1. Ruby result: 101 seconds , 2. Java result:9.8 seconds, 3. Perl result:62 seconds


Michael Tan

Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1
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Just new to Ruby since last week, running my same functional program on the windows XP(Pentium M1.5G), the Ruby version is 10 times slower than the Java version. The program is to find the prime numbers like 2, 3,5, 7, 11, 13... Are there setup issues? or it is normal?
1. Ruby result: 101 seconds
2. Java result:9.8 seconds
3. Perl result:62 seconds


def is_prime(number)
for i in 2..(number-1)
if number%i==0 then return false
return true
######### star here:How many primes in 2 to 50000?
for i in start_number..max_number
if is_prime(i)
#puts i
puts "There are #{total} primes between #{start_number} and #{max_number}"
puts "Time taken #{time} seconds"

Java :
import java.io.*;
class prime
private static boolean isPrime(long i)
for(long test = 2; test < i; test++)
if((i%test) == 0)
return false;
return true;
public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException
long start_time = System.currentTimeMillis();
long n_loops = 50000;
long n_primes = 0;
for(long i = 2; i <= n_loops; i++)

long end_time = System.currentTimeMillis();
System.out.println(n_primes + " primes found");
System.out.println("Time taken = " + (end_time - start_time)+ "millseconds");


######### star here:How many primes in 2 to 50000?

# start timer

$start = time();




for ($ii=$start_number;$ii<=$max_number;$ii++){

if (&is_prime($ii)==1)



# end timer

$end = time();

# report

print "There are ",$total," primes between ",$start_number," and ",$max_number,"\n";

print "Time taken was ", ($end - $start), " seconds";

sub is_prime() {

my ($number) = $_[0];

my ($si)=2;

for ($si;$si<$number;$si++){

if ($number % $si == 0) {

return 0;}


return 1


Ralph \PJPizza\ Siegler

Just new to Ruby since last week, running my same functional program on the windows XP(Pentium M1.5G), the Ruby version is 10 times slower than the Java version. The program is to find the prime numbers like 2, 3,5, 7, 11, 13... Are there setup issues? or it is normal?
1. Ruby result: 101 seconds
2. Java result:9.8 seconds
3. Perl result:62 seconds

Well, Ruby is a scripting language and not compiled, so its
results in the ballpark of Perl is about right. Only 10x
as slow as Java JVM? wow, that's pretty good, Ruby rocks!

Also, for more fun, run your Ruby through YARV and also
run zenoptimize on it

Benchmarks are great fun and prove nothing.

Ralph "PJPizza" Siegler

David Mitchell

Yeah, Ruby is always going to be slower than java, since java is
semi-compiled, whereas Ruby is interpreted from scratch. As for your
algorithm, it is sufficient to change your is_prime methods from:

for i in 2...number


for i in 2..Math.sqrt(number).to_i

Which will significantly reduce the number of tests you will perform.


Michael said:
Just new to Ruby since last week, running my same functional program on the windows XP(Pentium M1.5G), the Ruby version is 10 times slower than the Java version. The program is to find the prime numbers like 2, 3,5, 7, 11, 13... Are there setup issues? or it is normal?
1. Ruby result: 101 seconds
2. Java result:9.8 seconds
3. Perl result:62 seconds


def is_prime(number)
for i in 2..(number-1)
if number%i==0 then return false
return true
######### star here:How many primes in 2 to 50000?
for i in start_number..max_number
if is_prime(i)
#puts i
puts "There are #{total} primes between #{start_number} and #{max_number}"
puts "Time taken #{time} seconds"

Java :
import java.io.*;
class prime
private static boolean isPrime(long i)
for(long test = 2; test < i; test++)
if((i%test) == 0)
return false;
return true;
public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException
long start_time = System.currentTimeMillis();
long n_loops = 50000;
long n_primes = 0;
for(long i = 2; i <= n_loops; i++)

long end_time = System.currentTimeMillis();
System.out.println(n_primes + " primes found");
System.out.println("Time taken = " + (end_time - start_time)+ "millseconds");


######### star here:How many primes in 2 to 50000?

# start timer

$start = time();




for ($ii=$start_number;$ii<=$max_number;$ii++){

if (&is_prime($ii)==1)



# end timer

$end = time();

# report

print "There are ",$total," primes between ",$start_number," and ",$max_number,"\n";

print "Time taken was ", ($end - $start), " seconds";

sub is_prime() {

my ($number) = $_[0];

my ($si)=2;

for ($si;$si<$number;$si++){

if ($number % $si == 0) {

return 0;}


return 1


Florian Frank

Michael said:
Just new to Ruby since last week, running my same functional program on the windows XP(Pentium M1.5G), the Ruby version is 10 times slower than the Java version. The program is to find the prime numbers like 2, 3,5, 7, 11, 13... Are there setup issues? or it is normal?
Your programs aren't the same. The Java and Perl program don't use
objects, the Ruby version does. Both the Perl and the Java version could
overflow, if numbers get too big, the Ruby program doesn't suffer from this.

And look, I just made the Ruby version, faster, smaller and more object

class Integer
def prime?
not (2..Math.sqrt(self).floor).find { |i| self % i == 0 }
######### star here:How many primes in 2 to 50000?
start_number, max_number = 2, 50000
time = Time.now.to_f
total = (start_number..max_number).inject(0) { |s,i| s + (i.prime? ? 1 :
0) }
time = Time.now.to_f - time
puts "There are #{total} primes between #{start_number} and #{max_number}"
puts "Time taken %.3f seconds" % time

Now do the same in the other two languages...

Jim Freeze

* Florian Frank said:
def prime?
not (2..Math.sqrt(self).floor).find { |i| self % i == 0 }

Have you tried skipping even numbers (excluding 2 of course)?
That should give you a little more speed.

Florian Frank

Jim said:
Have you tried skipping even numbers (excluding 2 of course)?
Not me, but some guy did 2500 years ago.
That should give you a little more speed.
It depends on how far you take your idea. It could get really slow on a
real computer, if you do it with big numbers.


Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit

Just new to Ruby since last week, running my same functional program on the windows XP(Pentium M1.5G), the Ruby version is 10 times slower than the Java version. The program is to find the prime numbers like 2, 3,5, 7, 11, 13... Are there setup issues? or it is normal?
1. Ruby result: 101 seconds
2. Java result:9.8 seconds
3. Perl result:62 seconds

if you just want a fast ruby version:

harp:~ > cat prime_inline.rb
def benchmark label, code
STDOUT.sync = true
puts "#{ '=' * 16 }\n#{ label }\n#{ '=' * 16 }"
fork do
a = Time::now.to_f
b = Time::now.to_f
puts " @ #{ b - a }"

prime_test = lambda{ (2 ... (2 ** 14)).each{|n| n.prime?} }

class Fixnum
def prime?
(2...self).each{|i| return false if self % i == 0}
return true
benchmark 'pure ruby', prime_test

require 'inline'
class Fixnum
inline do |builder|
builder.c_raw <<-src
static VALUE
is_prime_c (int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE self) {
long i, n = FIX2LONG (self);
for (i = 2; i < n; i++) if (n % i == 0) return Qfalse;
return Qtrue;
alias prime? is_prime_c
benchmark 'inline c', prime_test

harp:~ > ruby prime_inline.rb
pure ruby
@ 14.9205560684204
inline c
@ 0.539831876754761

so that's about two orders of magnitude speed-up for less than 10 extra lines
of code - and you still get nice things like overflow safety.


| email :: ara [dot] t [dot] howard [at] noaa [dot] gov
| phone :: 303.497.6469
| My religion is very simple. My religion is kindness.
| --Tenzin Gyatso

Ken Kunz

Here's a version that skips even numbers:

class Integer
def is_prime?
return false if self < 2
return false if self % 2 == 0
max_factor = Math.sqrt(self).to_i
3.step(max_factor, 2) {|i| return false if self % i == 0 }
return true

And here's a benchmark comparison:

require 'benchmark'

Benchmark.bm(12) do |x|
x.report("original:") { 2.upto(50000) {|i| is_prime(i) } }
x.report("Florian's:") { 2.upto(50000) {|i| i.prime? } }
x.report("Ken's:") { 2.upto(50000) {|i| i.is_prime? } }

user system total real
original: 171.767000 0.020000 171.787000 (174.627000)
Florian's: 2.804000 0.010000 2.814000 ( 2.814000)
Ken's: 1.041000 0.000000 1.041000 ( 1.042000)

What's more important, how fast a program _runs_, or how fast I can
_write_ it? With Ruby, I can almost always write something that is
"fast enough", and I can write it a whole lot quicker than in Java or
C. The above (semi-) optimized version only took 2 minutes to write.
(And as a side note... it was more fun to write it in Ruby :) )

And when you need some extra umph... there's always YARV or ruby2c...
and when you really need it (rarely), manually optimized C.


Isaac Gouy

Michael said:
Just new to Ruby since last week, running my same functional program on the windows XP(Pentium M1.5G), the Ruby version is 10 times slower than the Java version. The program is to find the prime numbers like 2, 3,5, 7, 11, 13...

Refer to the simple programs on The Great Computer Language Shootout -
then you can blame those guys for doing meaningless benchmarking rather
than taking the heat yourself :)


Jim Freeze

* Ken Kunz said:
user system total real
original: 171.767000 0.020000 171.787000 (174.627000)
Florian's: 2.804000 0.010000 2.814000 ( 2.814000)
Ken's: 1.041000 0.000000 1.041000 ( 1.042000)

That's better than I expected. I'm not sure why Florian thought
it would be slower.

Florian Frank

Jim said:
That's better than I expected. I'm not sure why Florian thought
it would be slower.
If you compute a sieve to find out, if a very high number is prime...

Dee Zsombor


Roland Schmitt

irb(main):001:0> require "openssl"
=> true
irb(main):002:0> include OpenSSL
=> Object
irb(main):003:0> a=BN.new("103")
=> 103
irb(main):004:0> a.prime?(10)
=> true
irb(main):005:0> a.prime?(nil)
=> true

It implements the Miller-Rabin-Test.

See http://www.hmug.org/man/3/BN_is_prime.php

Mark Thomas

Florian said:
And look, I just made the Ruby version, faster, smaller and more object
Now do the same in the other two languages...

Okay, here's the Perl version:

#!/usr/bin/perl -w
use Math::Big 'primes';
my $max = 50000;
my $start = time();
my $total = primes($max);
my $time = time() - $start;
print "There are $total primes below $max.\n";
print "Time taken was $time\n";

On my system I get 27 vs. 192 for the original Perl version (which is
not written very perlishly). Sure, this is cheating. CPAN is like
institutionalized cheating, and I love it. :) In fact, one of the
reasons I started lurking in the Ruby group is that I think Ruby (with
Gems) is closer to developing a CPAN-like system than Python, and thus
I have decided to learn Ruby instead of Python.

- Mark.

Ryan Davis

Just new to Ruby since last week, running my same functional
program on the windows XP(Pentium M1.5G), the Ruby version is 10
times slower than the Java version. The program is to find the
prime numbers like 2, 3,5, 7, 11, 13... Are there setup issues? or
it is normal?
1. Ruby result: 101 seconds
2. Java result:9.8 seconds
3. Perl result:62 seconds

With some very minor modifications to the original code (I did upto
instead of for and wrapped is_prime in a class), none of which were
algorithmic improvements (ugh):

Modified is_prime code:

class Primer
def is_prime(number)
2.upto(number-1) do |i|
return false if number % i == 0
return true


% rm -rf ~/.ruby_inline/; ruby primes.rb 50000
There are 5133 primes between 2 and 50000
Time taken 237.315160036087 seconds

(whoa. my laptop is a slowpoke! oh yeah, I'm on battery!)


% rm -rf ~/.ruby_inline/; ruby -rzenoptimize primes.rb 50000
*** Optimizer threshold tripped!! Optimizing Primer.is_prime
There are 5133 primes between 2 and 50000
Time taken 2.81669783592224 seconds

That said... what did we learn from this thread?

Yes... benchmarks are dumb (see also, 3 lines down)
That there is no accounting for taste (ugliest code/
algorithm ever).
A good algorithm goes a long way.
2/3rds of the ppl are going to mis-analyze anyhow.

... Nothing really.

Dee Zsombor

As far as I understood from Miller-Rabin-Test is for determining if a
number is prime with a _given_ _probability_. It is a very efficient
algortithm for that.
The Atkins sieve (binary quadratic forms) is about generating all
primes less than given number. And that is an entirely different
problem, even if you woud do MR in a loop you would not get the same
results as Atkin sieve.

Dee Zsombor

As far as I understood from Miller-Rabin-Test is for determining if a
number is prime with a _given_ _probability_. It is a very efficient
algortithm for that.
The Atkins sieve (binary quadratic forms) is about generating all
primes less than given number. And that is an entirely different
problem, even if you woud do MR in a loop you would not get the same
results as Atkin sieve.

Brian Candler

Okay, here's the Perl version:

#!/usr/bin/perl -w
use Math::Big 'primes';
my $max = 50000;
my $start = time();
my $total = primes($max);
my $time = time() - $start;
print "There are $total primes below $max.\n";
print "Time taken was $time\n";

On my system I get 27 vs. 192 for the original Perl version (which is
not written very perlishly). Sure, this is cheating. CPAN is like
institutionalized cheating, and I love it. :) In fact, one of the
reasons I started lurking in the Ruby group is that I think Ruby (with
Gems) is closer to developing a CPAN-like system than Python, and thus
I have decided to learn Ruby instead of Python.

It's perhaps worth mentioning that although Ruby is about 1/3rd of the size
of Perl, it has a far more complete standard library.

A base Ruby install includes, amongst other things: SSL, base64 encoding/
decoding, MD5/SHA1 hashing, XML/YAML parsing, HTTP client and server, and
remote method calls (DRb, SOAP, XMLRPC).

I think recent version of Perl have accumulated MIME::Base64, but the others
are still extensions you have to download and install.

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