python win32com problem



hello , these day im very stress of one of some strange thing.

i want to enumurate inside list of url, and every enumurated url i want to

i was uplod incompleted script source in here =>

if anyone can help me really appreciate

thanks in advance


Jon Clements

hello , these day im very stress of one of some strange thing.

i want to enumurate inside list of url, and every enumurated url i want to

i was uplod incompleted script source in here =>

if anyone can help me really appreciate

thanks in advance


How much effort have you put into this? It looks like you've just
whacked together code (that isn't valid -- where'd the magical
'buttons' variable come from), given up and cried for help.

Besides, I would suggest you're taking completely the wrong route.
You'll find it one hell of a challenge to automate a browser as you
want, that's if it supports exposing the DOM anyway. And without being
rude, would definitely be beyond your abilities from your posts to

Download and install BeautifulSoup from
- you seem to have quite a few HTML based needs in your pastebin, so
it'll come in useful for the future.

Here's a snippet to get you started:

from urllib2 import urlopen
from BeautifulSoup import BeautifulSoup as BS

url = urlopen('')
urldata =
soup = BS(urldata)
atags = soup('a', attrs={'href': lambda L: L and L.startswith('http://')})
for atag in atags:
print atag['href']

I'll leave it to you where you want to go from there (ie, follow the
links, or automate IE to open said pages etc...)

I strongly suggest reading the urllib2 and BeautifulSoup docs, and
documenting the above code snippet -- you should then understand it,
should be less stressed, and have something to refer to for similar
requirements in the future.



Jon said:
hello , these day im very stress of one of some strange thing.

i want to enumurate inside list of url, and every enumurated url i want

i was uplod incompleted script source in here =>

if anyone can help me really appreciate

thanks in advance


How much effort have you put into this? It looks like you've just
whacked together code (that isn't valid -- where'd the magical
'buttons' variable come from), given up and cried for help.

Besides, I would suggest you're taking completely the wrong route.
You'll find it one hell of a challenge to automate a browser as you
want, that's if it supports exposing the DOM anyway. And without being
rude, would definitely be beyond your abilities from your posts to

Download and install BeautifulSoup from
- you seem to have quite a few HTML based needs in your pastebin, so
it'll come in useful for the future.

Here's a snippet to get you started:

from urllib2 import urlopen
from BeautifulSoup import BeautifulSoup as BS

url = urlopen('')
urldata =
soup = BS(urldata)
atags = soup('a', attrs={'href': lambda L: L and L.startswith('http://')})
for atag in atags:
print atag['href']

I'll leave it to you where you want to go from there (ie, follow the
links, or automate IE to open said pages etc...)

I strongly suggest reading the urllib2 and BeautifulSoup docs, and
documenting the above code snippet -- you should then understand it,
should be less stressed, and have something to refer to for similar
requirements in the future.


thanks for your kind reply.
your script is working very well
im making scraper now.
and im making with PAMIE but still slow module
but i have no choice because of javascript support.
before i was try to look for method with mechanize but almost failed.
if mechanize can support javascript maybe my best choice will be mechanize.
ok anyway..there is almost no choice so i have to go
"automate IE to open said pages etc.."
i want to visit every collect link with IE com interface..
for example i was collect 10 url ...i want to visit every 10 url.
would you help me some more?
if so much appreciate thanks

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