Advice on which technology to use for new Web service development


Michael Kansky

We have an ASP.NET based CRM software that is used by 8k users.
Many of them are of course are asking if we have public API, which we don't.

Can you please tell me your opinion on what technology we should use to
develop our API so it will be available and easy to utilize by any platform
(PHP, ASP, Python, Java, etc., etc...)

Should we use WCF, REST, SOAP WSDL, any other?


My experience lies with plain old .NET web services. Have not had an
opportunity to explore WCF yet but understand that it seems to be the
wave of the future for MS. You could develop either a SOAP or REST
based web service using either technology. In my opinion, you might
want to use REST if ease of use is the primary concern. If security
and, or more complex transactions are important then a SOAP based
service might be your better bet.

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