ANN: script to visualize python profiling data with kcachegrind


Joerg Beyer

Dear List Reader,

with the kind help of Josef Weidendorfer, I wrote a script
to transform the profiling data of the pstats.Stats class
to a format that the program kcachegrind could read
and visualize.

kcachegrind is free software by Josef Weidendorfer,
see . It was developed
with the very nice valgrind (see ),
which is (among other things a C/C++ profiling tool).
kcachegrind is the best visualisation of gcc compiled
profiling code I have seen yet.

With this, one could profile it's python python code and
generate the pstats.Stats results, e.g. like that:
#!/usr/bin/env python
# _*_ coding: latin1 _*_

import hotshot

def busy(x):
for i in range(x):

def h():

def f():

def run():

filename = ""
prof = hotshot.Profile(filename, lineevents=1)

When you run this tiny python code, you get the profiling results
in "". Now you can transform them with hotshot2cachegrind
(my script, see below) like this:

hotshot2cachegrind -o cachegrind.out.42

this will produce the file cachegrind.out.42, the input to kcachegrind.
The filename _has_ to be in the format "cachegrind.out."+<number>.

now start kcachegrind with this data file as input:
kcachegrind cachegrind.out.42

Now a kcachegrind window should open, with the profiling
results, like a calltree and a list of costs (how expensive
are the functions). For a description of how to interpret
this data, please take a look at the kcachegrind documentation,
but most of it is very easy and intuitive.

The costs are given in "Ticks", which is what hotshot
tells me as costs (tdelta of the logread).

I am not sure what is the unit of this, could anybody
tell me? There may be small mistakes, since
I am e.g. not sure where the costs of a call should go:
to the calling or the called function. So, python experts
are needed to justify these details.

Besides this, I was able to find and improve the hot spots
in some python sources without big efforts. At least the
relative numbers seem right.

The script hotshot2cachegrind is in it's early stages, I plan
to extend it to display the source line and the associated
costs, just like kcachegrind could do with assembler lines.
I believe in "release early, release often", so please take
a look at it, profile some of you code an tell me, if the
results are resonable.

Josef and I plan to make the current version of the
hotshot2cachegrind script available from

Until that, I append the python code to this posting.

I am not aware of other visualisations of python profiling
results, so links are welcome.

Comments are welcome.

below is hotshot2cachegrind:
#!/usr/bin/env python
# _*_ coding: latin1 _*_

# Copyright (c) 2003 by WEB.DE, Karlsruhe
# Autor: Jörg Beyer <[email protected]>
# hotshot2cachegrind is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public
# License as published by the Free Software Foundation, version 2.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# General Public License for more details.

# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; see the file COPYING. If not, write to
# the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330,
# Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
# This script transforms the pstat output of the hotshot
# python profiler into the input of kcachegrind.
# example usage:
# modify you python script to run this code:
# import hotshot
# filename = ""
# prof = hotshot.Profile(filename, lineevents=1)
# prof.runcall(run) # assuming that "run" should be called.
# prof.close()
# it will run the "run"-method under profiling and write
# the results in a file, called "".
# then call this script:
# hotshot2cachegrind -o <output> <input>
# or here:
# hotshot2cachegrind cachegrind.out.0
# then call kcachegrind:
# kcachegrind cachegrind.out.0

import os, sys
from hotshot import stats,log
import os.path

what2text = {

# a pseudo caller on the caller stack. This represents
# the Python interpreter that executes the given python
# code.
root_caller = ("PythonInterpreter",0,"execute")

class Stack:
"""A tiny Stack implementation, based on python lists"""
def __init__(self):
self.stack = []
def push(self, elem):
"""put something on the stack"""
self.stack = [elem] + self.stack

def pop(self):
"""get the head element of the stack and remove it from teh stack"""
head = self.stack[0]
self.stack = self.stack[1:]
return head

def top(self):
"""get the head element of the stack, stack is unchanged."""
head = self.stack[0]
return head
def size(self):
""" return how many elements the stack has"""
return len(self.stack)

def do_calls(output, current_function, current_source_file, costs):
"""print, what kcachegrind needs for a function call"""
output.write("cfn=%s\n" % current_function)
output.write("calls=1\n0 %d\n" % costs)
output.write("fn=%s\n" % current_function)

def return_from_call(caller_stack, call_dict, current_cost):
"""return from a function call
remove the function from the caller stack,
add the costs to the calling function.
called, cost_of_left_funct = caller_stack.pop()
caller, caller_cost = caller_stack.pop()
#print "pop: caller: %s size: %d" % (caller, caller_stack.size())

per_file_dict = call_dict.get(caller[0], {})
per_caller_dict = per_file_dict.get(caller[2], {})
call_cost, count = per_caller_dict.get(called, (0, 0))
cost_of_left_funct += current_cost

per_caller_dict[called] = (call_cost+cost_of_left_funct, count + 1)
per_file_dict[caller[2]] = per_caller_dict
call_dict[caller[0]] = per_file_dict
#print "push caller %s, size: %d : %s" % (caller, caller_stack.size(), (caller,caller_cost + cost_of_left_funct))
caller_stack.push((caller,caller_cost + cost_of_left_funct))

def convertProfFiles(output, inputfilenames):
"""convert all the given input files into one kcachegrind
input file.
call_dict = {}
cost_per_line = {}
cost_per_function = {}
caller_stack = Stack()
caller_stack.push((root_caller, 0))

total_cost = 0
i = 0
number_of_files = len(inputfilenames)
for inputfilename in inputfilenames:
i += 1
sys.stdout.write("lese File %d von %d, costs: %s \r" % (i, number_of_files, total_cost))
cost = convertProfFile(inputfilename, caller_stack, call_dict, cost_per_line, cost_per_function)
total_cost += cost

print "total_cost:",total_cost
dumpResults(output, call_dict, total_cost, cost_per_line, cost_per_function)

def convertProfFile(inputfilename, caller_stack, call_dict, cost_per_line, cost_per_function):
"""convert a single input file into one kcachegrind

item_counter = 0
total_cost = 0
logreader = log.LogReader(inputfilename)
current_cost = 0
last_file = None
last_func = None
for item in logreader:
item_counter += 1
what, pos ,tdelta = item
(file, lineno, func) = pos
#line = "%s %s %d %s %d" % (what2text[what], file, lineno, func, tdelta)
#print line
#if what == log.WHAT_LINENO:
if what == log.WHAT_ENTER:
caller_stack.push((pos, tdelta))
elif what == log.WHAT_EXIT:
return_from_call(caller_stack, call_dict, tdelta)
# add the current cost to the current function
p, c = caller_stack.pop()
c += tdelta

cost = cost_per_line.get(pos, 0)
#print "buche tdelta: %d auf pos: %s -> %d" % (tdelta, pos, cost + tdelta)
cost_per_line[pos] = cost + tdelta
total_cost += tdelta

# I have no idea, why sometimes the stack is not empty - we
# have to rewind the stack to get 100% for the root_caller
while caller_stack.size() > 1:
return_from_call(caller_stack, call_dict, 0)

except IOError:
print "could not open inputfile '%s', ignore this." % inputfilename
except EOFError, m:
print "item_counter: %d %s" % (item_counter, m)
return total_cost

def pretty_name(file, function):
#pfile = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(file)) [0]
return "%s [%s]" % (function, file)
#return "%s_%s" % (pfile, function)

def write_fn(output, file, function):
output.write("fn=%s\n" % pretty_name(file, function))

def write_fl(output, file, function):
output.write("fl=%s\n" % pretty_name(file, function))

def write_cfn(output, file, function):
output.write("cfn=%s\n" % pretty_name(file, function))

def dumpResults(output, call_dict, total_cost, cost_per_line, cost_per_function):
"""write the collected results in the format kcachegrind
could read.
# the intro
output.write("events: Tick\n")
output.write("summary: %d\n" % total_cost)
output.write("cmd: your python script\n")
last_func = None
last_file = None
# now the costs per line
for pos in cost_per_line.keys():
output.write("ob=%s\n" % pos[0])
write_fn(output, pos[0], pos[2])
# cost line
output.write("%d %d\n" % (pos[1], cost_per_line[pos]))
# now the function calls. For each caller all the called
# functions and their costs are written.
for file in call_dict.keys():
per_file_dict = call_dict[file]
output.write("ob=%s\n" % file)
#print "file %s -> %s" % (file, per_file_dict)
for caller in per_file_dict.keys():
write_fn(output, file ,caller)
write_fl(output, file ,caller)
per_caller_dict = per_file_dict[caller]
#print "caller %s -> %s" % (caller, per_caller_dict)
for called in per_caller_dict.keys():
output.write("cob=%s\n\ncfl=%s\n" % (called[0], called[0]))
write_cfn(output, called[0], called[2])
cost, count = per_caller_dict[called]
# detect recursion
if file == called[0] and caller == called[2]:
output.write("calls=%d\n%d %d\n" % (count, called[1], cost))
#output.write("calls=%d\n%d %d\n" % (count, called[1], cost))

def run_without_optik():
"""parse the options without optik, use sys.argv"""
if len(sys.argv) < 4 or sys.argv[1] != "-o" :
print "usage: hotshot2cachegrind -o outputfile in1 [in2 [in3 [...]]]"
outputfilename = sys.argv[2]
output = file(outputfilename, "w")
args = sys.argv[3:]
convertProfFiles(output, args)
except IOError:
print "could not open '%s' for writing." % outputfilename

def run_with_optik():
"""parse the options with optik"""
parser = OptionParser()
parser.add_option("-o", "--output",
action="store", type="string", dest="outputfilename",
help="write output into FILE")
output = sys.stdout
close_output = 0
(options, args) = parser.parse_args()
if options.outputfilename and options.outputfilename != "-":
output = file(options.outputfilename, "w")
close_output = 1
except IOError:
print "could not open '%s' for writing." % options.outputfilename
if output:
convertProfFiles(output, args)
if close_output:

# check if optik is available.
from optik import OptionParser
run = run_with_optik
except ImportError:
run = run_without_optik

if __name__ == "__main__":
except KeyboardInterrupt:

John J. Lee

Joerg Beyer said:
with the kind help of Josef Weidendorfer, I wrote a script
to transform the profiling data of the pstats.Stats class
to a format that the program kcachegrind could read
and visualize.

Besides this, I was able to find and improve the hot spots
in some python sources without big efforts. At least the
relative numbers seem right.

Much more important, we can now generate lots of pretty graphics from
our Python code ;-)


Joerg Beyer

John J. Lee said:
Much more important, we can now generate lots of pretty graphics from
our Python code ;-)

my graphs dont fit on a single page of paper - if you find a
nice way to print the graphviz graphs on many pages, please
let me know.


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