What am I doing wrong ?




I have created a mesh class in visual studio 6.0 c++.

I can create a device, render objects and can edit the objects by for
instancnce selecting a cluster of vertices and processing the vertices
and can do this multiple times on a sinlge vertex cluster.

The problem I have been encoutering is that, if I select a second
vertex cluster and try to edit that , the program crashes.

I have re-written the application from passing pointers to the mesh
object to functions to an application that passes references but I
still get the same type of problem.

in my current version, I declare a reference, m_ref and then pass
this object to the following sequence of function calls :

create sphere ( my_mesh& p_mesh ) returning p_mesh.

select_vertex_cluster ( my_mesh& p_mesh ) returning p_mesh.

Edit_vertex_cluster (( my_mesh& p_mesh ) returning p_mesh.)

If I call the Edit_vertex_cluster , for a second time, it just cannot
find any data, that has been created previously within the object.

I am loosing quite a lot of hair with this one and I have inplimented
a copy constructor but , really I am so confused right now that I just
have no idea what I should be doing .

Can anyone see what type of thing I may be doing wrong here?

I really would appriciate some help with this.

Thanks in advance,

Robert W.

Jim Langston


I have created a mesh class in visual studio 6.0 c++.

I can create a device, render objects and can edit the objects by for
instancnce selecting a cluster of vertices and processing the vertices
and can do this multiple times on a sinlge vertex cluster.

The problem I have been encoutering is that, if I select a second
vertex cluster and try to edit that , the program crashes.

I have re-written the application from passing pointers to the mesh
object to functions to an application that passes references but I
still get the same type of problem.

in my current version, I declare a reference, m_ref and then pass
this object to the following sequence of function calls :

create sphere ( my_mesh& p_mesh ) returning p_mesh.

select_vertex_cluster ( my_mesh& p_mesh ) returning p_mesh.

Edit_vertex_cluster (( my_mesh& p_mesh ) returning p_mesh.)

If I call the Edit_vertex_cluster , for a second time, it just cannot
find any data, that has been created previously within the object.

I am loosing quite a lot of hair with this one and I have inplimented
a copy constructor but , really I am so confused right now that I just
have no idea what I should be doing .

Can anyone see what type of thing I may be doing wrong here?

I really would appriciate some help with this.

Thanks in advance,

I would guess that you are attempting to reseat a reference, which you can
not do. Other than that, I would have to see the code.


I would guess that you are attempting to reseat a reference, which you can
not do. Other than that, I would have to see the code.- Hide quoted text -

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Is a reference reset if a return value is passed back to it ?

Rolf Magnus

Sounds reasonable, if that was the only change you made.

You mean the object it refers to? Why are you creating a reference first?

There is not enough information to say what is wrong.
Is a reference reset if a return value is passed back to it ?

I have no idea what you mean by that. There is no way to "reset" a
reference. Everything you do after it's initialized is done to the object
it refers to.


Sounds reasonable, if that was the only change you made.

You mean the object it refers to? Why are you creating a reference first?

There is not enough information to say what is wrong.

I have no idea what you mean by that. There is no way to "reset" a
reference. Everything you do after it's initialized is done to the object
it refers to.

Sorry, I am not wearing glasses, reset/reseat

Anyhow here's some code ,I apologie if it looks, un-together.

// Setting up the references and pointers, Globaly

m_model& m_ref = oooo;
m_model& b_ref = uuuu;
m_model* tmp;
m_model* z_mesh;

// create sphere

tmp = new m_model
D3DXCreateSphere(my3d_device,0.5, 32, 32,&tmp->m_Mesh, NULL);
m_ref = oooo;
m_ref = m_ref.copy_sphere(my3d_device,tmp, m_ref );
m_ref = m_ref.m_x_rotate(m_ref, 90.0, 1);
oooo.X = 0;
oooo.Y = 0;
oooo.Z = 0;
cluster_mesh[mesh_index] = m_ref;

// Getting and setting a vertex cluster

if( f_thru == true )
m_ref.vIndex = new WORD [4];
m_ref.Cull_Type = new int [4];
f_thru = false;
delete[] m_ref.vIndex;
m_ref.vIndex = new WORD [4];
delete[] m_ref.Cull_Type;
m_ref.Cull_Type = new int [4];
i_pos = 0;

case 1:

numberOfpoints = 4;


. . .


m_ref.Get_cursor_Onject_data(m_ref, type_cursor, numberOfpoints);

//Edit mesh object
m_ref = m_ref.process_Sub_Trunc_Level_Extrude( m_ref,
my3d_device ,
scale_value, true, e_type );

cluster_mesh[0] = m_ref;

Jim Langston

Is a reference reset if a return value is passed back to it ?

No. I made that mistake once and couldn't figure out why everything was
working for the first set of objects in my code but not the other 2 with the
same code. I was doing something like this:

MyClass& thisClass = (*it);
thisClass.name = "Hello";
// ... etc..

thisClass = (*it);
thisClass name = "Goodbye";
// .. etc...

Well, this just didn't work as I expected. I wound up changing the first
class twice and I actually posted in this newsgroup asking why. And of
course as soon as someone told me it was a dohhh!

MyClass& thisClass = (*it);
seats the refernce. thisClass points to the instance that it was pointing
to (in my case an iterator). So when I did assignments after it, it made
changes to where it was pointing to and all was well.

But, when I incremented my iterator, then tried to reseat the reference with
thisClass = (*it);
what was actually happening was that the reference was STILL pointing to
where it was before, it doesn't change. So it became a simple assignment.
Like a = b. So now the first instance got copied over with where it was
pointing to now.

The only time you can seat a refernce is on the declaration/defination line:
sometype& varname = // this is seating the refernce
or in a structure/class initalization list

class MyClass
MyClass( sometype& thisInstance ): MyRef( thisInstance ) {} // This is
where it gets seated
sometype& MyRef;


No. I made that mistake once and couldn't figure out why everything was
working for the first set of objects in my code but not the other 2 with the
same code. I was doing something like this:

MyClass& thisClass = (*it);
thisClass.name = "Hello";
// ... etc..

thisClass = (*it);
thisClass name = "Goodbye";
// .. etc...

Well, this just didn't work as I expected. I wound up changing the first
class twice and I actually posted in this newsgroup asking why. And of
course as soon as someone told me it was a dohhh!

MyClass& thisClass = (*it);
seats the refernce. thisClass points to the instance that it was pointing
to (in my case an iterator). So when I did assignments after it, it made
changes to where it was pointing to and all was well.

But, when I incremented my iterator, then tried to reseat the reference with
thisClass = (*it);
what was actually happening was that the reference was STILL pointing to
where it was before, it doesn't change. So it became a simple assignment.
Like a = b. So now the first instance got copied over with where it was
pointing to now.

The only time you can seat a refernce is on the declaration/defination line:
sometype& varname = // this is seating the refernce
or in a structure/class initalization list

class MyClass
MyClass( sometype& thisInstance ): MyRef( thisInstance ) {} // This is
where it gets seated
sometype& MyRef;

};- Hide quoted text -

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Thanks for that, would it be possible to direct me to some literature
relating to this as I guess I am still feeling, slightly 'goofy'.

Jim Langston

Sorry, I am not wearing glasses, reset/reseat

Anyhow here's some code ,I apologie if it looks, un-together.

// Setting up the references and pointers, Globaly

m_model& m_ref = oooo;

Okay, m_ref is pointing at the variable oooo;
m_model& b_ref = uuuu;

b_ref is pointing to the variable uuuu;
m_model* tmp;
m_model* z_mesh;
// create sphere

tmp = new m_model
D3DXCreateSphere(my3d_device,0.5, 32, 32,&tmp->m_Mesh, NULL);
m_ref = oooo;

And you are assigning m_ref to itself. m_ref is already pointing to oooo;
So this is the exact same as saying:
oooo = oooo;
You can not change where m_ref is pointing to at this point, but then I'm
not sure what you're trying to do here anyway since you aleady pointed m_ref
to oooo this seems to be a noop.
m_ref = m_ref.copy_sphere(my3d_device,tmp, m_ref );

Okay, you're assinging what m_ref is pointing to (oooo) whatever
m_ref.copy_sphere returns.
m_ref = m_ref.m_x_rotate(m_ref, 90.0, 1);

And now you're assigning what m_ref is pointing to (oooo) whatever
m_ref.m_x_rotate returns. So what were you planing on doing witth the
previous assignment?
oooo.X = 0;

And now you're setting the variable x in oooo (which is still the same place
m_ref is pointing to) a value.
oooo.Y = 0;
oooo.Z = 0;

same with these 2.
cluster_mesh[mesh_index] = m_ref;

Okay, so now cluster_mesh[mesh_index] is assigned the instance of oooo

Pretty much stopping commening on this code.

// Getting and setting a vertex cluster

if( f_thru == true )
m_ref.vIndex = new WORD [4];
m_ref.Cull_Type = new int [4];
f_thru = false;
delete[] m_ref.vIndex;
m_ref.vIndex = new WORD [4];
delete[] m_ref.Cull_Type;
m_ref.Cull_Type = new int [4];
i_pos = 0;

case 1:

numberOfpoints = 4;


. . .


m_ref.Get_cursor_Onject_data(m_ref, type_cursor, numberOfpoints);

//Edit mesh object
m_ref = m_ref.process_Sub_Trunc_Level_Extrude( m_ref,
my3d_device ,
scale_value, true, e_type );

cluster_mesh[0] = m_ref;

You say that this code works the first time you run through it. I don't
know if that's by luck or hapinstance, but a lot of the code just isn't
making sense to me. You assign the reference m_ref to pont to oooo then
continue to use oooo some places anyway. If you're going to use oooo then
don't bother with a reference. A reference is just an alias. So after you

m_model& m_ref = oooo;

every time you refer to m_ref you are refering to oooo. Change every
occurance of m_ref in this code with oooo and it should do the exact same
thing (except for the declaration of m_ref of course).

I don't think references are doing what you think they're doing. Or I"m
missing something.


Sorry, I am not wearing glasses, reset/reseat
Anyhow here's some code ,I apologie if it looks, un-together.
// Setting up the references and pointers, Globaly
m_model& m_ref = oooo;

Okay, m_ref is pointing at the variable oooo;
m_model& b_ref = uuuu;

b_ref is pointing to the variable uuuu;
m_model* tmp;
m_model* z_mesh;
// create sphere
tmp = new m_model
D3DXCreateSphere(my3d_device,0.5, 32, 32,&tmp->m_Mesh, NULL);
m_ref = oooo;

And you are assigning m_ref to itself. m_ref is already pointing to oooo;
So this is the exact same as saying:
oooo = oooo;
You can not change where m_ref is pointing to at this point, but then I'm
not sure what you're trying to do here anyway since you aleady pointed m_ref
to oooo this seems to be a noop.
m_ref = m_ref.copy_sphere(my3d_device,tmp, m_ref );

Okay, you're assinging what m_ref is pointing to (oooo) whatever
m_ref.copy_sphere returns.
m_ref = m_ref.m_x_rotate(m_ref, 90.0, 1);

And now you're assigning what m_ref is pointing to (oooo) whatever
m_ref.m_x_rotate returns. So what were you planing on doing witth the
previous assignment?
oooo.X = 0;

And now you're setting the variable x in oooo (which is still the same place
m_ref is pointing to) a value.
oooo.Y = 0;
oooo.Z = 0;

same with these 2.
cluster_mesh[mesh_index] = m_ref;

Okay, so now cluster_mesh[mesh_index] is assigned the instance of oooo

Pretty much stopping commening on this code.

// Getting and setting a vertex cluster
if( f_thru == true )
m_ref.vIndex = new WORD [4];
m_ref.Cull_Type = new int [4];
f_thru = false;
delete[] m_ref.vIndex;
m_ref.vIndex = new WORD [4];
delete[] m_ref.Cull_Type;
m_ref.Cull_Type = new int [4];
i_pos = 0;
case 1:
numberOfpoints = 4;

. . .

m_ref.Get_cursor_Onject_data(m_ref, type_cursor, numberOfpoints);
//Edit mesh object
m_ref = m_ref.process_Sub_Trunc_Level_Extrude( m_ref,
my3d_device ,
scale_value, true, e_type );
cluster_mesh[0] = m_ref;

You say that this code works the first time you run through it. I don't
know if that's by luck or hapinstance, but a lot of the code just isn't
making sense to me. You assign the reference m_ref to pont to oooo then
continue to use oooo some places anyway. If you're going to use oooo then
don't bother with a reference. A reference is just an alias. So after you

m_model& m_ref = oooo;

every time you refer to m_ref you are refering to oooo. Change every
occurance of m_ref in this code with oooo and it should do the exact same
thing (except for the declaration of m_ref of course).

I don't think references are doing what you think they're doing. Or I"m
missing something.- Hide quoted text -

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Thank you for reply, as you can see I have been slighlty confused. But
from reading your reply's I now understand that a reference, should
not be passed back from a function as this would mean the reference
would be reassigned.

I figured that I needed to convert my application from using pointers
to references because I needed to impliment a copy constructor.
However, I have ordered the strustrup book as my c++ archetecture
seems like it requires some work.

Thanks for your help.

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