XML Builder - why?



I see that a lot of Rubyists like using XML Builder to generate XML.
why took this even further with markaby to generate HTML.

My question is: why? In what way is Builder any easier, clearer, more
succint than simpling using an ERB template? I find that Builder is
about the same length, with about the same structure, only introducing
an extra conversion. For what?

The reason I'm asking is that I see that a lot of bright, experienced
Ruby programmers use it, and I'm wondering if I'm missing something or

James Britt

I see that a lot of Rubyists like using XML Builder to generate XML.
why took this even further with markaby to generate HTML.

My question is: why? In what way is Builder any easier, clearer, more
succint than simpling using an ERB template? I find that Builder is
about the same length, with about the same structure, only introducing
an extra conversion. For what?

Uses plain Ruby. No '<' '>" thingies. Automagic encoding of special
characters. Less chance of error. Focus on structure and logic, not
incidentals of the markup format.

Sure, for smallish things it may be overkill, but otherwise it is quite
handy, especially for the angle-bracket-phobic
The reason I'm asking is that I see that a lot of bright, experienced
Ruby programmers use it, and I'm wondering if I'm missing something or

Perhaps not. Season to taste.

James Britt

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David Holroyd

I see that a lot of Rubyists like using XML Builder to generate XML.
why took this even further with markaby to generate HTML.

My question is: why? In what way is Builder any easier, clearer, more
succint than simpling using an ERB template? I find that Builder is
about the same length, with about the same structure, only introducing
an extra conversion. For what?

I like that the ruby parser checks the well-formedness of my markup for


Keith Fahlgren

I see that a lot of Rubyists like using XML Builder to generate XML.
why took this even further with markaby to generate HTML.

Well, I don't really use Builder for HTML, but generate quite a lot of
XML with it. Here's one simple use I like (make XSLT search-and-replace
with simple YAML):

#!/usr/bin/env ruby
require 'yaml'
require 'rubygems'
require_gem 'builder', '~> 1.2'

ARGV.each do |arg|
yml = YAML::load(File.open(arg))

b = Builder::XmlMarkup.new:)target => STDOUT,
:indent => 2)
b.xsl :stylesheet, "version" =>"1.0",
=>"http://www.w3.org/1999/XSL/Transform" do
b.xsl :eek:utput, "method" =>"xml", "encoding"=>"ascii",

b.comment!("Default Rule")
b.xsl :template, "match"=>"@*|node()" do
b.xsl :copy do
b.xsl :"apply-templates", "select"=>"@*|node()"
end # xsl:template
end # xsl:copy

yml.each { |outkey, outvalue|
outvalue.each { |key, value|
b.xsl :template, "match"=>"#{outkey}[. =
&quot;`#{key}&apos;&quot;]" do
b.xsl :copy, "`#{value}'"
# b.xsl :message, "Matched #{key}"
} # end of outvalue.each
} # end of yaml.each

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