What Application Server are you using?


Robert Hutchings

Hi All,

This is my first post, so excuse me if I don't get everything exactly right :)

With the last iteration of Oracle Glassfish in 2014, will JBoss or Jetty pick up that space? Is WebLogic Oracle's "go to" App Server now?

What are you using?

Arne Vajhøj

This is my first post, so excuse me if I don't get everything exactly right :)

With the last iteration of Oracle Glassfish in 2014, will JBoss or Jetty pick up that space? Is WebLogic Oracle's "go to" App Server now?

What are you using?

The 3 big ones for full Java EE are WebSphere, WebLogic and JBoss.

Unless you work for a loyal IBM or BEA/Oracle house, then I suggest you
go for JBoss.

If you only need web Java EE then just go for Tomcat.



"Arne Vajhøj" wrote in message
The 3 big ones for full Java EE are WebSphere, WebLogic and JBoss.

Unless you work for a loyal IBM or BEA/Oracle house, then I suggest you
go for JBoss.

If you only need web Java EE then just go for Tomcat.

Arne's advice here is spot-on and it is surprising how many places adopt one
of the full application servers when Tomcat is really all they need.

BTW Glassfish is not technically "dead". What happened was that Oracle will
no longer offer commercial support.

However, Glassfish is open source so *potentially* it could survive and may
even have another commercial entity take over support.

It is after all a very good product.

And loving it,

-Qu0ll (Rare, not extinct)
(e-mail address removed)
[Replace the "SixFour" with numbers to email me]

Joerg Meier

"Arne Vajhøj" wrote in message

Arne's advice here is spot-on and it is surprising how many places adopt one
of the full application servers when Tomcat is really all they need.

Even if you don't need the full stack right now, it's nice to know that
it's already there, and that adding anything from it is not a lengthy
process of fiddling around.
BTW Glassfish is not technically "dead". What happened was that Oracle will
no longer offer commercial support.
However, Glassfish is open source so *potentially* it could survive and may
even have another commercial entity take over support.

Personally, I'd be too worried that the abandonment of the commercial
support will send a message that will drive away large parts of the user
base and crush any hopes for the future on potential open source
supporters. I suspect that Glassfish might die purely due to psychological
fallout from Oracles move.

Liebe Gruesse,

Robert Hutchings

Please forgive my ignorance, but I thought Apache Tomcat was specifically designed as a "servlet engine" for JSP. Is that correct or incorrect? :)

Robert Klemme

Please forgive my ignorance, but I thought Apache Tomcat was
specifically designed as a "servlet engine" for JSP. Is that correct
or incorrect? :)

Servlets are older than JSP. IIRC Tomcat started out as the reference
implementation of the Servlet standard but soon matured into a full web
server including servlet container and later JSP container. It's not a
JEE application server but it contains a number of those features. Fun
fact: JBoss (which is called Wildfly now if I'm not mistaken) used to
contain a fork of Tomcat code for the web container. Not sure about the
current implementation - either it has evolved away from original Tomcat
code or they did a rewrite at some point in time.

Kind regards


Robert Hutchings

Hi Robert,

When we talk about "application servers" or "containers", what exactly doesthis mean? These are, in themselves, applications, correct? They are an application that enables other applications. So, for example, Tomcat runs as an application or UNIX process(es) and a Java servlet executes in the context of the Tomcat instance...is that correct?

I'm coming from a "mid-range background," Tandem NonStop and Windows .NET via VB or C#.

Arne Vajhøj

When we talk about "application servers" or "containers", what
exactly does this mean? These are, in themselves, applications,
correct? They are an application that enables other applications.
So, for example, Tomcat runs as an application or UNIX process(es)
and a Java servlet executes in the context of the Tomcat
instance...is that correct?

Consider it a software stack:

your web app
I'm coming from a "mid-range background," Tandem NonStop and Windows
.NET via VB or C#.

ASP.NET is not that different from a Java EE web container (aka servlet



More or less.

Tomcat, JBoss, Glassfish, etc. are all applications to the Unix
environment. (Or whatever environment/OS you run.)

But in the parlance of web programming, your application is the thing
that a client sees in their web browser. Both JBoss and Tomcat at least
(and probably all other containers) are capable of running more than one
application as a separate virtual host. Exactly like Apache is capable
of running separate websites as virtual hosts.

It's really a quibble over semantics. You could call a Java Enterprise
Edition container a framework, but the entry point for the OS is the
container itself, and the app runs as a series of callbacks.
"Container" is just JEE parlance for the thing that does that work for
you (processes incoming request, sends a response, connects to a DB,
etc.) which conforms to their JEE specification of what a container does.

In the same way we call a database a database even though it's really an
application too, we have different names for different specific types of
applications: demon, shell, name server, etc. Container is just one of
those names.

Arved Sandstrom

Hi Robert,

When we talk about "application servers" or "containers", what exactly does this mean? These are, in themselves, applications, correct? They are an application that enables other applications. So, for example, Tomcat runs as an application or UNIX process(es) and a Java servlet executes in the context of the Tomcat instance...is that correct?

I'm coming from a "mid-range background," Tandem NonStop and Windows .NET via VB or C#.
Good answers from others. I'll emphasize one other thing: the "server"
bit. In a nutshell, a server serves - it responds to requests to do
something on another program's behalf. In the case of an application
server (container), the server serves the applications, providing common


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