[ANN] webgen 0.3.4


Thomas Leitner


Webgen can be used to generate web pages from page description and
template files. You create one template file in which you define the
layout of your page and where the content should go. After that you can
create page description files in which you only define the content.

When webgen is run it combines the template with each of the page
description files and generates the HTML output files. During this
process special tags are substituted so that, for example, a menu is

More information on webgen can be found on its homepage:

Major changes
* FileHandler now uses path patterns and/or extensions for determining which files to process!
* ERB (embedded ruby) can now be used in templates and page files (see PageHandler)!
* Relocatable tag now accepts complex URIs (URIs with query and fragment part, absolute URIs)
* Changed meta info name menuOrder to orderInfo (e.g. used for specifying order information for menus) - you have to adapt your page and backing files!!!
* New parameters: PageHandler:useERB
* Changed parameters: FileHandler:ignorePaths, FileCopyHandler:paths
* New page describing meta information items used by plugins
* Fixed bugs

Thanks for all the feedback!

Download & Installation

Homepage: http://webgen.rubyforge.org
Download: http://rubyforge.org/frs/?group_id=296

* cmdparse version 1.0.2 or higher
* RedCloth version 2.0.10 or higher if you want Textile support
* BlueCloth version 1.0.0 or higher if you want Markdown support
* RMagick version 1.7.1 or higher if you want automatic thumbnail creation support

There are many ways to install webgen. Choose the one you like best:

Via RubyGems
$ gem install webgen

$ rpa install webgen

The do-it-yourself way
$ ruby setup.rb config
$ ruby setup.rb setup
$ ruby setup.rb install

The simplified do-it-yourself way
$ rake install


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