Adding a Directive to a dynamically created Template Column on gri



I want to add a directive to a Template Column that I created at runtime
using the following code:
Sub CreateColumn()
Dim tc1 As New TemplateColumn
tc1.HeaderTemplate = New DataGridTemplate(ListItemType.Header,
tc1.ItemStyle.CssClass = "datagridcell"
tc1.ItemStyle.Width = New Unit("100%")
tc1.ItemTemplate = New DataGridTemplate(ListItemType.Item, "TEST")

End Sub

Private Class DataGridTemplate
Implements ITemplate

Dim templateType As ListItemType
Dim columnName As String

Sub New(ByVal type As ListItemType, ByVal ColName As String)
templateType = type
columnName = ColName
End Sub

Sub InstantiateIn(ByVal container As Control) Implements

Dim lc As New Literal
Select Case templateType
Case ListItemType.Header
lc.Text = "<B><NOBR>" & columnName & "</NOBR></B>"
Case ListItemType.Item
Dim lb As New System.Web.UI.WebControls.Label
lb.ID = "lbl" & columnName.Trim
lb.Text = "<%#
GetBucketCount(Container.DataItem(''strCount''), 0)%>"
End Select

End Sub

End Class

As you can see from the code I want to add the following directive:

<%# GetBucketCount(Container.DataItem(''strCount''), 0)%>

So when the WebGrid is bound with its data(grid.dataBind) it formats the
column correctly. The problem that I am having with the code it does not fill
in the data called by the directive. Does anyone has any thoughts on how to
set a directive to a dynamically created web grid column.

thanks in advance.

Phillip Williams

Since you have your datagrid TemplateColumn dynamically defined, you should
add one more method in it to handle the databinding so that you can format
the data to your satisfaction. For example within the InstantiateIn method
you can add:

AddHandler lbl.DataBinding, AddressOf BucketCount_DataBinding

and then you would add the handling method:

Private Sub BucketCount_DataBinding(ByVal sender As Object, _
ByVal e As System.EventArgs)
'get a reference to the datagriditem which is usually a datarowview
unless you have
'a customized Business Logic Layer's list instead of the datatable bound
to the datagrid
Dim container As DataGridItem
Dim drv As DataRowView = CType(CType(sender.NamingContainer,
DataGridItem).DataItem, DataRowView)

'verify that this is the method handling the databinding for the
'label that will hold the bucketcount

If TypeOf sender Is Label Then
'cast the sender objec to its appropriate type
Dim lbl As Label = CType(sender, Label)
Dim strcount As String = drv("strCount")
'add any code here to format the field value
'before you assign it to the label text
lbl.Text = drv("strCount")

End If
End Sub

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