Synthesis / analysis takes long time.



--I dont get any errors but when I go to compile it takes forever
-- this is the following code
-- I was wondering what I am doing wrong.
library ieee; -- component #1
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
USE ieee.numeric_std.all;

entity clockdisplay is
port( MAX_SW1: in std_logic_VECTOR (1 downto 0);
MAX_SW2: in std_logic_vector ( 5 downto 0);
MAX_ONES: out std_logic_vector(6 downto 0);
MAX_TENS: out std_logic_vector(6 downto 0)
end clockdisplay;

architecture behv of clockdisplay is
-- Declerations of stuff to be used later
type FORMAT is (BLANK, MINUTE, HOUR, MILITARY); --what are we working
with yay enumerators
--Validate Function
--Takes in the limit and the std_logic vector
--returns an integer or 70 if the logic vector is over the limit
function Validate ( limit : integer;
input : in std_logic_vector ( 5 downto 0)
) return integer
variable ret: integer;
ret := to_integer(unsigned(input));
if to_integer(unsigned(input)) > limit then
ret := 70;
end if;
return ret;
end Validate;
-- Display function takes an integer and returns an output
-- To be used in a led on altera up2
-- a
-- ---
-- f | | b
-- --- g
-- e | | c
-- ---
-- d
-- return type is abcdefg

function Display ( number : integer range 0 to 15)
return std_logic_vector;
function Display ( number : integer range 0 to 15)
return std_logic_vector is
variable digit: std_logic_vector(6 downto 0);
begin --- this takes a very long time to compile not really sure why
-- abcdefg gfedcba
if number = 0 then digit := "0111111"; --"1111110"; -- 0 126 --
"0111111"; --
elsif number = 1 then digit := "0000110"; --"0110000"; -- 1 48
"0000110"; --
elsif number = 2 then digit := "1011011"; --"1101101"; -- 2 109
"1011011"; --
elsif number = 3 then digit := "1001111"; --"1111001"; -- 3 121
"1001111"; --
elsif number = 4 then digit := "1100110"; --"0110011"; -- 4 51
"1100110"; --
elsif number = 5 then digit := "1101101"; --"1011011"; -- 5 91
"1101101"; --
elsif number = 6 then digit := "1111101"; --"1011111"; -- 6 95
"1111101"; --
elsif number = 7 then digit := "0000111"; --"1110000"; -- 7 112 70
"0000111"; --
elsif number = 8 then digit := "1111111"; --"1111111"; -- 8 127 7F
"1111111"; --
elsif number = 9 then digit := "1101111"; --"1111011"; -- 9 123 7B
"1101111"; --
elsif number = 10 then digit := "1111001"; --"1001111"; -- E 79 4F
"1111001"; --
else digit := "0000000"; --"0000000"; -- Blank "0000000"; --
end if;
return digit;
end Display;
----- end of validate function
--- the main area of the program.
variable DisplayType: FORMAT;
variable Time: integer range 0 to 75;
variable Ones: integer range 0 to 15;
variable Tens: integer range 0 to 15;

-- factory design pattern i think
-- there is no need to do this other than to get familure with case
case MAX_SW1 is
when "00" => DisplayType := BLANK;
when "01" => DisplayType := MINUTE;
when "10" => DisplayType := HOUR;
when others => DisplayType := MILITARY;
end case;
-- I am now friends with case statements.

-- the if block
if DisplayType = BLANK THEN
time := 71; -- blank display
ELSIF DisplayType = MINUTE then
time := validate(59,MAX_SW2); -- 0 to 59
ELSIF DisplayType = HOUR then
time := validate(11,MAX_SW2)+1; --1 to 12
ELSe --DisplayType = MILITARY then
time := validate(23,MAX_SW2)+1; --1 to 24

end if;

if(time=71) then --blank the display
ones := (11);
tens := (11);
elsif(time > 60) then --this should be 59 but it takes 5 min to
compile ugh
ones := (10);
tens := (10);
ones := time mod 10 ;
tens := time / 10;
end if;

MAX_Ones <= Display(ones);
MAX_TENS <= Display(tens);
end process;
end behv;

Thomas Stanka

--I dont get any errors but when I go to compile it takes forever
-- this is the following code
ones := time mod 10 ;
tens := time / 10;

These two operators are a bit heavy for your tool. A / 2^n is very easy
to implement (by shifting), A/10 in one clock cycle (your have no
registers, no clock so all operations have to be done within one clock
cycle) has to be considered evil. Same applies for the mod function.

bye Thomas

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