Am I doing something wrong, or is quartus having a bad day?



Im trying to do some fixed point math using the fixed point package (I
thought Id try and avoid all the ballache of using numeric_std for
once!). I get the following error from quartus:

Error (10346): VHDL error at fixed_pkg_c.vhdl(4780): formal port or
parameter "size_res" must have actual or default value
Error (10346): VHDL error at fixed_pkg_c.vhdl(4782): formal port or
parameter "size_res2" must have actual or default value
Error (10657): VHDL Subprogram error at test_build.vhd(56): failed to
elaborate call to subprogram "sfixed_high"

Over the following line in my VHDL:

subtype mult_op_t is sfixed( sfixed_high(video, '*',
coeffs( coeffs'low(1), coeffs'low(2) ) )
sfixed_low( video, '*',
coeffs( coeffs'low(1), coeffs'low(2) ) )

Am I missing something, or am I confusing quartus with all my existing

Heres all the type declarations and the signals used:

subtype filter_word_t is sfixed(11 downto -4);
subtype coeff_t is sfixed(1 downto -16);
type coeff_array_t is array(integer range <>, integer range <>) of

In entity:
video : in filter_word_t;
coeffs : in coeff_array_t(0 to 2, 0 to 2)


Can you do something like (I haven't actually tried it, so "hold my
beer and watch this"):

constant a,b : coeff_t := (others => '0');
constant axb : sfixed := a * b;
subtype mult_op_t is sfixed(axb'range);


Andy Rushton

Tricky said:
Im trying to do some fixed point math using the fixed point package (I
thought Id try and avoid all the ballache of using numeric_std for
once!). I get the following error from quartus:

Error (10346): VHDL error at fixed_pkg_c.vhdl(4780): formal port or
parameter "size_res" must have actual or default value
Error (10346): VHDL error at fixed_pkg_c.vhdl(4782): formal port or
parameter "size_res2" must have actual or default value
Error (10657): VHDL Subprogram error at test_build.vhd(56): failed to
elaborate call to subprogram "sfixed_high"

Over the following line in my VHDL:

subtype mult_op_t is sfixed( sfixed_high(video, '*',
coeffs( coeffs'low(1), coeffs'low(2) ) )
sfixed_low( video, '*',
coeffs( coeffs'low(1), coeffs'low(2) ) )

Am I missing something, or am I confusing quartus with all my existing

I suspect that Quartus cannot synthesise sfixed_high and sfixed_low as
constant expressions, which it needs to do to calculate the bounds of
mult_op_t. Try substituting literal values to see if that fixes it. If
it does, inline the size calculation so as to exclude these functions
(i.e. using literals, attribute values, * and + operators only) and see
if it still works.


First, get the version specifically designed for Quartus.
You will find it at

It doesn't like the fact that "video" is an input, and thus can have a
variable length depending on generics.   This is an Quartus "gotcha"
because of the way their third party VHDL compiler works.

I would do this as:
subtype mult_op_t is sfixed (video'high+coeff_t'high+1
                              downto video'low + coeff_t'low);

Please tell me if this fixes your problem.   I wrote this package and
I'm collecting these things.

Thanks David - that fix made it pass the syntax checker.
Now I just have to tell altera that arrays of arrays constitute
multiple memories, not a million registers and a decoder.

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