Anyway to find the height of a #div


Gregor Kofler

ace meinte:
It seems unusual, do you know why they use two libs at once?

The "script kiddie approach". We need a nice "Thickbox" and hence
jQuery. Ok. Then we have some Spry stuff running on the page. Ok. My
small datepicker came in handy for some reasons (though it had issues
when shown on modal Spry windows).

And so it goes...



JR meinte:

I can imagine some of the reasons. I'm pretty sure they don't match with
the ones *you* imagine, but I am right.

Guess what - some companies use jQuery *and* vxJS beside each other.

I'm inclined to state that you are an idiot, nothing else.

What a mentally handicapped person. You didn't seem to get it?!
Otherwise you'd know what a signature is.

In addition: if you don't see the
shortcomings of the critized script, to road ahead is long and winding.

Then don't tell me.
Better stick to your script kiddie peers, and leave the adults alone.

I think you are the child here.



ace meinte:

The "script kiddie approach".

Not necessarily. It seems to be a mere case of stupidity
We need a nice "Thickbox" and hence
jQuery. Ok. Then we have some Spry stuff running on the page. Ok. My
small datepicker came in handy for some reasons (though it had issues
when shown on modal Spry windows).

Thickbox, jQuery, Spry, 'small datepicker', vxSomething, what else? It
comes down to "duh logic" and certifies the absolute futility of
"vxJS" whatever it is. Is that your example of *big company* using
your vx..., duh-brain?
And so it goes...

.... to the rubbish bin, of course :)


David Mark

Not necessarily. It seems to be a mere case of stupidity

Or ignorance. Neither would be a surprise in this case. The first
mistake is using jQuery (common enough.)

Gregor Kofler

JR meinte:
Not necessarily. It seems to be a mere case of stupidity

No. It is the complete lack of understanding how JS and JS libraries
work. The lack of knowledge about their issues and shortcomings. But
since so many people state, that this or that library works "like a
charm", it *must* be dead easy. This is of course hard to understand for
somebody lacking any competence in that field.
Thickbox, jQuery, Spry, 'small datepicker', vxSomething, what else? It
comes down to "duh logic" and certifies the absolute futility of
"vxJS" whatever it is. Is that your example of *big company* using
your vx..., duh-brain?

Did I ever claim, that I have to show off some "big company site"?
I was already aware that you won't be able to understand. But to make it
easier for you:
Pick any "big company site" and see what JS libraries they throw in for
good measure. Most of them "pack" their scripts (to reinforce that they
are clueless), but a few show it what they are capable of (Apple comes
to my mind).
... to the rubbish bin, of course :)

Indeed. Since Spry and jQuey can't deal with IE's memory leaking.

Lets do it the other way round: *You* explain, why you assume that
webpages of "big companies" represent "state of the art" in web
authoring. Then you explain, how many of them are capable of delivering
valid markup, effective scripting and ressource management, graceful
degradation, good accessibility, in short all it takes to make *good*
websites - not just "good looking" ones.


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