What is the recommended python module for SQL database access?



Is MySQLdb the recommended python module for SQL database access? Are there other modules? What I want in a module is to be able to write readable and maintainable code.

Chris Angelico

Is MySQLdb the recommended python module for SQL database access? Are there other modules? What I want in a module is to be able to write readable and maintainable code.

As long as you use some module that speaks the Python Database API
(PEP 249, if a quick Google search has given me the right number), use
whatever talks to the database back-end you want - all your code will
be basically the same. Are you starting a completely new project and
creating its database? Go with SQLite or PostgreSQL (the former if
your needs are simple, the latter if you want a full-featured database
engine); both are open source and excellent. Are you connecting to an
existing database? Use that database engine, obviously :)


Marcel Rodrigues

As Chris said, if your needs are simple, use SQLite back-end. It's probably
already installed on your computer and Python has a nice interface to it in
its standard library. [1]

If you decide to use MySQL back-end instead, consider using PyMySQL [2].
It's compatible with both Python 2 and Python 3. Also, being written in
pure Python, it's easier to install compared to MySQLdb.

[1] http://docs.python.org/3/library/sqlite3.html#module-sqlite3
[2] https://pypi.python.org/pypi/PyMySQL

Chris Angelico

As Chris said, if your needs are simple, use SQLite back-end. It's probably
already installed on your computer and Python has a nice interface to it in
its standard library.

Already installed? I thought the point of SQLite3 being in the Python
stdlib was that Python actually included the entire engine (that's why
there's no, for instance, PostgreSQL client in the stdlib - because
there's no server; I disagree with the reasoning, but it is consistent
and valid), so you don't need _anything_ externally installed.

In any case, SQLite is ideal for really simple databasing. Back in the
1990s, I had DB2, DB2, and DB2, for all my database work. I wanted a
way to query a dictionary of English words using SQL, so I created a
DB2 database and threw ~60K rows into a table. Massive overkill for a
one-column table. These days, I could use SQLite (or more likely, just
use grep on /usr/share/dict/words - grep does everything that I wanted
SQL for, if you include piping from one grep into another), cutting
the overhead down enormously.

The biggest downside of SQLite3 is concurrency. I haven't dug into the
exact details of the pager system and such, but it seems to be fairly
coarse in its locking. Also, stuff gets a bit complicated when you do
a single transaction involving multiple files. So if you have lots of
processes writing to the same set of SQLite tables, you'll see pretty
poor performance. PostgreSQL handles that situation far better, but
has a lot more overhead, so it's a poor choice for a single simple
application. MySQL's locking/concurrency system is specifically
optimized for a model that's common for web applications: a huge
number of readers and a tiny number of writers (sometimes referred to
as Data Warehousing, because you basically stuff a warehouse full of
data and then everyone comes looking for it). For the write-heavy
model (sometimes called OLTP or On-Line Transaction Processing),
PostgreSQL will hugely outperform MySQL, thanks to its MVCC model.

Broad recommendation: Single application, tiny workload, concurrency
not an issue, simplicity desired? Go SQLite. Big complex job, need
performance, lots of things reading and writing at once, want
networked access? Go PGSQL. And don't go MySQL if PG is an option.

And definitely don't go for a non-free option (MS-SQL, DB2, etc)
unless you've looked into it really closely and you are absolutely
thoroughly *sure* that you need that system (which probably means you
need your app to integrate with someone else's, and that other app
demands one particular database).


Marcel Rodrigues

I just checked in the Python sources and apparently you're right about
SQLite3. The Python distribution includes pysqlite which seems to be a
self-contained SQLite engine. No external dependencies. Sorry for the

Chris Angelico

I just checked in the Python sources and apparently you're right about
SQLite3. The Python distribution includes pysqlite which seems to be a
self-contained SQLite engine. No external dependencies. Sorry for the

Comes to the same thing, anyhow. If anything, that strengthens your
original point: it's easy, it's right there, you can give it a go.


Asaf Las

The biggest downside of SQLite3 is concurrency. I haven't dug into the
exact details of the pager system and such, but it seems to be fairly
coarse in its locking. Also, stuff gets a bit complicated when you do
a single transaction involving multiple files. So if you have lots of
processes writing to the same set of SQLite tables, you'll see pretty
poor performance.

Hi Chris

i simply tested running 2 independent processes started at same time in
parallel towards same sqlite database and never get 20000 in that row
though used exclusive lock on DB. might be i did something wrong.

p.s. threading locks don't do anything in this example.

import sqlite3
import threading
#from threading import Lock

# Constants
CNT_DB_NAME = "messageid.db"

class MessageId:
''' --------------------------------------------------------------------------
Following must be done in advance:
- Create DB sqlite3 sqlite_msgd.db
- Create table CREATE TABLE msgid (id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, val INTEGER);
- Inser def INSERT INTO msgid VALUES (0, 0);
def __init__(self, dflag = False, dbname = 'messageid.db'):
self._debug = dflag
self._lock = threading.Lock()
self._dbname = dbname
if self._debug:
print("MessageId.__init__(dbname = {0})".format(dbname))

def get_msgid(self):
''' --------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Acquire lock
- Connect to database
- Select current value SELECT val FROM msgid WHERE id = 0;
- Increment current value
- Insert a row of data UPDATE msgid SET val = 1 WHERE id = new_val;
self._lock.acquire(True, 1)
conn = sqlite3.connect('example.db', 10.0, True, "EXCLUSIVE")
c = conn.cursor()
c.execute("SELECT val FROM msgid WHERE id = 0")
tint = int(c.fetchone()[0]) + 1
c.execute("UPDATE msgid SET val={0} WHERE id = 0".format(tint))
if self._debug:
print("MessageId.get_msgid() = ", tint)
return tint

tclass = MessageId()

for k in range(10000):

Chris Angelico

i simply tested running 2 independent processes started at same time in
parallel towards same sqlite database and never get 20000 in that row
though used exclusive lock on DB. might be i did something wrong.

The threading locks aren't doing anything, because you don't have
multiple threads here; what you need is SQLite locks, which you'll
already have.

I don't know why it wouldn't work. Unfortunately I wasn't able to test
your code directly - SQLite complained that the table didn't exist,
despite my having created it (at least, so I thought) in interactive
Python. So probably I mucked something up there. Someone who actually
knows SQLite might be better able to explain.

A few points, though.
c.execute("UPDATE msgid SET val={0} WHERE id = 0".format(tint))

Don't do this; instead, let c.execute() do the interpolation, by
giving it extra args rather than using .format(). It makes no
difference when you're working with integers, but with strings, it
makes the difference between safe and not-safe (or easy and
unnecessarily fiddly, if you actually take the time to get your
escaping right).

Also, you're connecting and disconnecting repeatedly... oh, I see why
it didn't work when I tried. You're also using two completely
different database names: 'messageid.db' which is named in a constant
and in the default argument, and 'example.db' which is what you
actually use. Should have a single source of truth, otherwise you
confuse the people who might otherwise be able to test your code :)
Anyway. This code is extremely inefficient:
conn = sqlite3.connect('example.db', 10.0, True, "EXCLUSIVE")
c = conn.cursor()
c.execute("SELECT val FROM msgid WHERE id = 0")
tint = int(c.fetchone()[0]) + 1
c.execute("UPDATE msgid SET val={0} WHERE id = 0".format(tint))

Much more common would be to retain a connection and repeatedly
perform queries. Then you won't need to open it EXCLUSIVE, and you can
simply query, update, and then commit (all your locks should be
released at the commit). Do that, and you should see at least
reasonable performance, plus everything should work correctly.


Asaf Las


Also, you're connecting and disconnecting repeatedly... oh, I see why
it didn't work when I tried. You're also using two completely
different database names: 'messageid.db' which is named in a constant
and in the default argument, and 'example.db' which is what you
actually use. Should have a single source of truth, otherwise you
confuse the people who might otherwise be able to test your code :)

my apologies , it was deep night, when i got disappointed and forget to
update names so left as it is and did not check when posted :)
Anyway. This code is extremely inefficient:
conn = sqlite3.connect('example.db', 10.0, True, "EXCLUSIVE")
c = conn.cursor()
c.execute("SELECT val FROM msgid WHERE id = 0")
tint = int(c.fetchone()[0]) + 1
c.execute("UPDATE msgid SET val={0} WHERE id = 0".format(tint))

Much more common would be to retain a connection and repeatedly
perform queries. Then you won't need to open it EXCLUSIVE, and you can
simply query, update, and then commit (all your locks should be
released at the commit). Do that, and you should see at least
reasonable performance, plus everything should work correctly.

i did it just to test sqlite3 behavior and actually test was related to
simulation of unique incremental sequence number/counter for
independently spawned tasks accessing counter in non deterministic manner.


Chris Angelico

i did it just to test sqlite3 behavior and actually test was related to
simulation of unique incremental sequence number/counter for
independently spawned tasks accessing counter in non deterministic manner.

Sure. I would expect that you'd get steadily increasing sequence IDs,
but that they might be a major bottleneck. SQLite is (far as I can
tell, at least - haven't personally tested it) quite solid with its
locking; at the expense of performance, but carefully reliable.


Tim Chase

Already installed? I thought the point of SQLite3 being in the
Python stdlib was that Python actually included the entire engine

It's been a part of the stdlib since 2.5 (so those of us that
maintain a bit of 2.4 code still in the wild had to add-on that


Dennis Lee Bieber

Broad recommendation: Single application, tiny workload, concurrency
not an issue, simplicity desired? Go SQLite. Big complex job, need
performance, lots of things reading and writing at once, want
networked access? Go PGSQL. And don't go MySQL if PG is an option.

And definitely don't go for a non-free option (MS-SQL, DB2, etc)
unless you've looked into it really closely and you are absolutely
thoroughly *sure* that you need that system (which probably means you
need your app to integrate with someone else's, and that other app
demands one particular database).

Any opinion on Firebird? Just curiosity given how often the advice
seems to be "start with SQLite, avoid MySQL, end with PostgreSQL" (and I
might have ended with the latter if, at the time, there had been some
native Windows compatible version -- installing a slew of stuff to create
an emulated UNIX environment in which to build PostgreSQL was not something
feasible for the underpowered machine of the age, nor for a home dabbler...
MySQL had a simple install [even on Win9x where it needed a login-time
start-up task as the Win9x didn't support it as a system-wide service], and
GUI management/query programs; you can probably guess where I ended <G>).

Over the years I've downloaded, but never really tried, Firebird. My
current view is that, if Wholly Genes ever gets around to dropping Visual
FoxPro for The Master Genealogist, Firebird might be a candidate as it has
an embedded model -- purchasers of TMG wouldn't have to learn how to
install a database backend to run as a server in addition to running TMG.
(Though I see that MySQL now supports an embedded library versus only the
client/server library)

Chris Angelico

Any opinion on Firebird? Just curiosity given how often the advice
seems to be "start with SQLite, avoid MySQL, end with PostgreSQL"

No, because I've never used it. Has anyone here? What are its
strengths and weaknesses?


Dennis Lee Bieber

No, because I've never used it. Has anyone here? What are its
strengths and weaknesses?

My book is a decade old; seems the fate of Firebird and Django both
were to get books out in print, and then become moving targets with no
print updates <G> My book covers v1.5; the web site indicates that 3.x is
in Alpha test.

It started life as a fork of Borland's InterBase 6... From the intro:

Multi-generational architecture (some scheme to reduce locking by letting
each client have its own version of modified records up to commit time)

Transactions, stored procedures, triggers (so what else is new <G>)

Database shadowing (which they state is NOT replication)

Opt-in SQL privileges (other than sysdba and database owner, no other users
have any automatic access -- they must be granted access to objects)

Classic/Superserver/Embedded (I'd have to dig deeper, but Superserver [and
embedded] are mult-threaded; I impute then that Classic spawns a separate
process for each connection)

Linux can use SMP, Windows need Classic server to use SMP

Databases are referenced by filepath -- not tied to a particular directory
or set of files (there is a "restrict" configuration item).

For systems with limited file sizes one can specify additional files in the
CREATE DATABASE command (or ALTER DATABASE), specifying the size limit of

The latter condition may add more to administration then others -- but
OTOH, does allow for larger databases than SQLite on Win32.

Walter Hurry

Chris said:
Broad recommendation: Single application, tiny workload, concurrency
not an issue, simplicity desired? Go SQLite. Big complex job, need
performance, lots of things reading and writing at once, want
networked access? Go PGSQL. And don't go MySQL if PG is an option.

And definitely don't go for a non-free option (MS-SQL, DB2, etc)
unless you've looked into it really closely and you are absolutely
thoroughly *sure* that you need that system (which probably means you
need your app to integrate with someone else's, and that other app
demands one particular database).
I agree 100% with this. And speaking as an ex Oracle and DB2 DBA - not to mention MS-SQL (spit), with which I occasionally had to dabble, avoid them like the plague unless circumstances dictate.

Asaf Las

I agree 100% with this. And speaking as an ex Oracle and DB2 DBA -
not to mention MS-SQL (spit), with which I occasionally had to dabble,
avoid them like the plague unless circumstances dictate.

What is about clustering? Do we have such option for free alternatives?


Chris Angelico

I agree 100% with this. And speaking as an ex Oracle and DB2 DBA - not to mention MS-SQL (spit), with which I occasionally had to dabble, avoid them like the plague unless circumstances dictate.

I can't speak for Oracle as I've never used it, but DB2 is not at all
a bad product. In fact, it's excellent. I'm not sorry to have spent a
couple of decades using it; it's part of what taught me to assume
transactions everywhere, for instance (you don't "BEGIN TRANSACTION",
you simply are in one - after you COMMIT, another transaction is
automatically opened (at next query, I think), so you have to
explicitly COMMIT everything), and its networking support is
excellent. (Also, back in the 1990s, PostgreSQL wasn't nearly as easy
to use as it is now.)

But it's non-free, and that makes a HUGE difference when you start
deploying servers. You have to count up how many boxes you're using,
and then factor in the number of test machines you have too. Licenses
for your OS, database, etc, etc, all add up pretty quickly. When there
are no license fees whatsoever, life's easy - I can create myself a
Debian Linux VM image, install all our stuff on it, and then clone it
a whole bunch of times to try different things; doing that with
Windows or DB2 or anything pay-for is a lot less convenient (or even
straight-up illegal, depending on the license terms). That's a pretty
huge downside, and I've yet to use any pay-for database engine or
operating system that outdoes that.


Asaf Las

What is about clustering? Do we have such option for free alternatives?


PostgreSQL has replication in-built now, which will do most forms of
clustering. With some third-party software like Slony (also free), you
can do even more (including replicating between different PostgreSQL
versions, so you can upgrade progressively without any downtime; PG's
internal replication has tight restrictions on that). I've used PG's
streaming replication to fairly good effect. You do need some kind of
system to decide when to promote a slave to master, though - my boss
had this weird idea that each node had to be a perfect peer with no
external authority [1], which led to unsolvable problems, but if you
have an external system that declares which of several slaves should
be promoted, it's pretty easy to do. I could whip you up a
proof-of-concept in an hour, probably; just needs a heartbeat script
and some way of signalling them to fail over to the new master.

Clustering for performance, as opposed to reliability, is a bit
trickier. You can do read-only queries on slaves (so if you have a
many-readers-few-writers model, this can work nicely), but otherwise,
you probably need some third-party middleware. I haven't looked into
that side of things. Ultimately your biggest bottleneck is going to be
locking, which fundamentally has to be done in one place... or else
you have to deal with merge conflicts (the bane of true multi-master

So, it all depends on what you need to accomplish, and how much work
you're willing to do. Postgres offers a particular set of primitives
(including replication, promotion of a slave to master, etc), and lets
you trigger things from scripts (execute "pg_ctl promote" to make this
node become master). Advanced logic can be done by writing a Python
script that edits config files, runs programs, sends Unix signals,
whatever. There are pay-for Postgres support companies, too, if you
need that sort of thing.

tl;dr: Yeah, you can do that too. :)


[1] He had a weird issue with the concept of authority, actually. I
think his dislike of any form of government polluted his thinking so
he wouldn't accept even the IT sense of the word "authority". Never
mind that that's the best way to solve a lot of problems. But I

Chris, Thank You very much for your detailed answer



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