not everyone is raising finger some are real gentle persons.
It is good that u expressed ur concern ,but believe me these are
interview questions and I am a "professional"
Thanks for ur posting.
Jun 30, 2010
Reaction score
Thanks for showing ignorance.
I posted these questions because there answers were too vauge.
e.g take this
if someone say a=i++ will work or not.
Yes it will work syntactically but semantically not. It give unwanted
in interview If u pause for a min or sec they skip and start next
Most of the professionals out there helped by posting a genunie reply
(no flaming.) they also guided to some great sites like
So not everyone is raising finger some are real gentle persons.
It is good that u expressed ur concern ,but believe me these are
interview questions and I am a "professional"
Thanks for ur posting.


I do not agreed with you. Any way, your ideal make me thinking about some thing for my project.

Apart from that, this link below may be useful:
Please try to keep posting. Tks and best regards
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