ANN: Sequel 3.0.0 Released


Jeremy Evans

Sequel is a lightweight database access toolkit for Ruby.

* Sequel provides thread safety, connection pooling and a concise DSL
for constructing database queries and table schemas.
* Sequel also includes a lightweight but comprehensive ORM layer for
mapping records to Ruby objects and handling associated records.
* Sequel supports advanced database features such as prepared
statements, bound variables, stored procedures, master/slave
configurations, and database sharding.
* Sequel makes it easy to deal with multiple records without having
to break your teeth on SQL.
* Sequel currently has adapters for ADO, Amalgalite, DataObjects,
DB2, DBI, Firebird, Informix, JDBC, MySQL, ODBC, OpenBase, Oracle,
PostgreSQL and SQLite3.

Sequel 3.0.0 has been released and should be available on the gem
mirrors. The 3.0.0 release adds numerous improvements:

Deprecated Methods/Features Removed

Methods and features that were deprecated in 2.12.0 have been removed
in 3.0.0. Many features were moved into plugins or extensions, so in
many cases you just need to require an extension or use Model.plugin
and not make any changes to your code. See the 2.12.0 release notes
for the list of methods/features deprecated in 2.12.0.

If you are upgrading from a previous 2.x release, please upgrade to
2.12.0 first, fix your code to remove all deprecation warnings, and
then upgrade to 3.0.0.

New Adapter

* Sequel now has an Amalgalite adapter. Amalgalite is a ruby
extension that embeds SQLite without requiring a separate SQLite
installation. The adapter is functionality complete but
significantly slower than the native SQLite adapter.

New Features

* The JDBC, PostgreSQL, MySQL, and SQLite adapters all now have a
Database#indexes method that returns indexes for a given table:

=> {:songs_name_index=>{:unique=>true, :columns=>[:name]},
:songs_lyricid_index=>{:unique=>false, :columns=>[:lyricid]}}

* A schema_dumper extension was added to Sequel. It supports dumping
the schema of a table (including indexes) as a string that can be
evaluated in the context of a Database object to create the table.
It also supports dumping all tables in the database as a string
containing a Migration subclass that will rebuild the database.

require 'sequel/extensions/schema_dumper'

The :same_db option causes Sequel to not translate column types
to generic column types. By default, the migration created will
use generic types so it will run on other databases. However, if
you only want to support a single database, using the :same_db
option will make the migration use the exact database type parsed
from the database.

The :indexes=>false option causes indexes not be included in the
migration. The dump_indexes_migration can be used to create a
separate migration with the indexes. This can be useful if you
plan on loading a lot of data right after creating the tables,
since it is faster to add indexes after the data has been added.

* Using options with the generic database types is now supported to
a limited extent. For example, the following code now works:

DB.create_table:)table) do
String :a, :size=>50 # varchar(50)
String :b, :text=>true # text
String :c, :fixed=>true, :size=>30 # char(30)
Time :ts # timestamp
Time :t, :eek:nly_time=>true # time

* Using Dataset#filter and related methods with multiple arguments
now works much more intuitively:

# 2.12.0
dataset.filter:)a, :b=>1) # a IS NULL AND (b = 1) IS NULL
# 3.0.0
dataset.filter:)a, :b=>1) # a AND b = 1

* You can now create temporary tables by passing the :temp=>true
option to Database#create_table.

* The Oracle shared adapter now supports emulation of
autoincrementing primary keys by creating a sequence and a trigger,
similar to how the Firebird adapter works.

* The Database#database_type method was added that returns a symbol
specifying the database type being used. This can be different
than Database.adapter_scheme if you are using an adapter like
JDBC that allows connecting to multiple different types of

* Database#drop_index and related methods now support an options
hash that respects the :name option, so they can now be used to
drop an index that doesn't use the default index name.

* The PostgreSQL shared adapter now supports a
Database#reset_primary_key_sequence method to reset the
primary key sequence for a given table, based on code from

* SQL::QualifiedIdentifiers can now be qualified, allowing you to do:


* Using the :db_type=>'mssql' option with the DBI adapter will now
load the MSSQL support.

* The MySQL shared adapter now supports Dataset#full_text_sql, which
you can use in queries like the following:*, ds.full_text_sql:)column, 'value').as:)ft))

Other Improvements

* Sequel will now release connections from the connection pool
automatically if they are held by a dead thread. This can happen
if you are using MRI 1.8 and you are heavily multithreaded or
you call Thread#exit! or similar method explicitly. Those methods
skip the execution of ensure blocks which normally release the
connections when the threads exit.

* Model#save will now always use the same server when refreshing data
after an insert. This fixes an issue when Sequel's master/slave
database support is used with models.

* SQL Array references are now quoted correctly, so code like this
now works:


* The PostgreSQL shared adapter now handles sequences that need to be
quoted correctly (previously these were quoted twice).

* String quoting on Oracle no longer doubles backslashes.

* Database#count now works correctly when used on MSSQL when using
an adapter that doesn't handle unnamed columns.

* Full text searching in the MySQL adapter now works correctly when
multiple search terms are used.

* Altering a column's name, type, default, or NULL/NOT NULL status
on MySQL now keeps other relevent column information. For example,
if you alter a column's type, it'll keep an existing default. This
functionality isn't complete, there may be other column information
that is lost.

* Fix creation of an index with a given type on MySQL, since MySQL's
documentation lies.

* The schema parser now handles decimal types with size specifiers,
fixing use on MySQL.

* Dataset#quote_identifier now works correctly when given an
SQL::Identifier. This allows you to do:{sum(hours).as(hours)}

Backwards Compatibility

* Sequel will now use instance_eval on all virtual row blocks without
an argument. This can lead to much nicer code:

dataset.filter{(number > 10) & (name > 'M')}
# WHERE number > 10 AND name > 'M'

2.12.0 raised a deprecation warning if you used a virtual row block
without an argument and you hadn't set
Sequel.virtual_row_instance_eval = true.

* Dataset#exclude now inverts the given argument, instead of negating
it. This only changes its behavior if it is called with a hash or
array of all two pairs that have more than one element.

# 2.12.0
dataset.exclude:)a=>1, :b=>1) # a != 1 AND b != 1
# 3.0.0
dataset.exclude:)a=>1, :b=>1) # a != 1 OR b != 1

This was done for consistency, since exclude would only negate a
hash if it was given an argument, it would invert the same hash
if you used a block:

# 2.12.0
dataset.exclude{{:a=>1, :b=>1}} # a != 1 OR b != 1

If you want the previous behavior,
change the code to the following:

dataset.filter({:a=>1, :b=>1}.sql_negate)

* As noted above, the methods/features deprecated in 2.12.0 were

* The private Dataset#select_*_sql methods now only take a single
argument, the SQL string being built.

* Dataset#from when called without arguments would previously cause an
error to be raised when the SQL string is generated. Now it causes
no FROM clause to be used, similar to how Dataset#select with no
arguments causes SELECT * to be used.

* The internals of the generic type support and the schema generators
were changed significantly, which could have some fallout in terms
of old migrations breaking if they used the generic types and were
relying on some undocumented behavior (such as using Integer as a
type with the :unsigned option).

* The Firebird adapter no longer translates the text database
specific type. Use the following instead:

String :column, :text=>true

* The MySQL shared adapter used to use the timestamp type for Time,
now it uses datetime. This is because the timestamp type cannot
represent everything that the ruby Time class can represent.

* Metaprogramming#metaattr_accessor and #metaattr_reader methods were

* Dataset#irregular_function_sql was removed.


* {Website}[]
* {Source code}[]
* {Bug tracking}[]
* {Google group}[]
* {RDoc}[]

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